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Old 09-16-2014, 10:05 AM   #16
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I live in the Northland and Google fiber has been installed, but they haven't made the connections to the homes yet. I signed up for the free lifetime internet for a $300 equipment charge. It's only 5mps download. And the fine print says the free portion is only guaranteed for 7 years. I may upgrade to the gigibite and tv at some point for $120 month, but I am waiting to see how others like it first.
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Old 09-16-2014, 11:54 AM   #17
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i Googled fiber, and found out i'm deficient.
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Old 09-16-2014, 04:45 PM   #18
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Just another cool thing about G.F., they give you a 7" tablet that is also a remote. I'm wireless and its blu-ray (or whatever you call it) so you don't have to point the remote at TV.
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:04 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by lawyerinjeans View Post
Just another cool thing about G.F., they give you a 7" tablet that is also a remote. I'm wireless and its blu-ray (or whatever you call it) so you don't have to point the remote at TV.
they don't give you this?
havinga tablet instead of remote would be a pain in the ass. You don't need a tablet, a simple IR remote or even RF remote would be great
a tablet? are you sure? it's not what their site says
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:36 PM   #20
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Each TV box comes with a remote. But as a promotion, they are also giving a fully functional tablet. You can run the GF app on it and manage all of your TVs from it.

But no, you still get a traditional remote too.
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:38 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by lawyerinjeans View Post
Just another cool thing about G.F., they give you a 7" tablet that is also a remote. I'm wireless and its blu-ray (or whatever you call it) so you don't have to point the remote at TV.

From what I understand that promo is over
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Old 09-16-2014, 08:37 PM   #22
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I'm in the current wave in JOCO and there is no tablet mentioned at all in the packages. They have an app for tablets and phones that lets you use them as remotes.
Don't even need another tablet, but it's a shame if its not a freebie- I'd have sold it on EBAY.
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Old 09-16-2014, 08:39 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker View Post
they don't give you this?
havinga tablet instead of remote would be a pain in the ass. You don't need a tablet, a simple IR remote or even RF remote would be great
a tablet? are you sure? it's not what their site says
You get both. Although I cannot understand why anyone would want to use the Nexus tablet as a remote. You are correct, it is a pain in the ass. I use the blue tooth remote for all tv functions. I gave the tablet to the kids and let them use it for school and stuff.
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Old 09-17-2014, 05:02 AM   #24
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Just double checked and if you signed up for Gigabit + TV before the deadline you get the free Nexus 7 tablet.
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Old 09-17-2014, 12:42 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by ElumEno View Post
Just double checked and if you signed up for Gigabit + TV before the deadline you get the free Nexus 7 tablet.
this is odd, I have never had a sign up time in my area(LS) so I couldnt have GF deadline, see how that works

yet when I look for a network to join at my home, (I have my Clear network) someone has GF or they named their network that



how can they have GF?
I called (877) 962-8301 and they didnt have anymore info, cept to tell me give them my address and they'll email me when its time for sign ups
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Old 10-02-2014, 09:10 PM   #26
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Default It's All About The NIC

Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker View Post
good point
what do you suggest to get as much out of it as I can?
currently I have
MS windows 7 home 64 SP1
AMD FX-4130 quad core processor, 8 GB RAM

I use clear internet which is cheap compared to comcast. No wires, make it ideal
I can stream netflix with no issues, but when I speed test, its still 1MBps up and download is about 9Mbps
I have Google Fiber and several PC's Tablets and Laptops and I call tell you that the computer specs are not very important. The Network Interface Card speed is the only spec you need to worry about. Most computers bought within the last few years have gigabit NIC's that can handle gigabit speeds. If you do not have a gigabit NIC then you will not be able to use Google Fiber to it's full potential. You should still be able to get 100 MBps, but you will not get the full 1000 MBps.

If you are using wireless, that is a totally different topic as most wireless cards do not do 1000 MBps and you will have to settle for anywhere between 54 Mbps and a few hundred, (depending on your wireless card and router). I get well over 1000 MBps on all my wired connections and usually around 300 MBps on my wireless connections. This is still enough to never see a pause in my streaming video and I download full movies in under a minute wired and a few minutes wireless.

As far as the computer specs go, my weakest computer is an Intel Dual Core with 4 GB RAM running Windows 7 64-Bit and my best computer runs two Intel Xeon 10-Core processors, (yes that's 20 physical Cores) with 128 GB RAM running Windows Server 2012 R2 and I see no difference in Internet speeds on any of my machines, (physical or virtual).

Long story short, if you can get Google Fiber, get it. It is well worth it regardless of what you are running hardware wise.
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Old 10-05-2014, 02:12 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead View Post
Long story short, if you can get Google Fiber, get it. It is well worth it regardless of what you are running hardware wise.
thanks for the info

I will have to get a gigabit NIC, I don't think I have that, because my computer was bought with components just thrown together.
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Old 10-13-2014, 07:04 PM   #28
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I hate comcast, but $30/month for cable is not THAT bad

I have an issue with king of the hill, KCMI
it's NOT IN HD

Erwin: Hello BCPL_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Erwin. Please give me one moment to review your information.
Erwin: It's a pleasure to have you on chat. I hope you're doing well today!
Erwin: It's a pleasure to have you on chat. I hope you're doing well today!
BCPL_: My Issue: what channel is KCMI HD?
Erwin: I got your point, I'm also a customer. I also want to know what channel is KMCI HD. You have reached the support for cable TV service. Rest assured I will do everything within my means to address your concern today.
Erwin: Please allow me 2-3 minutes to pull up your account, so that I can assist you further, would that be fine?
BCPL_: okl
Erwin: While waiting, let me share this link to you http://www.comcast.net/benefits/ , with this you can actually explore on what you can get from Comcast. Moreover, if you like to know more about comcast products and features, please feel free to visit this site: rofileid=31731FAE-E477-447E-82F1-9D3BB822FF49&lid=4ShopBundles& lpos=Nav" target="_blank">http://www.comcast.com/localization/...ePage=Bundled&[IMG]file:///C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Te mp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image0 02.gif[/IMG]rofileid=31731FAE-E477-447E-82F1-9D3BB822FF49&lid=4ShopBundles& lpos=Nav
BCPL_: hHAHA i can't even get a channel in HD, or find out what that's on, heck why do I want more stuff from comcast?
Erwin: Thank you for patiently waiting.
Erwin: The HD channel for KMCI is 807
BCPL_: then why is the video small and not big to fill the entire plasma screen?
BCPL_: other HD channels fill the whole screen
Erwin: Thank you for providing that information.
Erwin: Let me trouble shoot this for you, BCPL.
Erwin: I already made some changes to the codes on your account, do you still have the same issue?
BCPL_: hang on
BCPL_: no
BCPL_: what did you do?
BCPL_: thank you
Erwin: , I am confused, is your issue is resolved or not?
BCPL_: You can't read? you asked if I still had the issue and I said no, DUh
BCPL_: thank you

yeah, so it wasnt HD, I had to call them and then they made the program fill the whole screen
why it wasnt this way before?
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Old 10-20-2014, 08:17 PM   #29
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I can tell you from my inside knowledge of gf. It is really as good as it looks. My newer IMAC will run 980 mbps. Instant downloads. along with the sharp and clear hd that comes with the tv package. And the fact that these fiber lines they are running are new!!!!!! every other provider has had the same lines for 10 plus years. you'll enjoy it. even the free service is a game changer!!
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Old 10-22-2014, 09:44 PM   #30
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I'm going with the free service. I was at 3mb when i first got high speed several years back. The saving over 7 years would be over $5k and i'd feel like i would have to be online nonstop to justify the $70 cost for 1gb.

My signup deadline was 6 months ago and google c/s says installs are 4-6 months after your deadline date ends. I got the email that installs in some areas are being delayed a year from the signup deadline.
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