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Old 10-14-2014, 07:18 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin View Post
And there will always be commerce in an open market. Regardless.
Some people over pay for things, some people are bargain hunters, and some people just get kicked out of establishments and asked to never come back, b/c they don't know how to be respectful of FREE "open market" and take their business somewhere else.

No matter how tasty a quarter pounder looks on a Mc Donald's commercial we all know we are going to get a nasty piece of meat with a dollop of condiments in the middle of the bun.

Just because there is Whole Foods down the street, Mc Donald's isn't going out of business anytime soon. People eventually see that Mc Donald has lower prices and expect the quality of food to be lower.

This would actually be proving your point in the whole market rate thing. So know, that I get what you are saying Toyz. I hope you can grasp my point of view as well: we are not pieces of meat.

We are humans in which our beauty and worth is determined by us and the people who choose to see us (over and over, might I add). The subjectivity of what is attractive is so fickle amongst people. Some people need to get over it and understand that their opinion is in the sea of stinky you-know-whats.

Lets say Mc Donalds was charging $15 for a burger. We all know that's not right. Everyone would catch on and be like hell no we aren't paying that. That meet is nasty. However, you are picking on humans. Sentient beings, not inanimate objects. Providers with good reviews and most of all, FEELINGS..... you know, consciousness & self awareness.

If a lady's business is suffering she will know what to do with her rates.

There are other reasons why a ladies rates might be inflated. Maybe she is weeding out what she doesn't want (like people who pick on others every flaw). Maybe she is very low volume (which clients like). Maybe she's going to school or working on other projects and her time is more precious to her. Really what do any of you care. She's not paying your bills. She isn't indebted to you. Just find a girl in your price range and stop making fun of people who are trying to make a living and most importantly, trying to please you.

Hell, I didn't mind the:

if you are slow drop your prices thread;
so much as the, majority of the comments in your, price is right thread.

Honestly the couple of handfuls of guys being cruel in the price is right threads are just doing themselves a disservice by posting such nasty things about providers. I'm glad there are a couple of people who will actually speak up and voice their disagreement. I bet there are more where that come from, but they just don't want to get into it b/c it really doesn't matter. Everyone is going to do what they do anyway.

Some of ya'll get too many passes for your social unacceptable behavior.
You sound like savages with no regard for other people. It's quite repulsive.
I don't know how providers continue to see you. Oh right,

"for the love of caaaaash".

I am gratefull to never have seen any of you.

P.S I am not making my comments to you only Toyz.
OH I'm not offended...You and I have gone round and round several times through the years. In my mind you've earned your right to go after me.

I might respond more later but this one was too rich to get lost in a long response.


Then you launch into a comparison of McDonalds...

I'm McLovin' it!!

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Old 10-14-2014, 07:25 PM   #47
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Well we are not buying a Mercedes or a house or food from the grocer or fast food joint. What we are doing is putting People up in a thread so that they may be criticized, made fun of or judged by a bunch of guys behind computers. You may not be the one who is making the comments but the thread encourages it and makes it a vehicle to do so. If you cannot see the difference between inanimate objects and people, well then.........pity on you.
OK the "white knight" calling and "your better than me" and "I contribute so much" can resume.
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Old 10-14-2014, 07:25 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Fair will never have anything to do with it...

Post in an open market, get evaluated in an open market...
Toyz is it just me or have some of these chicks lost that lovin feeling...?

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Old 10-14-2014, 07:54 PM   #49
Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
OH I'm not offended...You and I have gone round and round several times through the years. In my mind you've earned your right to go after me.

I might respond more later but this one was too rich to get lost in a long response.


Then you launch into a comparison of McDonalds...

I'm McLovin' it!!

Mc Read my whole post buddy.... ish.
Don't get it twisted. I do agree with some of what you say. I will read your response but I probably won't reply. Quite honestly I am exhausted here.

stevejones69, thanks for having a heart and speaking your mind.

You too Toyz.
I understand and respect other peoples opinion even if its not my own.
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Old 10-14-2014, 08:02 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by stevejones1969 View Post
Well we are not buying a Mercedes or a house or food from the grocer or fast food joint. What we are doing is putting People up in a thread so that they may be criticized, made fun of or judged by a bunch of guys behind computers. You may not be the one who is making the comments but the thread encourages it and makes it a vehicle to do so. If you cannot see the difference between inanimate objects and people, well then.........pity on you.
OK the "white knight" calling and "your better than me" and "I contribute so much" can resume.
No Stevie...I just get a kick out of your end of rant disclaimers which sound like a whiney bitch boy to keep the counter points made down to a minimum.

Honestly, in reading your sad diatribe here I heard the sound of violins playing in the background...such a sad view of things. Lighten up and have some fun!!!

Now...lets dissect your target statement.

"What we are doing is putting People up in a thread so that they may be criticized, made fun of or judged by a bunch of guys behind computers"

We are comparing apples...and deciding on which apple we want to buy. Read the ads. They aren't offering "a nice evening over dinner & wine". They are competing with each other for your money and offering to suck your cock in exchange. They want to make you cum, take your money, and have you GO AWAY. And that's a good thing, for everyone involved. They aren't showing you pictures of their high school annual. they are showing you their tits. Some enhanced simply to encourage you to pick them over the next person. Quit acting like this is EHarmony & that every girls self esteem is being challenged.

One of the most honest of the girls, Eryn, simple says its "sportfucking". She makes no apologies and doesn't want your whiny complaining. And I have several running IM's with girls you would be SHOCKED communicate with me. Why? Get a clue.

And get this...most of the girls I've seen...that have talked with me about eccie...log on, place their ads and LEAVE.... I doubt 10% have even seen "The Price is Right" threads.

By the way, hows this thread working out for you? As you expected? A question for you. Since you are SO VERY UPSET that girls are being talked about, when are you going to call out every single guy that said something terrible in one of those threads? Stand up, Lets see how dedicated you are to the cause. I really want to see you be a man and back up your whining to everyone...

And if you think you are going to SHAME me into not posting more? Come on...you are doing this as much for attention as hopes I will quit offending you. And I'll expect you and the rests of the Lame-o's to jump back into the next "The Price is Right" thread with the same arguments

And for the idiots that think I am angry...nope...am smiling and watching ESPN with a glass of wine relaxing from a work night...this is how I unwind.

You're like the "Save the Trees" foundation...thinking that if you scream loud enough people will stop.

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Old 10-14-2014, 08:14 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin View Post
Mc Read my whole post buddy.... ish.
Don't get it twisted. I do agree with some of what you say. I will read your response but I probably won't reply. Quite honestly I am exhausted here.

stevejones69, thanks for having a heart and speaking your mind.

You too Toyz.
I understand and respect other peoples opinion even if its not my own.
You wont be exhausted if you don't invest so much personally into a simple thread on an internet chat board

Its just words....

Have a great night! (I mean that).
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Old 10-14-2014, 08:44 PM   #52
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I know, but not everyone is as thick-skinned as I or some of the other ladies. I just don't like when people are being treated that way. I've always been this way.

One never knows how they could be effecting another. I have seen words turn fatal. I know we are all adults here but some people are already that close to the edge. You might not understand until the shit hits the fan.

We really should be better to each other. If you have a gripe, be an adult and find some tact.

But you're right Toyz. It's too taxing for a softy in wolfs clothing like myself.

For those who are getting really nasty in these treads, think again before you disrespect others for being themselves; all while being clocked behind the internet and not having to deal with the repercussions of the ugliness you are spreading. I mean don't you have kids, families who taught you to respect others?

Finally brought me to tears for once.


R.I.P. to all those who died under the influence of the cruel people in this world.
Is that real enough for you folks.

To all of the ladies of this board who were subjected to ridicule and can't handle it:

Keep your head up.
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Old 10-14-2014, 09:14 PM   #53
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99.9% of the pictures I post here I modified in a picture program or scrapped off of the internet. But in showing momentary solidarity with EJLA this pic is my own...shot on the Golden Gate Bridge two months ago on a vaca to San Francisco...

Make the call...don't despair...Just remember to post a rate that's fair...

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...
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Old 10-14-2014, 09:15 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
You wont be exhausted if you don't invest so much personally into a simple thread on an internet chat board

Its just words....

Have a great night! (I mean that).
Watching my Royals getting ready to score !!!!!! and reading this during commercials
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Old 10-14-2014, 09:20 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post

99.9% of the pictures I post here I modified in a picture program or scrapped off of the internet. But in showing momentary solidarity with EJLA this pic is my own...shot on the Golden Gate Bridge two months ago on a vaca to San Francisco...

Make the call...don't despair...Just remember to post a rate that's fair...

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...
Yeah hundreds of people jump off that bridge every year they have a documentary about it. Some people have the heart and talk people off to safety. *Shrug*

Carry on. I'm out'a here for tonight.
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Old 10-14-2014, 09:25 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin View Post
Yeah hundreds of people jump off that bridge every year they have a documentary about it. Some people have the heart and talk people off to safety. *Shrug*

Carry on. I'm out'a here for tonight.

You know I luv ya, but just think you might be milking the over dramatization jussssttt a tad for public consumption...

What about all the mongers that have starved to death saving up for a HDW? Who grieves for them? Just think, if a few hoogars had taken care of those Johns pro bono they might be alive today? How many Johns have missed their life saving medicine because of the sky rocketing cost of BBBJ's? How many could have been saved on a "Free BJ Friday" or a "Koo-pun Day" at the Rundberg Motel 6?

But do they care??NOOOO! Its all about the Benjamins!

It works both ways me lady...
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Old 10-14-2014, 09:39 PM   #57
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You know I often appreciate your humor, but you really don't know when to stop.

You will never know what its like till you deal with it.
I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

You know I appreciate the folks who sent me private messages.
I totally understand why they don't chime in on these discussions.
It really is pointless.
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Old 10-15-2014, 06:10 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
No Stevie...I just get a kick out of your end of rant disclaimers which sound like a whiney bitch boy to keep the counter points made down to a minimum.

Honestly, in reading your sad diatribe here I heard the sound of violins playing in the background...such a sad view of things. Lighten up and have some fun!!!

Now...lets dissect your target statement.

"What we are doing is putting People up in a thread so that they may be criticized, made fun of or judged by a bunch of guys behind computers"

We are comparing apples...and deciding on which apple we want to buy. Read the ads. They aren't offering "a nice evening over dinner & wine". They are competing with each other for your money and offering to suck your cock in exchange. They want to make you cum, take your money, and have you GO AWAY. And that's a good thing, for everyone involved. They aren't showing you pictures of their high school annual. they are showing you their tits. Some enhanced simply to encourage you to pick them over the next person. Quit acting like this is EHarmony & that every girls self esteem is being challenged.

One of the most honest of the girls, Eryn, simple says its "sportfucking". She makes no apologies and doesn't want your whiny complaining. And I have several running IM's with girls you would be SHOCKED communicate with me. Why? Get a clue.

And get this...most of the girls I've seen...that have talked with me about eccie...log on, place their ads and LEAVE.... I doubt 10% have even seen "The Price is Right" threads.

By the way, hows this thread working out for you? As you expected? A question for you. Since you are SO VERY UPSET that girls are being talked about, when are you going to call out every single guy that said something terrible in one of those threads? Stand up, Lets see how dedicated you are to the cause. I really want to see you be a man and back up your whining to everyone...

And if you think you are going to SHAME me into not posting more? Come on...you are doing this as much for attention as hopes I will quit offending you. And I'll expect you and the rests of the Lame-o's to jump back into the next "The Price is Right" thread with the same arguments

And for the idiots that think I am angry...nope...am smiling and watching ESPN with a glass of wine relaxing from a work night...this is how I unwind.

You're like the "Save the Trees" foundation...thinking that if you scream loud enough people will stop.


Typical Toyz. When others speak it is whining. When he speaks out it is thoughtful response. How is the weather up there. Funny as hell.
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Old 10-15-2014, 08:30 AM   #59
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Stevie here is what always happens...people like you can't keep up your side of the debate so you sink to nothing but personal slights (which is fine if that's the best you can do). It becomes more that you hate ME than you champion your belief.

Now, you will likely become another "Toyz Troll" like many before you merely following me around to post stuff

You have any counter arguments to the points of the discussion or is this the best you've got?
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Old 10-15-2014, 11:12 AM   #60
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4 pages of posts and only one provider is in the debate, which begs the question to ask why is this a public discussion?
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