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Old 08-30-2014, 12:17 AM   #1
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Exclamation Nine-year-old girl accidentally shot her gun instructor dead with an Uzi

Charles Vacca, a father and army veteran, was assisting the little girl at a shooting range just south of Las Vegas on Monday morning
She pulled the trigger of an automatic Uzi and the recoil sent the gun over her head, shooting Vacca
He was airlifted to hospital but died on Monday evening
Girl was with her parents at Bullets and Burgers shooting range on vacation from New Jersey
No charges are to be filed because Bullets and Burgers is licensed and legal
Gotta luv that moronic Red State, gun crazed demented thinking, that allows this type lunacy to exist in the first place.....
Seems like too many folks in AZ been sniffing too much gunpowder fumes for too long!!!....
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Old 08-30-2014, 06:09 AM   #2
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is the "gun crazed moronic red state" responsible for this? or the moronic parents the put their 9 yr old at the controls of a lethal weapon? i'll bet they would not let their 9yr old get behind the wheel of their car, even with an instructor in the seat next to her. just sayin... this was bad parental choices.

I find it amusing how people like to deflect responsibility for their poor choices.
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Old 08-30-2014, 07:02 AM   #3
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There is a concept that is lost in the "instructor's" thincking ... there can be too much gun for the shooter. A trained instructor would know an automatic weapon would be too much gun for a nine year old.
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Old 08-30-2014, 08:41 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
There is a concept that is lost in the "instructor's" thincking ... there can be too much gun for the shooter. A trained instructor would know an automatic weapon would be too much gun for a nine year old.
bb, pellet or maybe .22 rim fire would have been better starting point
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Old 08-30-2014, 08:48 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by vm1200 View Post
is the "gun crazed moronic red state" responsible for this?
Let me think on that one for a second...

I find it amusing how people like to deflect responsibility for their poor choices.
Like encouraging a culture that would allow for laws whereby a 9 year old girl can get her hands on an Uzi?

Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
There is a concept that is lost in the "instructor's" thincking ... there can be too much gun for the shooter. A trained instructor would know an automatic weapon would be too much gun for a nine year old.
Oh come on, 9 year old girls have 2nd amendment rights too.
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Old 08-30-2014, 09:00 AM   #6
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9ry old with an automatic weapon parental fault yes no doubt.

But wtf we are allowing nine year olds to have access to this kind of weapon.

so yes state law to blame too no doubt

My nephew is 10, my sister doesn't even allow him to have a bb gun.


hmmmm because a ten year old shouldn't be shooting any kind of weapon that can hurt yourself or other people.

common sense people use it.

Wheres the nra??? im awaiting them to put out something deflecting blame on the weapon and the age of the girl and just blame the instructor.
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Old 08-30-2014, 09:16 AM   #7
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He said that the girl had successfully fired the weapon several times before when it was set on 'single shot' mode.

However, the horrific accident unfolded in a split second when the Israeli made weapon was set to 'full-automatic mode' and caused Vacca his fatal injuries.
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Old 08-30-2014, 09:25 AM   #8
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Default gun crazed moronic red state

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Old 08-30-2014, 09:53 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Oh come on, 9 year old girls have 2nd amendment rights too.
Can't wait for the lame anti-abortionists to chime in claiming fetus' have these same gun rights to defend themselves too....
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Old 08-30-2014, 10:15 AM   #10
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12 years of age to qualify for a hunting license in New York State.
well 9 is not to young to start learning if you going to let them get the rabbit for the rabbit stew
or go for turkey at 12. So that would cover .22 rim and shotgun.

8 or 9 not bad age to start shotgun for clay pigeons
uzi 9mm Parabellum.
The Uzi was available with caliber conversion kits in .22 LR or .41 AE.
All should be easy by a young person learning to shoot
so thinking she just lost control going from semiautomatic to automatic

and as I posted before
However, the horrific accident unfolded in a split second when the Israeli made weapon was set to 'full-automatic mode' and caused Vacca his fatal injuries.
it was just a accident, nothing more

good age for bb and pellet, 6
about 10 to have a .22 rimfire and start to learn shotgun
on the range with instructor I see nothing wrong with a uzi in her hands

one needs to learn to shoot before hunting with a .22 or shotgun at 12
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Old 08-30-2014, 10:44 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
There is a concept that is lost in the "instructor's" thincking ... there can be too much gun for the shooter. A trained instructor would know an automatic weapon would be too much gun for a nine year old.
in this case I would think going form semi-auto to full-auto

went shooting once with someone that never really came home from Vietnam.
I watched him shoot a 44mag for his first time.
We tried to tell him luck them elbows. But he said for what, a puppy non-military toy gun.
revolver hit him in the forehead after the shot
he put it down, then said, way to much gun for me LOL

Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Let me think on that one for a second...

Like encouraging a culture that would allow for laws whereby a 9 year old girl can get her hands on an Uzi?

Oh come on, 9 year old girls have 2nd amendment rights too.
^blue by intent^
doove I'm surprised by you
the way it reads as you posted it would be ok for 9 year old boy. Just not a girl.
So in your mind, what is a good age to teach boys and girl to shoot??
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Old 08-30-2014, 10:53 AM   #12
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The person who fucked up is dead. Sort of justice, although it is a bad situation. I hope the girl can clear her head of his mistake.

Age has nothing to do with this, it is an issue of capability. The guy didn't keep his hand on the gun to assist her and he paid the price. To answer OSD, I would not put an age number on it, it is a question of what the kid can handle supervised, until they demonstrate capability to go unsupervised. This 9 year didn't get her hands on an Uzi, the Uzi was placed in her hands.

Arizona has nothing to do with it. The parents the OP wants to blame were vacationing. I love a state that allows the freedom for this to happen, though I would rather it didn't.
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Old 08-30-2014, 11:01 AM   #13
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mmmm I'm thinking teach to shot would be supervised
and in this case she was. So agree with most of post JC

instructor paid a price for letting someone shoot not ready for full-auto
see I gave no age ahem or gender
as I have never shot in burst or full auto. not sure I could safely without instruction first.

As I had a .22 semi auto once double fire, also 12 gauge pump shotgun firing pin stick once.
both times scared the hell out of me.
dam I was not ready at all when I pumped that shotgun after shooting first round.
still have that gun
anyone want to buy a Winchester model 12 in 12 gauge with a stuck firing pin. I should get it fixed, it was my grandfathers shotgun
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Old 08-30-2014, 11:20 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by JohnnyCap View Post
The parents the OP wants to blame were vacationing.
Her dumb and STUPID parents were right there with her......

The nine-year-old girl, who has not been identified, was not injured. She was with her parents as they passed through the area on vacation from New Jersey.
Most folks with common sense will agree Arizona's 'asinine laws' are mainly at fault here, for even allowing children this young to fire machine guns.....

Some here thinck like disbarred lawyers!!!.....
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Old 08-30-2014, 11:29 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Celso View Post
Her dumb and STUPID parents were right there with her......

Most folks with common sense will agree Arizona's 'asinine laws' are mainly at fault here, for even allowing children this young to fire machine guns.....
Most folks with common sense will agree with you because you say so? Or because they agree with you they have common sense? Or most like you want the government regulating every activity. Until it comes to MP's, and then you blame the religious right?

It doesn't matter where the parents were, the instructor should have had his hand atop the gun to see if she could handle automatic mode.

Try saying some of your own thought and provide rationale rather than just blathering 'most people think like me.'
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