Originally Posted by badapple142
It was actually just ment to be more of a do u or dont you diccussion.... but the reason I did bring it up was a lady here did have posted rates...yet when I called to set up our date quoted a higher rate (not by more than 15 bucks so no biggie) but it was her follow up of " do u agree to these rates.... well do you... I need to know? I need to hear you say it" so I guess maybe I should have led this led off with... does anyone else see this pharse as a red flag?
Interesting opinions gents, and I agree.......
I will guess we are talking about a BP lady and will say that she probably has been hassled a lot about her rates and has had more than her fair share of time wasters, cheapskates and "gents" that will treat her poorly and give her a hard time when it comes to donations.
The key here is for ECCIE gents to understand when they interact with BP-only ladies that the VAST majority of the "men" these ladies deal with are NOT the caliber of the vast majority of the ECCIE/P411 gents.
These ladies are coming from a very distressed POV when dealing with "clients" over the phone.
My take on it is that other men have 1) showed up short of full donation in hand 2) even when they had donation, tried to haggle with her and 3) were generally demeaning and rude with respect to the lady.
Here in ECCIE, we can "police" some of the less than gentlemanly gents, and this type of action is the exception to the rule and not the norm.
Not a red flag to me, just a lady who is tired of being jerked around and trying to avoid the hassle at her door.
My .02 FWIW.