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Old 09-04-2014, 03:44 PM   #31
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
This is another Obama failure. We had drones over Benghazi watching but we had nothing watching the airport after it fell into the hands of the terrorists. Or if we were watching no one did anything about it. But EVA thinks after a performance like that that the US Air Force will shoot down everything that is bad. I wonder what they will look like when that happens. I imagine that EVA thinks the plane will have a beard and head dress with headless bodies hanging off the air frame. What an idiot you are EVA.

Do you think that our Air Force, Obama's Air Force, will shoot down a Australian airliner without a 100% confirmation? Or how about something "flying" out of Japan? It could be a commuter flight out of Houston.
Another worthless post by another empty suit. Thanks Judy. You are another disgusting little armed forces hating prick.
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Old 09-04-2014, 10:51 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Have they found so much as a single piece of that plane yet?
If not, though improbable, is it impossible that they have hidden the plane?
I'm not willing to rule it out.
They never found a piece of Amelia Earhardt's plane either. Think she is still alive?

The ocean swallows stuff without a trace all the time. Including ships that are much, much larger than planes.

It took decades to find the Edmund Fitzgerald. It disappeared without a trace. And that was just in a lake, not the Pacific.
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Old 09-04-2014, 11:29 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Another worthless post by another empty suit. Thanks Judy. You are another disgusting little armed forces hating prick.
You know, LittleEva, you get more stupid every day.

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Old 09-05-2014, 02:00 AM   #34
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I am the military you little turd and I would pray that we never meet.
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Old 09-05-2014, 06:05 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
You know, LittleEva, you get more stupid every day.
Funny coming from a dim bulb like you dull knife.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I am the military you little turd and I would pray that we never meet.
Fucking A you little America hating prick, you would be wearing your ass for a hat. Have you joined ISIL yet?
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Old 09-05-2014, 07:36 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
In your mind, how many American lives and how much economic impact would you consider significant enough to do something about after the fact and how much is it worth to prevent it?
So many rabbit holes. A few are surprisingly big and may reward you with the occasional golf ball.
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Old 09-05-2014, 08:00 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
In your mind, how many American lives and how much economic impact would you consider significant enough to do something about after the fact and how much is it worth to prevent it?
That sounds exactly wtf a Global Warming alarmist says?

The reason terrorism works is not because it is a military victory but because it is a mental victory over weak minded people that do not want to take any risk for their personal freedom. So as I see it, I would take a minimal amount of money to educate the masses about the fact that the chances of a terrorist attack is miniscule. It would be even smaller if we withdrew from the Middle East altogether. But that is not going to happen....so our masses should decide, do that want to sacrifice their retirement savings, our kids educational money all in the name of security from something that in all likelihood will never effect them.

Would you spend 4 Trillion dollars to prevent these? If not why are you doing so on terrorism? Think man. You can not have it both ways....you can not cry about the debt and turn around and want to spend Trillions on war.

It has been estimated that 7,000–8,000 people per year receive venomous bites in the United States, and about 5 of those people die

Dog bite losses exceed $1 billion per year. In the past several years, there have been 30 to 35 fatal dog attacks in the USA annually. Each year, more than 350,000 dog bite victims are seen in emergency rooms, and approximately 850,000 victims receive medical attention
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Old 09-07-2014, 07:34 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I am the military you little turd and I would pray that we never meet.
No you are not the military. You are a delusional dumbass.
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Old 09-07-2014, 08:33 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That sounds exactly wtf a Global Warming alarmist says?

The reason terrorism works is not because it is a military victory but because it is a mental victory over weak minded people that do not want to take any risk for their personal freedom. So as I see it, I would take a minimal amount of money to educate the masses about the fact that the chances of a terrorist attack is miniscule. It would be even smaller if we withdrew from the Middle East altogether. But that is not going to happen....so our masses should decide, do that want to sacrifice their retirement savings, our kids educational money all in the name of security from something that in all likelihood will never effect them.

Would you spend 4 Trillion dollars to prevent these? If not why are you doing so on terrorism? Think man. You can not have it both ways....you can not cry about the debt and turn around and want to spend Trillions on war.

It has been estimated that 7,000–8,000 people per year receive venomous bites in the United States, and about 5 of those people die

Dog bite losses exceed $1 billion per year. In the past several years, there have been 30 to 35 fatal dog attacks in the USA annually. Each year, more than 350,000 dog bite victims are seen in emergency rooms, and approximately 850,000 victims receive medical attention

So you are saying... let them chop the heads off every christian in the middle east because we can't afford it?
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Old 09-08-2014, 04:49 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
So you are saying... let them chop the heads off every christian in the middle east because we can't afford it?
Actually, what he babbles about obsessively is that "we can't afford" to keep them from establishing themselves in this country (which is what they are doing) where the headchopping ground is fertile ... so long as they don't fuck with his "head" .... that's where he draws the line. In the meantime he continue playing golf in the tradition of HIS MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

HIS MOTTO: A pound of cure is better than an ounce of prevention.
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Old 09-09-2014, 09:56 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
They never found a piece of Amelia Earhardt's plane either. Think she is still alive?

The ocean swallows stuff without a trace all the time. Including ships that are much, much larger than planes.

It took decades to find the Edmund Fitzgerald. It disappeared without a trace. And that was just in a lake, not the Pacific.
On the other hand Air France flight 447 of 1 June 1999 crashed into the Atlantic, it had a huge search zone because it never broadcast a distress signal, it was out of the ATC live zone after leaving Brazilian airspace control and never reported back in, and they found plenty of debris, and it only took 5 days. It took 2 years to locate the black boxes 2.5 miles under the water, but they did find them. I suppose we will know in a few days, possibly? (9-11)

As for Amelia Earhart, some believed she lived on secretly as Irene Bolam, though I'm not one of those who believe it, but she was never found, was she?
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Old 09-09-2014, 11:23 PM   #42
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Well, JDIdiot, it looks like YOU beat everybody to the punch. So which desert island is hiding them?
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Old 09-09-2014, 11:25 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I am the military you little turd and I would pray that we never meet.
Nice thread. You aren't the military. You say you're a college professor. I believe NEITHER. I believe you live in your mama's basement and eat baloney sandwiches in white bread three times a day, I really do.
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Old 09-09-2014, 11:54 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
On the other hand Air France flight 447 of 1 June 1999 crashed into the Atlantic, it had a huge search zone because it never broadcast a distress signal, it was out of the ATC live zone after leaving Brazilian airspace control and never reported back in, and they found plenty of debris, and it only took 5 days. It took 2 years to locate the black boxes 2.5 miles under the water, but they did find them. I suppose we will know in a few days, possibly? (9-11)

As for Amelia Earhart, some believed she lived on secretly as Irene Bolam, though I'm not one of those who believe it, but she was never found, was she?
Stop sending me PMs asking me to comment on your idiot posts. Despite that obnoxious request, I will - if only to stop you from thinking you wrote something intelligent.

Was there a point to your statements above? Apparently the Air France jet hit the water hard and shattered and left a lot of floating debris? What does that have to do with the Malaysian flight?

What if the Malaysian flight belly landed on the Pacific and stayed relatively intact, like the plane that landed in the Hudson river? Then it would sink slowly without a trace. You don't know what the crash was like, so how can you compare them?

Also, despite what you wrote, the Air France jet was relatively easy to find. It went into a stall, but it had stayed in its flight path. So the searchers only had to search along the flight path to find debris. In the case of the Malaysian jet, the plane went far off its flight path to somewhere completely unknown. So they don't even know where to begin searching.

Different crash, different circumstances, different results. Did you not understand my point about the Edmund Fitzgerald?

And what the fuck was your point about the Amelia Earhardt?
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Old 09-10-2014, 12:29 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
So you are saying... let them chop the heads off every christian in the middle east because we can't afford it?
You dumb fuck....Christians were not getting their heads chopped off in Iraq when Saddam was in power....

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