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Old 09-01-2014, 08:28 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post

mmmm NY still not doing well
3 year old data? Looking at the numbers. The unemployment rate in Georgia, one of the states from your map that is "creating" more jobs than average, is currently 7.8% while it's 6.6% in NYS. The true welfare states are generally southern states, that receive more in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes.
Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic

Given that NYS faired MUCH better in the current recession than the nation as a whole, could it be that the job creation numbers are lower in NYS than the nation as a whole because NYS didn't fall as far as the rest of the country? Did you even think about that before posting your map?
Currently The unemployment rate in NYS is 6.6%, in NC it's 6.5 %. The US tax payers subsidize the state of NC about 25%(NC receives 1.25 dollars for every dollar it pays in taxes) and NYS subsidizes the other states about 20%. Defense spending is 10% of the NC economy, What would the unemployment rate be in NYS, if we were so generously subsidized by the federal government? I assume you'll be on the phone with Schumer first thing in the morning,demanding he gets NYS it's fair share.
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Old 09-01-2014, 08:35 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by drluv1 View Post
3 year old data? Looking at the numbers. The unemployment rate in Georgia, one of the states from your map that is "creating" more jobs than average, is currently 7.8% while it's 6.6% in NYS. The true welfare states are generally southern states, that receive more in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes.
Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic

Given that NYS faired MUCH better in the current recession than the nation as a whole, could it be that the job creation numbers are lower in NYS than the nation as a whole because NYS didn't fall as far as the rest of the country? Did you even think about that before posting your map?
Currently The unemployment rate in NYS is 6.6%, in NC it's 6.5 %. The US tax payers subsidize the state of NC about 25%(NC receives 1.25 dollars for every dollar it pays in taxes) and NYS subsidizes the other states about 20%. Defense spending is 10% of the NC economy, What would the unemployment rate be in NYS, if we were so generously subsidized by the federal government? I assume you'll be on the phone with Schumer first thing in the morning,demanding he gets NYS it's fair share?
fair point, stats can be skewed to anyones argument they like by using certain numbers and time frames

New York state is still much better than some of these hick states in the south or mid west

go live in Alabama then get back to me in a year
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Old 09-01-2014, 08:41 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
yup NY is a never teach a man how to fish State
why teach how to feed self for life over enslavement
Given the DEC DOES NOT recommend eating fish caught anywhere in NYS, I don't think it's a good Idea to teach people to fish. Do you eat a lot of fish from lake Ont.? Do you have a nice glow about you without sunbathing?
Explain how we're enslaved here in NYS.
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Old 09-01-2014, 09:02 AM   #64
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What's New This Year?

  • Good news for anglers who fish Lake Ontario and the Niagara River downstream of Niagara Falls! Latest data are showing lower contaminant levels in fish. This means men over 15 and women over 50 can now also enjoy:
    • up to 4 meals a month of Chinook salmon, coho salmon and rainbow trout.
    • up to 4 meals a month of smaller brown trout and lake trout.
    • up to 4 meals a month of smallmouth bass from the Niagara River, downstream of Niagara Falls. (Anglers can continue to enjoy 4 meals a month of smallmouth bass from Lake Ontario-that advice hasn't changed.)
  • Keuka Lake no longer has any specific advisories for eating fish. Everyone can enjoy up to 4 meals a month of all fish from this lake.
  • A new brochure, New York State Blue Crab Cooking and Eating Guide is now available. View or order any of our fish advisory publications.
  • In case you missed this information last hunting season, be aware that waterfowl in the Hudson River between Hudson Falls and Troy are likely to have higher PCB levels than other areas of the State. Hunters are advised to harvest waterfowl from other locations of the Hudson River or other areas in the State.
Remember to look for this icon to find the special advice for women and children.
Fish Health Advisories

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) routinely monitors contaminant levels in fish and wildlife. The New York State Department of Health (DOH) issues an advisory on eating sportfish and wildlife taken in New York State because some of these foods contain potentially harmful levels of chemical contaminants. The health advisories are: (1) general advice on sportfish taken from waters in New York State; (2) advice on sportfish from specific waterbodies; and (3) advice on wildlife. The advisory is developed and updated annually.
For the most up-to-date and accurate data regarding fish consumption advisories, visit the New York Department of Health's website page - Fish: Health Advice on Eating Fish You Catch.
from http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7736.html

fish advisory publications
you can find info for a lake or area for fishing and hunting
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Old 09-01-2014, 09:06 AM   #65
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but back to topic

I hope she can get over and past this and enjoy shooting
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Old 09-01-2014, 09:27 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by drluv1 View Post
Explain how we're enslaved here in NYS.
I have made some assertions on this, so I'll respond.

First, we haven't got it so bad. Some better than others, so if you wish to reply that at least we don't need nets outside our office to prevent us from killing ourselves, I agree. There's lots of middle ground.

My assertion is that the greed of Wall Street is enslaving the globe. That greed isn't just on Wall Street, it's very human and everywhere. It just took a massively expensive vacation in Jackson, WY.

I love NY. We do lots better than many states to help the unfortunate. This is good when they're sick, bad when they're lazy cheats. But there are far too many regulations on masseuses, tax preparers, cabbies, etc., etc., just making life more expensive for the persons who can afford it least.

So enslaved, no. Regulated beyond reason, yes. The instructor has to hold the gun and keep him and the girl safe. The parents are part of this. The state is not.

Eat the fish. It's probably better than most the genetically modified crap at the store.
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Old 09-01-2014, 09:44 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
but back to topic

I hope she can get over and past this and enjoy shooting
Yes, I hope she isn't totally messed up by this, but I doubt it. But this incident has sparked me to consider opening a place to provide wholesome family fun similar to arizona here in WNY. What do you think about an ice cream parlor," milkshakes and hand grenades" or something like that. You need something to do while you're drinking your shake, why not lob a few grenades out back, you'd burn a few of those calories, it's a win win. Or maybe an arcade where you used real bullets in the shooting games and exploding balls in the pinball games. Sound like fun? I may be taking on partners, Interested?
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Old 09-01-2014, 10:00 AM   #68
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jc very well said,
and god damn it I agree with most of what you said.

Eating the fish in the lake I wouldn't do it not my thing no trust I don't care what they tell me im not buying it, but eating fresh fish from the ocean, yes ill eat that
but not the lake
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Old 09-01-2014, 10:37 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by drluv1 View Post
Yes, I hope she isn't totally messed up by this, but I doubt it. But this incident has sparked me to consider opening a place to provide wholesome family fun similar to arizona here in WNY. What do you think about an ice cream parlor," milkshakes and hand grenades" or something like that. You need something to do while you're drinking your shake, why not lob a few grenades out back, you'd burn a few of those calories, it's a win win. Or maybe an arcade where you used real bullets in the shooting games and exploding balls in the pinball games. Sound like fun? I may be taking on partners, Interested?
Buffalo area already has ranges and rod & gun clubs
never been to one that way
the clubs I have been at also had food that was good
beer only if done shooting for the day, guns locked up
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Old 09-02-2014, 12:07 AM   #70
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Red face NRA Sponsored of course

Originally Posted by drluv1 View Post
But this incident has sparked me to consider opening a place to provide wholesome family fun similar to arizona here in WNY. What do you think about an ice cream parlor," milkshakes and hand grenades" or something like that.
Sounds like a plan!!!....

Could be called ..... Shakes, Frags & Pineapples.....

While sipping a shake kids <10 yrs old could lob fragmentation grenades.
While kids 10 and older would move up to lobbing heavier WWII style pineapple grenades....
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Old 09-02-2014, 07:02 AM   #71
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oh mary ...full holiday of posting on the jimmies? ...sweeeeet! ...ya take something statistically ...irrelevant ...reported ad nauseam by the ...socialist media ...and use it to spit yer hatred at everything ...an everyone that ...scares ya
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Old 09-02-2014, 08:06 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Manic010101 View Post
Your map does absolutely nothing to substantiate your ignorant comment. But it does, as i'm sure you realize, substantiate mine.

Aiding the poor doesn't contribute to poverty. But you're too ideologically blind to understand that. You're more interested in listening to Rush and Fox tell you what you want to hear.

And that stupendous red-state job creation is doing what to fight poverty, exactly?

Not much, it would seem.

Edit: Oops.....looks like i fucked up!
Originally Posted by Doove View Post
What an idiot!

Have fun, Rockstar.
Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Why were you banned again?
Heh... None of your business.... or Manic's business either....
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Old 09-02-2014, 08:17 PM   #73
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What I learned from the movie Men Who Stare at Goats, is that it is really amazing what some folks take notice of.
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Old 09-02-2014, 08:20 PM   #74
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I always notice multiple handles...
What do you notice?

edit add:
Especially banned multiple handles....
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Old 09-02-2014, 08:26 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Paulwantsya View Post
Heh... None of your business.... or Manic's business either....
Didn't see that one coming........lol!

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