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Old 10-01-2014, 08:47 AM   #1
Jackie S
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Default What Is Going On With The Secret Service??


It seems that the initial report was only a small portion of the story.

Just read the link, it's not that long. I watched it on the News last night, and I love Congressman Chaffetze's comments.
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Old 10-01-2014, 08:51 AM   #2
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It's the same level of incompetence and unaccountability that has been allowed to corrupt every other agency under executive direction. In fairness, they are just following the example of their leader.
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Old 10-01-2014, 09:50 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
It's the same level of incompetence and unaccountability that has been allowed to corrupt every other agency under executive direction. In fairness, they are just following the example of their leader.
yeah because a helicopter was never landed on the lawn of the white house in the most egregious security breach ever.
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Old 10-01-2014, 10:11 AM   #4
I B Hankering
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Default "Don't shoot, we're Republicans!"

"[O]n the USS Iowa's bridge, word of the torpedo firing reached President Roosevelt. FDR wanted to see the torpedo and asked that his wheelchair be moved to the railing. His loyal Secret Service bodyguard immediately drew his pistol as if to shoot the torpedo!

"The USS Iowa began evasive maneuvers, yet trained all guns on the USS William D. Porter. There was now some thought that the W.D. Porter was part of an assassination plot. Within moments of the warning, a thunderous explosion occurred behind the USS Iowa. The torpedo had been detonated by the wash kicked up by the battleship's increased speed. The crisis was over, and so were some careers. Captain Walter's final utterance to the USS Iowa was in response to a question about the origin of the torpedo. His answer was a weak, 'We did it.'"
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Old 10-01-2014, 10:33 AM   #5
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Yeah, really.
It hasn't been this bad since the Clinton years.
Of course, back then it wasn't so much incompetence as it was the SS being told to, er... look the other way (wink, wink...).
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Old 10-01-2014, 10:40 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
Yeah, really.
It hasn't been this bad since the Clinton years.
Of course, back then it wasn't so much incompetence as it was the SS being told to, er... look the other way (wink, wink...).
Nobody died when Clinton lied. Can't say the same for Bush
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Old 10-01-2014, 10:50 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
Nobody died when Clinton lied. Can't say the same for Bush
So when Bush got "bad intel" from his advisors, it's "Bush Lied" But when Obama starts a war based on supposedly "bad intel" it's "my advisor, Jim Clapper lied"

Is that how it works??
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Old 10-01-2014, 10:54 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
So when Bush got "bad intel" from his advisors, it's "Bush Lied" But when Obama starts a war based on supposedly "bad intel" it's "my advisor, Jim Clapper lied"

Is that how it works??

You obviously have no perspective on history as it relates to Desert Storm. You have no understanding of why Bush wanted to kill Saddam so badly and tried to tie Saddam to terrorists do you? I expect that type of reasoning from fellas like you.

Let me just say that Bush didn't get bad intel he peddled his own theory in order to start a war because Saddam previously threatened his dahdeh. UBL was a convenient excuse a very good distraction for Bush to launch his war against his real target who had ZERO to do with 911.
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Old 10-01-2014, 11:04 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
You obviously have no perspective on history as it relates to Desert Storm. You have no understanding of why Bush wanted to kill Saddam so badly and tried to tie Saddam to terrorists do you? I expect that type of reasoning from fellas like you.

Let me just say that Bush didn't get bad intel he peddled his own theory in order to start a war because Saddam previously threatened his dahdeh. UBL was a convenient excuse a very good distraction for Bush to launch his war against his real target who had ZERO to do with 911.
You're the one who has no perspective on history as it relates to "Operation Desert Storm", zany. Saddam Hussein started that war when he invaded Kuwait, and you're right, zany: it had ZERO to do with 9/11!!! So how do you **excuse** your stupidity, zany?
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Old 10-01-2014, 11:52 AM   #10
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Zanzibar get back in your kennel. This thread is about the secret service and not your pathetic Bush hating.

What is going on with the secret service? They probably have conflicting orders when it comes to presidential security so they are too far away or are uncertain what is a threat anymore. Remember the White House ordered the FBI and Homeland Security to no longer use religion (the muslim religion) as a bench mark for security concerns. Maybe the secret service thought this latino American was a Muslim Latino American and held the door open for him?

Still what is Obama doing that requires the secret service dismiss their duty so readily. On the other hand, this could just be an application of the Peter Principal.
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Old 10-01-2014, 02:04 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Zanzibar789 View Post
yeah because a helicopter was never landed on the lawn of the white house in the most egregious security breach ever.
You mean the one where the Army private was proving he could fly a helicopter. Oh, wait...wasn't he forced to land after he was shot and wounded by SS who quite possibly had orders NOT to fire on aircraft when it could endanger innocent bystanders. The pilot was shot once he was close enough to the ground to eliminate that danger.
Sounds to me like the SS did their job correctly then.

The difference between then and now.
There is a obvious willful attitude, among all of the agencies, of passing blame, not taking their jobs seriously and disrespect for the people they serve. I've said it several times, that type of ineptitude does not rise from the ground up under good leadership. On the contrary they trickle down from the top from poor leadership.

A President that does not hold anyone accountable, surrounds himself with people that make him appear smarter than he is and neglects his duties by not attending security briefings over half the time in favor of golf and fundraising does not instill a sense of confidence or pride in the agencies or agents that are responsible to him.
In short, they go through the motions just as he does. That's why it took them three or four days to find a bullet hole in the White House.
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