OK Frogman
Your getting out of line here by calling us idiots...idiots!
Only we can do that....But may I ask you why are your here?
If we are all idiots and the providers are all unintelligent hookers....what brings you to our lil community?
Might I remind you also that many of these girls make way more than you'll ever see I imagine working
Le Lou Frog
as a bus boy!
Im talkin $100k or more annually.....ya see there's 2 types of smarts STREET and BOOK....and I know many of these girls are both.....
Might I remind you that the profession has been around longer than dirt and
MANY powerful men have fallen to the seduction of providers
Example: Kermit and Miss Piggy

(yes Ms Piggy was a hooker!)
Or like clergy, politicians and leaders of nations....so really who's the dummy here?
You guessed it....now go stand in the corner!