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Old 08-25-2014, 12:29 PM   #1
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Default no no talk

Is it just me being too overly cautious but when a provider talks money over the phone isnt that a big red flag..??
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Old 08-25-2014, 01:02 PM   #2
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It depends.

Big red flag to you? What is your concern? LE?

In Killeen, you simply talking money over the phone is not going to result in you getting busted. Period. IF you thought you were talking to LE, you are going to get popped for showing up at the incall and knocking on the door, regardless of whether or not you discussed money and/or services. The fact that you answered an escort ad and showed up at her door is enough for them to make the arrest. (I can discuss that further if needed). Remember, you may end up beating the rap, but you cannot beat the ride.

The ECCIE ladies (and other informed ladies) will, in general, NOT discuss money with anyone they don't already know or have not screened. This is, primarily, to prevent any kind of entrapment by LE for soliciting. (Under Texas prostitution law, you must tie in a sex act(s) to money, either as an occurrence or an offer). The secondary reason our GFE ladies don't discuss money is to maintain the GFE illusion.

With BP, Craigslist, SW, other than professional escort sites, I don't see HOW a lady will avoid a discussion about money in many cases.

MOST of our BP ladies do NOT put donation amounts in their ads.

How then are you supposed to know how much to bring? One of you has to broach the subject.

Now, MANY of the lady's have been nervous when they receive phone calls from people they don't know/haven't met and the question of money is brought up to early by the gents. It is the ladies who are more risk of talking money over the phone than the gents.

For me, a lady bringing up donations is, in and of itself, not a concern in terms of deciding whether or not I will see her. Without a showcase (and OH, BTW, only PREMIUM ACCESS GENTS can see a lady's showcase rates on ECCIE. Those rates are hidden from Registered Members) someone has to discuss money.

HOW the two people go about talking about the money is more telling to me.

I hope that helps. I am sure others will comment as well.

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Old 08-25-2014, 01:57 PM   #3
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It was actually just ment to be more of a do u or dont you diccussion.... but the reason I did bring it up was a lady here did have posted rates...yet when I called to set up our date quoted a higher rate (not by more than 15 bucks so no biggie) but it was her follow up of " do u agree to these rates.... well do you... I need to know? I need to hear you say it" so I guess maybe I should have led this led off with... does anyone else see this pharse as a red flag?
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Old 08-25-2014, 06:32 PM   #4
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We are probably talkin BP and I don't do it unless its a ECCIE girl who posts on both.....so....never heard a girl saying...I want you to say it.....kinda weird.
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Old 08-25-2014, 08:30 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by badapple142 View Post
It was actually just ment to be more of a do u or dont you diccussion.... but the reason I did bring it up was a lady here did have posted rates...yet when I called to set up our date quoted a higher rate (not by more than 15 bucks so no biggie) but it was her follow up of " do u agree to these rates.... well do you... I need to know? I need to hear you say it" so I guess maybe I should have led this led off with... does anyone else see this pharse as a red flag?
Interesting opinions gents, and I agree.......

I will guess we are talking about a BP lady and will say that she probably has been hassled a lot about her rates and has had more than her fair share of time wasters, cheapskates and "gents" that will treat her poorly and give her a hard time when it comes to donations.

The key here is for ECCIE gents to understand when they interact with BP-only ladies that the VAST majority of the "men" these ladies deal with are NOT the caliber of the vast majority of the ECCIE/P411 gents.

These ladies are coming from a very distressed POV when dealing with "clients" over the phone.

My take on it is that other men have 1) showed up short of full donation in hand 2) even when they had donation, tried to haggle with her and 3) were generally demeaning and rude with respect to the lady.

Here in ECCIE, we can "police" some of the less than gentlemanly gents, and this type of action is the exception to the rule and not the norm.

Not a red flag to me, just a lady who is tired of being jerked around and trying to avoid the hassle at her door.

My .02 FWIW.
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Old 08-25-2014, 09:14 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by badapple142 View Post
" do u agree to these rates.... well do you... I need to know? I need to hear you say it" so I guess maybe I should have led this led off with... does anyone else see this pharse as a red flag?
That's a giant red flag with flashing orange lights and a siren going off, in my book. A lady offering services wants you to know her rate. LEO wants to get you on tape clearly AGREEING to pay. If there is any ambiguity, a lady can clear it up when you get there. If there is the same ambiguity, a lawyer can ensure you walk.

To me, that's almost as clear as hearing someone say "hey sarge" in the background.
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Old 08-25-2014, 09:31 PM   #7
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LEO here could give a shit about that. They do not use recordings and have not used your "discussion" as evidence to book anyone. I am talking Waco, Killeen and College Station.

Waco and Killeen have used fake BP ads with a lady cop taking the calls. Killeen has also used a lady's phone once she has been picked up and picked up guys coming to see her.

It is the act of showing up at the door of a lady who has advertised and them proving that there was a phone call to her phone.... no mention of the dialogue.

Now, does the "I need to hear it" comment bother me? Yes. It does. I would walk. Theresa does a great job of laying out the real world reasons ladies have resorted to that, and I have witnessed ladies (that were not cops) telling guys "do you know my rates and are you willing to pay them" when guys call before. So I am not alarmed by the discussion.

Still, the "I need to hear it" is a walk for me, but not for fear of an LE. At least not in our forum. The walk for me is I want/need a lady with a little more discretion and a lot less angst.

Good discussion, all.
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:01 PM   #8
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I use Back Page I discuss it like this, My "Donation is ___" some of these girls are new to the hobby and just learning. Just always trust you gut it is your best instinct for knowing
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:02 PM   #9
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NO NO talk lol thats just cute
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Old 08-26-2014, 09:41 AM   #10
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Well to help clear this up a bit... it was not a BP add. As I said the ad was posted here but not by a local lady. But I am in opinion with secpro that this was a huge Red flag with bells and whistles. And I hate to add a thread in a thread but we should be real careful presuming what local LE will and will not do. More is awalys better.
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Old 08-26-2014, 09:42 AM   #11
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And yes dezire.... no no talk lol...
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Old 08-26-2014, 05:38 PM   #12
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Every time someone says something I dont want to hear im going to say "Thats the NO NO Talk" lol
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