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Old 08-25-2014, 06:54 PM   #1
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Default How much is too much???

This has been asked before and I wanted hobbyist and providers point of view and maybe why they have picked a certain number.

I maybe naive or wishful thinking on my part but I for some odd reason have always thought a provider typically sees 2-3 hobbyist a day on a good day and that most would not even think to see more but looking at some recent reviews I am noticing that some are seeing 5-6 or more a day? So hobbyist what do you think is too much? Would you want a GFE with someone who has had 4 bng's with cim? Do you care when it's your turn? I know most men want the fantasy of thinking they are the only one at least for that day or the first that day. I maybe the only guy that thinks this way but it's just a question.

Providers what and how do you feel? What is too much for you? What is your limit?

My opinion and thought only. Please all opinions welcomed.
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Old 08-25-2014, 07:20 PM   #2
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I don't think its our place to say actually (I know thts not your question). I just don't want to run over the next guy coming in or out of the door. I don't want to taste the last condom leftover or the alcohol scent of a wet wipe clean up. I don't want to stumble over the pile of wet towels, have to ignore the constant buzzing of her cell, or sense that she is tensing up because she's so tender from pulling 7 guys that morning.

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Old 08-25-2014, 07:40 PM   #3
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Maybe I might have worded the questions wrong. I am by no means trying to judge but asking what you gentlemen are comfortable knowing. What you ladies are comfortable doing. I have seen some squeeze 4 in by noon and they started at 8am. I would just hope that the lady had enough respect for me to tell me or say it's not a good idea to DATY or DFK today. But thanks for the input Toyz.
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Old 08-25-2014, 11:20 PM   #4
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Hell, I just say have all five or six of us over for a party!

Oh, wait...that's a gangbang.

So just have five or six of us over...
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Old 08-26-2014, 12:17 AM   #5
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Well for one I kinda agree with Toyz, this is a hooker site after all, and its a business but I do agree that you should be responsible. I leave an hour or more in between times, I shower after all GFE sessions, and I wash face and mouth wash and redo make up after every encounter. (maybe thats why I go through so mch make up lol) I clean the room, I spray disinfectant on the bed area, I dont use towels so that fixes that, and I try to cover up and disgard all covers or traces, for self and because I can understand that it would be uncomfertable to see. But again most girls, even the ones who say they wont are not going to pass up a 200 and above gig because shes seen 3 guys all ready that day and frankly if she did well shes not very business savey. Like I said this is a hooker board, point blank, some guys forget that. Now if I am asked if they can be the first of the day I will set something up for morning, but dont set something up for like noon and wanting to be the first, I am not waiting on you to make money unless your paying for all the appts I missed.....

Sorry I am usually the smart mouth and you all know that lol dont you love it when I come to visit, lol you know you all miss me.
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Old 08-26-2014, 01:22 AM   #6
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Clients = MONEY ........................ Now just remember which one is more important. The rest really doesn't matter.
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Old 08-26-2014, 02:36 AM   #7
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I don't think there is a hard number, but as long as she can maintain the appearance that you are the only one in her world for the time you are together it doesn't matter to me what the number on my ticket might actually be.
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Old 08-26-2014, 07:33 AM   #8
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I would say if you want to be the first of the day so you don't experience the remnants of other gents, I suggest get with a traveling provider on the first day she arrives at 3pm when they first check in or like Shayla said do an early morning if she's a morning person. Maybe even pay a premium when scheduling to get first dibs of the day or asToyz suggezted get some ATFs. Other than that, outside of normal hygienic measures providers take for each session I would expect it (sign of other gents) is the risk of the hobby. Or don't do the GFE thing lol if it disgusts you too much lol..
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Old 08-26-2014, 08:18 AM   #9
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I always prefer early sessions. Yes this is a business and being not just responsible but respectful of your clients I think goes a long way. Someone mentioned clients =Money well you can't have one without the other. But I have to say again it's not about the magic number because we all know these ladies have to make money but I personally don't want to be number 5-6 that day because of a number of reasons. I take it most of you gents don't care what number you are that day as long has you think you are the first?

Shayla, doll you are amazing and an overall good person plus a hell of an oral genius don't change anything.
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Old 08-26-2014, 10:37 AM   #10
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First client of the day or first of the day? Because sometimes I role over in the morning and I'm getting poked with a pecker in my back. Does it matter if *I* get laid, or just JennsLolli? What about when I get a pecker late at night and have a 7am appointment? At what specific time does my vagina reset? I NEED TO KNOW!

Seriously though, no one likes sloppy seconds. Sloppy being the operative word. I have worked at a busy agency, and they liked me, so they sent a lot of people my way. Sometimes it got "overwhelming." I will say that quality is not always determined by quantity, though. I *have* seen 5-6 clients a day (not now, then...agency, etc) and had an easier time with that than some single clients in one day. Hell, get a bad seed and a girl can be out for days just trying to build her libido back up from scratch. Soooo..yes. What Bob said.

ETA: sorry for crushing some of y'all's misconceptions and stuff.
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Old 08-26-2014, 11:15 AM   #11
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:-) thanks for the input. I like to know peoples thoughts trust me I'm not out to bash anyone but at the same time I am curious.

You are right I don't think any man wants SLOPPY seconds but being the first client or the first is good.

Has anyone ever heard the saying all money isn't good money? Understandable bills need to get paid etc...
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Old 08-26-2014, 11:35 AM   #12
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Old 08-26-2014, 11:46 AM   #13
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I guess I kinda a have the issue with that phrase in this thread "all money isnt good money" It seems like your saying the first person of the days money is better then the 3rd person. I dont think that comment is appropriate for this thread. And yes I am sure everyone would like to be the first of the day but unless early morning appt is set I am sure the men know thats not likely to happen.
I would suggest that if some has this issue that they should probably find a girl friend that isnt in this industry, cause like I said this is a HOOKER site, and I know that I am not here for a relationship I am here to make money, if I was a man I would not be here for a relationship I would be here to get my cock wet and thats it...

Please remember if your expecting a girl to cut her company down or miss friends just to make sure your the first of the day then you should be willing to put down the money on the table for what shes lost, then maybe a girl wouldnt mind so much, but I dont foresee anyone doing that, so Have you ever heard "you cant have your cake and eat it too".

In this case all money is good money, if it green, its clean.
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Old 08-26-2014, 11:48 AM   #14
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SEE ^^^^^^
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Old 08-26-2014, 11:52 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
I guess I kinda a have the issue with that phrase in this thread "all money isnt good money" It seems like your saying the first person of the days money is better then the 3rd person. I dont think that comment is appropriate for this thread. And yes I am sure everyone would like to be the first of the day but unless early morning appt is set I am sure the men know thats not likely to happen.
I would suggest that if some has this issue that they should probably find a girl friend that isnt in this industry, cause like I said this is a HOOKER site, and I know that I am not here for a relationship I am here to make money, if I was a man I would not be here for a relationship I would be here to get my cock wet and thats it...

Please remember if your expecting a girl to cut her company down or miss friends just to make sure your the first of the day then you should be willing to put down the money on the table for what shes lost, then maybe a girl wouldnt mind so much, but I dont foresee anyone doing that, so Have you ever heard "you cant have your cake and eat it too".

In this case all money is good money, if it green, its clean.

Mmmmmm, that's not how I do it. If its someone I want to be first with, we'll communicate ahead of time. Usually its an ATF or at least a regular. And I make myself flexible on time so she can determine how early is too early. Might be a week or more out ("Hey when you get back in town....etc, etc"). I had a long term sunday first in funday with a ATF...every Sunday was breakfast in bed and get the day started right...we both looked forward to it and kept it going for a very long time.

But its not always my hard and fast rule either...sometimes its an evening engagement, and then all I ask is I'm not bumping into the last guy coming or going...and if I am...then she probably IS a bit too high volume for me...at least on that day. Rarer still will be the "HEY I NEED RELEASE! WHEN CAN YOU FIT ME IN"? LOL
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