Originally Posted by Little Monster
OMG Seriously!
While I was serious with my Bone Daddy recommendation, I figured anyone with the intelligence level of a 6th grader would have known better than to take the "Hot waitress" part seriously (they really do have hot waitresses though). Even still, this is a sex board right?? Like you said you don't know what she's into and my post was directed at Heaven not you so if the thought of two hot girls flirting with each other bothers you then click the back button and scroll on down to the next thread.
Never even heard of the Foxhole, maybe I should go there for my birthday this Saturday so I can learn what a "REAL" meal is ...  
Some days, I'm a little slow to pick up on humor in a post. Guess I don't normally assume that every provider is bi. Didn't mean to step on your tail.
Also, I'm not that big on BDs food. Some things are good, most i find too salty or over peppered. My comment was more meant to be, why go to one of those lame chain places she can go to at home.
And yes, The Foxhole is a bit more upscale than your usual breastaurant, a category it doesn't fall into despite the name. It's more of a lite version of Roaring Fork and Truluck's, i.e., not as fancy decor and high of price, but great quality food.
Yes, it would be a good place to "treat" yourself, especially if, like me, you don't have Still Looking's bank account.
FYI, Ms. Shaw, that's too more eatery references nearby.