Originally Posted by cabot
I understand the benefit of a PM. However - her first line says 'email only.'
(At the bottom, she mentioned 'email or PM.) My sense is that email is not really any more secure than a phone or text contact. Do other people disagree?
I was going to post after your first post
was thinking smart ass reply about logic to get both you and op going to sell
but I took a pass thinking or was that remembering she is a woman. Therefor you will loose and guilty at the start. Even if you are right or not
ways to contact a provider
PM from any board site she be on
contact page if they have a website.
btw op has a website with a contact page. guess what you see 1st when you look at her website. Ahem her email
So what is the best way to contact a gal that is a provider the 1st time?
Read her stuff and contact the way she wants to be contacted. Reading her posts here and main page, along with showcase and website it easy to see calling or by text was a no go with this one. So giving out number then is also out. HER TOPIC do not give out if you have it even too another provider.
Yet email or board and handle ok.
If you do not like the way she wants to be contacted, put up with it or forget it.
now on to any logic as to what way to contact is safer.

shhhh I don't want her to hear this
forget fucking logic as what is safer she a woman,
if pre-op it may work, but bet the hormone drugs kill logic
2nd) each way of contact has its plus and minuses. In the end each has some type of risk and safety level in it.
3rd) every provider will pick the way she wants to be contacted the 1st time by what she more comfy with and for her safety, not what you like or your safety. see 1st) again, you be man she be woman, your(as in man) wrong even if not.
As for me, I like phone call the first time. Yet at this time I never did that. I try and get them to go to M&G ie bar or strip club see how she acts with others in this game first. mostly by pm or email.
See I started in this at hooker bars. RIP taint many left. Few that are seem street with a roof. Yet ok for M&G's as in if see anyone from your real world. Then both can't say shit about it in real world without outing self. I have seen this happen, can dad/daughter really say anything to ma/wife without self hanging. BTW where I work a female boss use to be a barfly hooker. Guess what is never talked about LOL
after the first time I still rather the call. Text, pm or email ok after that.