Here's a video of Nina Pham shortly after her release from the Hospital. She doesn't look like she has ever been sick for one minute. She didn't loose not one pound, no signs of fatigue. Most people don't look this good after having the flu for a week. Ebola was first recognized by health officials in 1976. In the last thirty eight years there has only been periodic outbreaks with several hundred cases and a few hundred deaths. Roughly Three Million people die of Respiratory infections yearly throughout the world. That dwarfs the number of deaths from Ebola in over three decades. AIDS/HIV claimed 1.5 Million lives in 2012 world wide, Diarrhea Diseases from Protozoan infections claimed over one million lives, TB 935,000, Malaria 600,000, Meningitis 400,000, Hepatitis B 150,000. I think the information we're receiving about Ebola is greatly exaggerated. It's hard to research information on Ebola cause of the tainted information delivered by the Main Stream News Media, especially CNN. Watch what you read. Watch what you hear, question everything.