Oh, as for the proper term for a female, IE: Jagoff.
Therer isn't one.
Because by the time she pissed the guy off to the point where he's ready to utter a retort, this after a day of pounding Irons, he just Ray Rices her, and nothing further needs to be said.
Of course, by the time the cops arrive, she's concious again, and jumping on the backs of the cops trying to take her husband away, telling them not to.
At some point, a Union Switch and Signal, sans serial numbers, makes it appearance, and one of the cops gets to add a rare 45, to his collection.
And yes, this was taken from live experiences, in the Mon Valley areas, post steel mill shutdown....
OH, and one further thing, the way we talk, is not cute, its the way we are, got something to say about the way I talk???? Then it better not be "Cute". Get me? (and henceforth from here, you can clearly see the progression....32 IC beers, spread out over 8 hours, with nothing but one kielbasa to absorb the alcohol, and, "Oh, your accent is so cute Stush......BAM, RAY RICE.......

Also, see the "Deer Hunter"......