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A Question of Legality Post your legal questions here (general, nothing of a personal nature)

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Old 08-26-2014, 11:59 PM   #1
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Default Legal Abuse & Legal Abuse Syndrome

I've read a little about Legal Abuse the past few years. Especially related to criminal and family court cases where the accused is repeatedly and needlessly harassed, for example, by prosecutors (criminal) or an ex-spouse (family) via the court system. Additionally, I read where there is a type of PTSD called Legal Abuse Syndrome (LAS) associated with legal abuse cases as evidenced by panic attacks when entering courthouses or getting phone calls, knocks at the door - that sort of thing. Here is a wiki link to better explain:


Not really much info there, but LAS is classified as a legitimate psychological disorder in the DSM 5 and requires a set treatment plan.

So my question is, what are the 'off the record' opinions on legal abuse and LAS in the legal community? Is it real? It is bullshit?

I realize we have one of the best legal systems in the world but that doesn't mean it's perfect. Do you think more awareness of legal abuse and LAS would add balance to an imperfect system or would it just create more inventive abuses?

Thank you for taking the time to answer, if at all.

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Old 08-27-2014, 01:28 PM   #2
Audrey Astor
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It is alive and well. Basically whoever has the most $$$$ wins. There are a lot of folks out in the suburbs that don't believe in this or racial profiling, but it is alive and well. As far as these situations creating an actual "illness", I don't know, but I do know that it can cause severe anxiety and depression.

I personally know of a case, that is just obscene. The guy has money, and is paying off the judge or something. The rulings are just insane, and there is gross negligence, but try to prove it....
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Old 08-28-2014, 06:50 AM   #3
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Yes it exists, and yes folks get upset about it. Also an example of why folks should have an attorney on file. But, as Holly mentions, it will get expensive.
I note that this should be expected in a family law case. I have friends in that industry and the amount spent by their clients (more so for a custodial parent) is interesting when they to fight through court filings a couple times a year for a few years, over support and visitation issues, and state family service investigations.
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Old 09-02-2014, 09:21 AM   #4
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Thank you for the answers

I have been following this subject a little here and there because it seems that the court system is both a haven and a detractor for organized corruption. One big lawsuit against one big company can change the entire landscape of how it designs, markets and profits from its product.

When it comes to the actual practice of law and the corruption of the legal industry, I wonder if LAS has the ability to grow any legs and bring more awareness concerning Legal Abusers. Can someone sue a lawyer or law firm for legal abuse as a means of bringing more awareness to it like the widow of a smoker suing the tabacco industry? Not saying you should sue for billions of dollars but enough to make those who do abuse the legal system stop and think before they intentionally abuse someone.
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