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Old 09-01-2014, 10:36 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post

Come out come out where ever you are PLAYER. He will be back he has no self control. He just doesn't handle rejection well. Me on the other hand.... well lets just keep the focus on Da Playa.

Shayla you know better. There are only FOUR RULES in Austin.

1) Always kiss the godfathers (Whispers) ring.
2) Never ask Toyz for a tip
3) Never argue with an OCD SL
4) Type Less Suck more (Credit to Eryn)

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Old 09-02-2014, 04:53 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Ya gotta bear with him. This thread is running in multiple cities ya know.....
Interesting that when something doesn't work people usually change. Not this guy. If a provider won't see him he gets pissed and drives them crazy. Why would he do that? How in the world can that help him? Just seems stupid to me.
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Old 09-02-2014, 10:34 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Interesting that when something doesn't work people usually change. Not this guy. If a provider won't see him he gets pissed and drives them crazy. Why would he do that? How in the world can that help him? Just seems stupid to me.
He can't drive them crazy unless they welcome the behavior SL....

I don't know the guy.... haven't read much of what he writes....... But I am sure you have come to know that there are a LOT of guys that seek out endless text and email exchanges with the ladies..... some that are not remotely interested in seeing them.. others that feel that the exchange is a part of the GFE they are seeking.... They want to talk dirty and hear dirty talk back... Many are more disgusting than others.....

The key to any and all of these lies in the ability to block PMs, Block Text Messages and Filter email to trash. It literally takes less than a minute to do.

I do not understand nor do I pity any woman that gets into these exchanges with guys...... Once a guy has breached her level of comfort should she continue to interact with them then she is enabling the behavior and feeding whatever need he has.....

IF he is getting off on the berating and harassment, if he gets no response eventually he moves on.... If she has blocked it then she is not seeing it and she has moved on.

Problem solved....

finding out a guy is an asshole is a part of her screening..... everything that happens afterwards that is pissing them off is simple incompetence on their part for getting involved with it....

Block them and move on.... You can't get upset by something you are not hearing or reading right?

Once again... I don't know the guy and he has been around a long time and has seen a lot of providers that still seem to be supportive of him...
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Old 09-02-2014, 11:00 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
He can't drive them crazy unless they welcome the behavior SL....

I don't know the guy.... haven't read much of what he writes....... But I am sure you have come to know that there are a LOT of guys that seek out endless text and email exchanges with the ladies..... some that are not remotely interested in seeing them.. others that feel that the exchange is a part of the GFE they are seeking.... They want to talk dirty and hear dirty talk back... Many are more disgusting than others.....

The key to any and all of these lies in the ability to block PMs, Block Text Messages and Filter email to trash. It literally takes less than a minute to do.

I do not understand nor do I pity any woman that gets into these exchanges with guys...... Once a guy has breached her level of comfort should she continue to interact with them then she is enabling the behavior and feeding whatever need he has.....

IF he is getting off on the berating and harassment, if he gets no response eventually he moves on.... If she has blocked it then she is not seeing it and she has moved on.

Problem solved....

finding out a guy is an asshole is a part of her screening..... everything that happens afterwards that is pissing them off is simple incompetence on their part for getting involved with it....

Block them and move on.... You can't get upset by something you are not hearing or reading right?

Once again... I don't know the guy and he has been around a long time and has seen a lot of providers that still seem to be supportive of him...

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Old 09-02-2014, 11:13 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post

Well, it sucks to have you back in TEXAS!! Shayla, the difference between you and I is that whenever a lady decides to post an ALERT or a WARNING about a hobbyist in the city that I either reside in or I am visiting... I am GRATEFUL that they are willing to put themselves on the line to help us stay safe...

If I do not find the alert to be of interest to me then I move on... That is just my style... I try to be as nice as possible to everyone...

Last but not least... My Whispers has THIRTY THREADS about his OBSESSION/HATRED of me and there is NO WAY on GOD'S GREEN EARTH that I could keep up with all of them... and why would I?

My Whispers like to TALK... A LOT!! It does not matter that everything that comes out of his mouth is lies, speculation and innuendo... He has FUN creating his threADS about me...

What can I say... His THREAD COUNTS go up ASTRONOMICALLY when he gets to bash me... So, who am I to take away his FUN?

You see Princess... either someone LIKES YOU or THEY DON'T... if they don't then you move on and live your life...

Have a great day!!

Your amused slave,


very well said ms. slave some folks really should learn their place and stfu
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Old 09-02-2014, 11:32 AM   #81
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You bitches have never had a client who liked to gossip?

Lol this is beyond dumb.
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Old 09-02-2014, 11:54 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
He can't drive them crazy unless they welcome the behavior SL....

I don't know the guy.... haven't read much of what he writes....... But I am sure you have come to know that there are a LOT of guys that seek out endless text and email exchanges with the ladies..... some that are not remotely interested in seeing them.. others that feel that the exchange is a part of the GFE they are seeking.... They want to talk dirty and hear dirty talk back... Many are more disgusting than others.....

The key to any and all of these lies in the ability to block PMs, Block Text Messages and Filter email to trash. It literally takes less than a minute to do.

I do not understand nor do I pity any woman that gets into these exchanges with guys...... Once a guy has breached her level of comfort should she continue to interact with them then she is enabling the behavior and feeding whatever need he has.....

IF he is getting off on the berating and harassment, if he gets no response eventually he moves on.... If she has blocked it then she is not seeing it and she has moved on.

Problem solved....

finding out a guy is an asshole is a part of her screening..... everything that happens afterwards that is pissing them off is simple incompetence on their part for getting involved with it....

Block them and move on.... You can't get upset by something you are not hearing or reading right?

Once again... I don't know the guy and he has been around a long time and has seen a lot of providers that still seem to be supportive of him...
You make an excellent point!
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Old 09-02-2014, 12:46 PM   #83
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Dude what ever your issue is with me is your issue lol you constantly whave something smart to say when it comes to me, but thats your choice, Your not bothering me so keep on keeping, I could give a damn, and I know my place sweets, make sure she wipes good before you stick in your face there, from what I hear it could be dangerous
HPV/HIV or what ever else is a hell of a thing...
Originally Posted by John Taffer View Post
very well said ms. slave some folks really should learn their place and stfu
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Old 09-02-2014, 01:24 PM   #84
Slave Guinevere
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Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
Dude what ever your issue is with me is your issue lol you constantly whave something smart to say when it comes to me, but thats your choice, Your not bothering me so keep on keeping, I could give a damn, and I know my place sweets, make sure she wipes good before you stick in your face there, from what I hear it could be dangerous
HPV/HIV or what ever else is a hell of a thing...

Mods, this is medical speculation and if I am not mistaken this is a 10 point violation. I do not have HIV or HPV. I have a rare bone marrow disorder that results in me not being able to make IgG.

IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE ALERT THEN IGNORE IT. However, I have made NO SECRET of my physical challenges because they are not contagious... I have always been VERY NICE to everyone on this board and I have also always been professional....

I have no problems answering ANY OF THE QUESTIONS about my medical disorder... I am not only educated but licensed and practiced in the medical field for 20 years and I would NEVER endanger ANYONE...

I would also NEVER BE CRUEL OR HURTFUL TO ANYONE... You are taking your personal insecurities and jealousy too far...

The last 2 & 1/2 years I have spent a great deal of time doing everything that I can to be a good person and to HELP everyone that reaches out to me... including the women!! For you to act this petty and childish is simply disgusting and makes you as bad as Whispers...

It would be really easy to DIG INTO YOUR PERSONAL LIFE because I AM QUITE AWARE of some of the childcare issues that you face... but at the end of the day we are both MOMMIES and unlike YOU I WOULD DERIVE NO PLEASURE from hurting another MOMMY...

You are everything that I detest in a woman and mother.

Your disgusted slave,

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Old 09-02-2014, 01:39 PM   #85
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I never put your name in it and said you have it, what are you speculating on this I am talking about mr taff in my post never referd your name at all, ??????????????????? Godness, taking things alittle personal are we, I am talking about him kissing ass lol
And jealousy is a big word, never in my life have I been jealous of anyone, sorry I am always trying to help other girls get clients and refering and all, so jealousy is yeah not happening, you started your attitude towards me and I wasnt even talking to you. Iv never really had any issues with any girls or guys here, so this is your problem not mine...
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Old 09-02-2014, 01:52 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
Dude what ever your issue is with me is your issue lol you constantly whave something smart to say when it comes to me, but thats your choice, Your not bothering me so keep on keeping, I could give a damn, and I know my place sweets, make sure she wipes good before you stick in your face there, from what I hear it could be dangerous
HPV/HIV or what ever else is a hell of a thing...
Wow!!!! Shayla... just wow.

Slave does not have HPV or HIV. She has been very forthcoming about her illness, answers any and all questions and I have NEVER felt my life being in danger from any of her reference vouches or from playing with her myself. This character assassination of her has gone on long enough! Some of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and come to grips with some things. Ask yourselves why you are in this hobby. Ask yourself what makes you so much better than anyone else on here. Funny how gents who haven't seen her want to tear her apart! What is wrong with you all?

Disgusted is not even the right word... I wouldn't even spit on a few of you.
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Old 09-02-2014, 01:58 PM   #87
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You know what this is all childish, and I usually dont respond like this...
Sitting here and thinking, your right, being a mom I shouldnt be acting like that...
I stand by most everything I say but I could have said things better or just kept quiet.
I dont believe all this alert tx wide is proper but hell, couldnt expect nothing less from a hooker board so go figure.
Although that one post was NOT about you, it was about that guy aways sticking his comments in and no matter what always kissing ass at who ever is having a conflict at the time usually somehow I am putting my 2cents in there. This whole thing is thing is crazy and I agree with Nikki, this is bullshit, but anyways I wont be responding to this anymore this all isnt in my character, never has been and its not about to start now.
Have a good day, do your thing, argue, fight, fuck, get money what ever its on you all.
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Old 09-02-2014, 02:40 PM   #88
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Thumbs down Making up lies now, Shayla?

Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
Dude what ever your issue is with me is your issue lol you constantly whave something smart to say when it comes to me, but thats your choice, Your not bothering me so keep on keeping, I could give a damn, and I know my place sweets, make sure she wipes good before you stick in your face there, from what I hear it could be dangerous
HPV/HIV or what ever else is a hell of a thing...


Does it make you feel better to talk crap about other providers? Is business hurting that bad that you have to make up stuff about others? Didn't we have this conversation on another thread? You attack clients AND providers now?


You may not like Ms Guinevere, but a provider that goes around making up diseases about other providers is a liability to this community and should be dealt as such.

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Old 09-02-2014, 02:50 PM   #89
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Default WTF

You don't usually respond. You are Queen Motormouth in responding. Do you ever work?

Or should I say....you dont usully respond You ar quen motormouth do ya work?

Just kidding...

Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
You know what this is all childish, and I usually dont respond like this...
Sitting here and thinking, your right, being a mom I shouldnt be acting like that...
I stand by most everything I say but I could have said things better or just kept quiet.
I dont believe all this alert tx wide is proper but hell, couldnt expect nothing less from a hooker board so go figure.
Although that one post was NOT about you, it was about that guy aways sticking his comments in and no matter what always kissing ass at who ever is having a conflict at the time usually somehow I am putting my 2cents in there. This whole thing is thing is crazy and I agree with Nikki, this is bullshit, but anyways I wont be responding to this anymore this all isnt in my character, never has been and its not about to start now.
Have a good day, do your thing, argue, fight, fuck, get money what ever its on you all.
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Old 09-02-2014, 03:05 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post

Mods, this is medical speculation and if I am not mistaken this is a 10 point violation. I do not have HIV or HPV. I have a rare bone marrow disorder that results in me not being able to make IgG.

IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE ALERT THEN IGNORE IT. However, I have made NO SECRET of my physical challenges because they are not contagious... I have always been VERY NICE to everyone on this board and I have also always been professional....

I have no problems answering ANY OF THE QUESTIONS about my medical disorder...

Excellant...... Back later with a few but will place in a new thread so as to not disrupt this one.

I am not only educated but licensed and practiced in the medical field for 20 years and I would NEVER endanger ANYONE...

I'll address the licensing claim in a separate thread later as well..... Just needed to quote this for further discussion... You just keep pouring out the information don't you?

I would also NEVER BE CRUEL OR HURTFUL TO ANYONE... You are taking your personal insecurities and jealousy too far...

LMAO! WOW! I cannot believe those words were uttered by you......How many outings/destroyed lives are you responsible for? As a result of YOUR personal Insecurities and jealousy?

The last 2 & 1/2 years I have spent a great deal of time doing everything that I can to be a good person and to HELP everyone that reaches out to me... including the women!! For you to act this petty and childish is simply disgusting and makes you as bad as Whispers...

You can't keep attacking people Slave and not get some of it back.... The community is swinging farther and farther away from you..... more and more ladies are voicing their concerns and speculations..... most of it in generalities..... that's only way around board guidelines but the message is getting out there....

It would be really easy to DIG INTO YOUR PERSONAL LIFE because I AM QUITE AWARE of some of the childcare issues that you face... but at the end of the day we are both MOMMIES and unlike YOU I WOULD DERIVE NO PLEASURE from hurting another MOMMY...

Both Mommies that do not have custody of their kids as I recall...... So you definitely can probably relate to her and the issues she faces....

You are everything that I detest in a woman and mother. hmmmm........ IS that mirror nearby?

Your disgusted slave,

You really should give this posting crap up SG...... You are digging a deeper and deeper hole.....
AUSTIN MODS should take a hard look at the Slave's comments highlighted in RED above. Visit with other Mods and members aware of some of the OUTINGS in San Antonio that Slave is suspected at being at the center of and consider the intent f that statement. Shayla has been threatened right there.....

Originally Posted by Tracy Aine View Post
Wow!!!! Shayla... just wow.

Slave does not have HPV or HIV.

Is that a supposition of her medical conditions or do you have some inside knowledge of some test results......Assuming Client A has an Immune System Deficiency disorder and is more susceptible to catching a communicable disease than any other potential client on the boards. Are you accepting of him telling you not to worry that he's OK?

She has been very forthcoming about her illness, answers any and all questions and I have NEVER felt my life being in danger from any of her reference vouches or from playing with her myself. This character assassination of her has gone on long enough! Some of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and come to grips with some things. Ask yourselves why you are in this hobby. Ask yourself what makes you so much better than anyone else on here. Funny how gents who haven't seen her want to tear her apart! What is wrong with you all?

Disgusted is not even the right word... I wouldn't even spit on a few of you.

So a BJ would be out of the question?

Back to The Player now....... This thread definitely is polarizing a number of people in the community...... Why does the OP bring this alert to CoED or the Alert section? Why not Info Share? Posting publicly provides nothing of use to the men and just serves as lighting fires and providing a venue for WKs to pile on....while strutting for the ladies.....
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