Originally Posted by thecooldude
I've been a member of P411 for several years and keep my okays updated. It is the only source I use when acquiring a provider. If this is not good enough then I move on to the next provider.
I use this site for information and may entertain readers with a few fantasy reviews. I never try use my reviews as a source of verification. The best part about this site is that you get a chance to meet new friends from different parts of the country. And then I check to see if they have a P411 account for future meetings when I travel, or entice them to come to my town. I never had a provider ask for more than my P411 okays. 
Had a number of discussions concerning P411. I became a part of eccie first and do enjoy this site. The reason why I don't participate in both is simply that being linked to two sites simply doubles my exposure. What site will get busted next? Just my way of limiting my exposure. If it costs me dates, I'll live with it.
When I talked about reviews, my point was that the ladies on this site can see not only that reviews were done, but with who. In other words, in some communities, they know one another. If I was the ladies, I would not trust reviews either. My brain is still trying to get the blood rushing back to my brain anyway!