Same number showing different providers?
OK Guys so I have a serious inquiry and perhaps some of the ladies could chime in here as well and shed some light on this for me. I am new to this site but have had a few "encounters" with some of the BP girls in the past few years. Being a single guy I have a lot more freedom to dabble than most of you guys. My question is this.... very often I see an ad on BP and the pictures and description seem like my type of "date"; however, I have learned to do my research thanks to this site, and when I google the numbers often times it leads back to older ad's with the same numbers but COMPLETELY different girls!! This always throws up a red flag and I usually just chicken out, my thoughts are this.. either it is a serious bait and switch, a set up for robbery, a sting operation, or some douche bag pimp using the same number for all of his chicken head bitches. I know everyone says use verified providers on this website, but lets face it, there are not a whole lot of verified providers in our area, and even worse is not many of them suite my tastes. Seems like a lot more variety on BP although certifiably more dangerous, and God knows I have taken some risks. And it seems like the only reviews we get on here are repeats of the same girl.. so, I kind of went off on a little tagent, but I think it's a good topic for discussion.