I saw we have a Palestinian provider coming in, and I wondered.(after duly noting she is FUCKING HOT!)
If we all threw in, and bought Stevepar a session with her, do you think it would help bring peace to the middle east?
We could do a discrete youtube of the action, and show the world that both sides can indeed "Come Together" if they try hard enough to get along.
And, as a bonus, she becomes the Palestinian delegate to the UN, the crooked fucks there would love to have her around for quickies, and Steve could be the appointed the peace negotiator to work with Isis/Isil, and he could hold the summits at a horse track, and get the Isis guys spending their money gambling, instead of on high explosives, small nuclear weapons, and pilot uniforms for the guys who are going to be flying the 11 captured airliners into locations around our country, and crashing them, of course, after they are filled with pustulating ebola victims.
I mean, after all, don't we have a higher calling and a duty to the rest of mankind?
This whole notion that all we want to do is bang hood rats, and drink Mezcal is giving everyone the wrong impression of what we are really like.
Can't we all just get along?