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Old 09-11-2014, 10:02 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by squiretuck View Post
I am already in love with that erotic area between your ears called your brain! Kudos.

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Old 09-11-2014, 10:40 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
I have no desire to join a cabal of women, even if it is just for communion and cocktails, with those who so easily exhibit themselves as shrieking, unreasonable harpies.

Additionally I feel no compulsion to entertain the possibility of being exposed by a person notorious for such as of late, though I feel very deeply for what she must be going through. I will find no sorority with those who would take such punk shots at her. It is no hallmark of a good character to whip someone while they are down, regardless of whether you believe she deserves it or not. I'm certain all this sturm and drang she is getting isn't conducive to her being healthy. You want a sisterhood? Then show some compassion to a sister in need. After reading the foolishness thusfar, you would have a hard time convincing me its a sisterhood you're seeking.

And though Ive never attended, I find the reaction to EFN "exposing" the "little secret" completely overblown and melodramatic as is typical of women in this profession.

Though you may be protective of this little conspiracy of hookers, and understandably so, do not exaggerate the importance of such. You want to meet for support? Ok, fine but let's not paint a mise en scene that isn't congruent to what it really is: yes, to find camaraderie with others in the profession, maybe even have a half-witted discussion about issues related to the vocation but get real. It's also about sizing up the competition, making a bit of a scene, and talking about how many shots to the face you've taken, and how sore your slopabottomus is from the miles of pipe laid in the old flesh wallet this week. You're not exactly fomenting plans for a new Hadron Collider here or solving the ISIS problem. In truth this little meeting is of zero consequence whatsoever, so do endeavor to treat it with the insouciance it deserves.

Cool your tits you puffed up bunch of tempestuous strumpets!!!

conspiracy of hookers?

I'm sorry you think that's all it amounts to and ever will but since you've never found the time to come and I remember you wanting to come. you can't really say anything about what it "really" is.

and NO BODY is "EXAGGERATING" it's importance. maybe you've never needed to feel connected or like there's someone you can call on but maybe not everyone is fucking like you. sometimes that's what keeps you going. isolation is unhealthy.

and I don't know why the fuck you think it's at all about sizing up the "competition" but i pretty much know i can't "compete" with anyone else.
take claire for example. have you ever heard the men talk about her BCD? I have, at like every social since i started. I pretty much know there's no way to compete with that, or the other ladies who's praises the men constantly sing. I admire them and i'll never be on that level and i know that. so i don't feel the need to size others up. every time i go to HC i've pretty much surrounded by experience beautiful wise loving women. so quit trying to make it out to be a group filled with petty jealousy and shop talk. because what would you know. you Don't have the personal experience to say such things

maybe you feel the desire/need to size everyone up when you walk in a room but I don't. and I don't think the other ladies do either, but thanks for having such a negative opinion of fellow providers. I'm glad you think so low of me and every other female on this board.

and btw how the FUCK would " half-witted discussion about issues related to the vocation.... sizing up the competition, making a bit of a scene, and talking about how many shots to the face you've taken"

be supportive? like how do you even translate that into any kind of support? at all?you pretty much said the opposite of what would be supportive.

no one is whipping anyone while they are down or taking pot shots. your blowing our reaction out of proportion and probably less to do with what the women actually said then the men attacking EFN and just needlessly adding more fuel to the flame. but that is Not us ladies. we ASKED her to move her thread to the ladies room because the topic is private NOT A FUCKING SECRET! that is in no way "taking pot shots"

in fact you IF you were paying attion you'd fucking noticed none of us has said at ANY point that this is a secret don't tell people. YOU meaning everyone who actually has nothing to do with the matter keep referring to it as a secret EVEN THOUGH NO ONE HAS SAID IT'S EVER WAS OR HAS EVER BEEN A SECRET!!!!

but everyone got something to say about something they don't know much of anything about. speculating, guessing, saying it's this saying it's that.

and you know what i'm tired of this bullshit! like 80% of the ppl just commented on this thread to say shit or Start shit, about shit you're not involved in. it's like when a couple fight in room full of peers and everyone just hears the middle and they think they get it and then everyone close by feels the need to jump in and take sides.

we are not "harpies" and EFN is not some victim we are terrorizing. we have all said our piece on a personal matter. we expressed why we are upset with something she did. and everyone else just talking shit at this point. when the truth is the ONLY ppl keeping this shitfesat going are ppl (yourself included) you aren't involved in a matter that for fuck sake has been RESOLVED

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Old 09-11-2014, 10:50 PM   #93
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I haven't thought of this song in ages, but after reading your heated response Amore', it popped into my head...

Well, the only person talkin'
'Bout love thy brother is the preacher
And it seems,
Nobody is interested in learnin'
But the teacher
Segregation, determination, demonstration,
Integration, aggravation,
Humiliation, obligation to our nation...


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Old 09-11-2014, 11:02 PM   #94
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Or maybe a land of confusion?

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Old 09-11-2014, 11:25 PM   #95
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So much for friendly disagreement.

Originally Posted by sean rider View Post
I.e. What's the first rule of Hooker Church? What's the second rule of Hooker Church?
Use *private* member-only channels.
But then how could they publicly flog their persona non grata and demand a bit of kowtowing as the re-entry price? Sorry Claire and Amore, I think well of both of you, but if this wasn't meant to be a spectacle, you're doing it wrong. What it looks like is EFN ticked you off and you're venting. And hey, maybe she did dishonor some quid pro quo not to talk about Fight Club. I know I wouldn't trust her to respect a confidential agreement. But given that she actually has outed clients (even if they haven't been members here), I'd be damn relieved she didn't show her usual reckless disregard for others' safety. Outed you haven't been, but if I were in your high-heels, I'd never have anything to do with her again, no matter how profusely she apologizes (not that that will ever happen).

Originally Posted by chelseabean View Post
Ha! You know, I have some damn good arguments about why I said that. I should go back on that thread and clarify. We can hash this out on the appropriate thread like the sad, pathetic shells of human beings who hash things out on hooker boards that we are. Okay. That was me poking a little fun at myself, and you tangentially. Nothing all that serious happening. Backing away slowly.....
Look, you said something dumb a few threads back. Toyz will remember it until the heat death of the universe and continue to needle you about it because that's what trolls do. But to everyone else it was just a dumb move like we've all made and will make again as fallible human beings. To paraphrase Rilke, you're character will be estimated not on the last dick move you made, but by who you've been over your entire time here. I can only speak for myself, but I think you're basically a pretty smart and decent person on this board.

****************************** ******

I'm just gonna leave this here in the hopes we can all just take a chill pill and take a step back from an aneurism...

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Old 09-11-2014, 11:31 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Centaur View Post

Look, you said something dumb a few threads back. Toyz will remember it until the heat death of the universe and continue to needle you about it because that's what trolls do.

Awwwww...I hurt your feelings the last time we tussled and now you resemble your own remark.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:38 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Awwwww...I hurt your feelings the last time we tussled and now you resemble your own remark.
Nope, I still like you. But you ams what you ams and sparing with you, while frequently diverting, is hardly worth taking zeriously. We've been over this.

Now what are these "feelings" of which you speak?
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:41 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Centaur View Post
Nope, I still like you. But you ams what you ams and sparing with you, while frequently diverting, is hardly worth taking zeriously. We've been over this.
No ones taking it zeriously! You're just an eloquent troll yourself. Hell I even took a pic of you at this weeks luncheon...

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Old 09-11-2014, 11:46 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
No ones taking it zeriously! You're just an eloquent troll yourself. Hell I even took a pic of you at this weeks luncheon...
Hey, no outing! And this has nothing to do with the last time I owned you.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:49 PM   #100
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I'm still in awe of how shapely Eryn's ass looks up close.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:53 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Centaur View Post
Hey, no outing! And this has nothing to do with the last time I owned you.
LOL...when was that?

{{{even as a child Centaur had issues with self esteem being outcast from the tribe he buried himself in comic books and poetry}}}

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Old 09-12-2014, 12:15 AM   #102
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Comic books? o_O

And now you're posting pictures of my late uncle Reverse Centaur! When will these outrageous indiscretions come to an end?
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Old 09-12-2014, 12:25 AM   #103
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Awkward. I think I've fucked Centaur's uncle.
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Old 09-12-2014, 12:27 AM   #104
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Thanks, Blue! It was just the jeans.. Lol
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Old 09-12-2014, 02:12 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
I will find no sorority with those who would take such punk shots at her. It is no hallmark of a good character to whip someone while they are down, regardless of whether you believe she deserves it or not. I'm certain all this sturm and drang she is getting isn't conducive to her being healthy. You want a sisterhood? Then show some compassion to a sister in need. After reading the foolishness thusfar, you would have a hard time convincing me its a sisterhood you're seeking.
At first I thought you didn't get the whole "Rain on EFN's parade" thing of late, but then I reread this and see (as quoted below, you do in fact get it.)

This girl is a danger to EVERYONE here, not just the guys, but no doubt, especially the guys. This bashing is not just because it's fun and we like picking on someone. No honey, it's FAR from that. She is a ticking time bomb and ready to blow. She NEEDS psychological help and NEEDS to be off this board and OUT of this business before 1) she does some real damage to those here, either individually or collectively (women included) 2) she pisses off the wrong guy, outs him, ruins his life, basically leaving him with nothing else to lose. And someone with nothing to lose is very unpredictable and unstable … which is the very category I put EFN in. Those who have met me know that I'm a nice guy. I've NEVER treated a woman with disrespect. But if anyone wants to talk about being scared … this girl should give everyone here reason to be scared shitless. She will cut your throat and piss down it so fast it will make your head swim. Literally! If there is not enough blatant evidence from her multiple tirades already on this board, then ANYONE who defends her is deluded.

If you REALLY care about her, be honest with her, even if it hurts her, and get her in some therapy. Again, she is a ticking time bomb and I don't want to be anywhere near when it blows. So for the record, I would guess the vast majority of us GUYS are scared of HER … and you ladies should be as well.

Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
Additionally I feel no compulsion to entertain the possibility of being exposed by a person notorious for such as of late, though I feel very deeply for what she must be going through.
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