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Old 10-17-2014, 11:15 PM   #1
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Default TNN Breaking Newz

TNN exclusive newz has just uncovered the genesis of the Ebola virus.

Many thought the virus originated in Monkies and was passed on to humans via infected bite.

Some thought it was a virus festering in the tepid jungle floor & given to humans through ingesting indigenous creatures that lived there.

But again, TNN's cracked out reporters have the exclusive unveiling tonight of WHERE & WHY the Ebola virus came to be.

EBOLA was not a naturally occurring, or even earthbound, pathogen. It was genetically engineered in an alien laboratory many, many light years away. It was brought back to us by a jaded alien, distraught that he was "sent away with nothing more than some goddamn flowers" over 30 years ago.

That's right, an E.T. bent on revenge made a planet killing virus in his image to wreck havoc on humanity.

Soon after leaving earth the first time, a pre pubescent E.T. returned to his world and began running with the wrong crowd. Seeking out E.T, Hoogars, Drugs & Parties, E.T quickly evolved to an Extraterrestrial Punk. E.T. served time for forgery, drug peddling & pimping.

E.T has made a public statement that if Drew Barrymore will come and give him head he will forgive the planet and spare us....Come on Drew, you are our only hope.

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Old 10-19-2014, 09:31 AM   #2
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I think this report should replace the ones they have been running on the "legitimate" news. Its just about as news worthy as their stories.

I find myself in the unusual position of actually agreeing with Obama on something:

President Obama on Saturday repeated his argument against a travel ban on West Africa where Ebola is an epidemic and urged Americans not to give into hysteria about the deadly virus, saying the U.S. is not dealing with a similar outbreak.

“We have to be guided by the science,” the president said in his weekly radio and online address. “We're a nation of more than 300 million people. To date, we've seen three cases.”
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Old 10-19-2014, 10:49 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by cckid2006 View Post
I think this report should replace the ones they have been running on the "legitimate" news. Its just about as news worthy as their stories.

I find myself in the unusual position of actually agreeing with Obama on something:

“We're a nation of more than 300 million people. To date, we've seen three cases.”
Heres my challenge to that. HOW many is enough? Proetcing U.S. citizens seems his secondary concern behind not offending foreign nations. He has been one of the WORST presidents in the history of presidents (and I voted for him-I don't vote party line, am a registered independent-I vote "lesser of two evils" cause the current two party system hasn't given us a true viable candidate in decades.


  • The shutdown of schools over fears
  • A national call out to track down all members of a flight one of the nurses was on. If we are SOOOO sure she was not able to pass on the virus, why is this necessary?
  • Dozens of people being "monitored"
  • CDC and government being accused of oompletely underrating the potential dangers
  • Admission of "we've made mistakes"
  • I HATE code words used by Obama or CDC to label anyone having a concern as "hysteria"....its wrong, and its often totally inaccurate
I don't think the CDC OR the government is acting in the publics best interests. Just my opiion, but its shared by 95% of the real world people I've talked to regarding it...and seems to be a concern to the nation as a whole if you follow any chat sites or comment sections off of the primary news outlets.

What I would really like to know is what are the financial interests and what lobbiests is he protecting by not enforcing a simple "no fly" rule until we have quit isolating potential ebola cases in our country.

The president should enforce the WILL OF THE PEOPLE not his personal beliefs...particularly when it involves the safety of his constituents.
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Old 10-19-2014, 04:35 PM   #4
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Old 10-19-2014, 05:06 PM   #5
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You have seen the trailer for the sequel, right:
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Old 10-19-2014, 06:09 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by FoulRon View Post
You have seen the trailer for the sequel, right:
Damned Aliens...you can trust em, you can't love 'em.
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