I think Eddie Murphy was right when he said: A woman could be the finest woman on the planet; he is still going to find a way to go out and fuck other women. We are low by nature and have to do it. Men have to conquer as much pussy as he can get. It’s a man thing.
Is it a woman’s fault that he can’t last long enough to go from Vanilla sex to Hot Passionate Sex? Or because he didn't schedule enough time to get there? I have had Vanilla sex in the RW and the Hobby. Hot passionate sex is harder to find. It’s the
variety that turns me on. I will never get married again. I do miss the
flirting part and the
companionship part.
If Men could just flip-the-script and walk in her shoes growing up, we would see a bigger picture. IMHO, Women have a much tougher life growing up than men. From not being able to walk the streets after dark alone, menstrual periods, the pain of child birth, being with men that beat them, men that exploit them, being left home with the kids while he goes out, being paid less than men for the same RW job, the list goes on and on. All the while, she has to maintain this Beautiful Glamour look to please a man.
Do you actually think a woman gives a fiddlers fuck about what a man thinks or feels about his sexual desires, Or if it was Vanilla sex or Hot Passionate Sex after growing up like that? Just give her the envelope because it’s payback time, all the way to the bank.