First of all....I really need to get caught up with Brie and Renee again.....been busy with RL stuff

......but don't worry girls, the hobby urges are still there and soon we'll catch up on things lol.
When I was working down on the border I hobbied a lot in San Antonio and noticed that they had lots of "socials" and read lots of positive comments about guys meeting hot girls and also about the guys getting to know each other a little bit in RL...which sometimes led to more humorous comments in the review threads lol.
So, even though I never had the time to attend a San Antonio social I can attest that CK1942 is indeed the "Master of Ceremonies" of most everything good down there and his advice is absolutely the shilze!
As far as LE reading the event info and spying on us there....I have a couple of thoughts on that also....
Most of the girls show their face in ads anyway so that's not any real secret for most of's just the clients that are the unknown, for the most part.
But if you're at a strip club then how's anyone to know the difference if a guys just kinda ga-ga over a girl in the club....who's to know he's talking to a provider, with all that loud music and mahem lol.

And of course, there's probably not any solicitation offers involved with these socials, so nothing incriminating, just people getting more acquainted. In West TX it would most likely be more guys and less providers, (as Brie seems to be interested in) but in larger cities like SA it seemed like there were lots of providers so us serious mongers could get a look at some of the "talent" in person lol.
But I would enjoy seeing Brie and other providers in the party mode......gotta get some fancy vodka and cranberry lol. Maybe we could watch her dance on stage and shake that sweet ass
