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Old 08-23-2014, 07:30 PM   #16
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No one has had any issue with your service once they are with you. The issues have been with your NCNS history, your blatant refusal to own up to it or make it right, and your continuing condescension to the very "Johns" that ALLOW you to continue to prosper. Its not some nefarious team of undercover spies who are going after YOU. Its the trading public you deal with. Bottom line is you've earned it, so live with it.

I have personally had several Johns threaten “bad reviews on co-ed” against me in order to get discounts, IOUs, faster replies or for more attention/time.
These Johns have ranged from immature/inexperienced Newbies to experienced lurkers to well respected/well known board members.

If this is even partially true, I have NO doubt you would be contacting MODS with the PM's and having them hung from the rafters. And that's what you should do...if its true.

Why do Mods feel this is an appropriate place for sexually frustrated Johns to air their dirty laundry with Provider Members? Or even an appropriate place for strung out providers to bitch about a John?

Drug innuendos & condescension to any "John" that offends you. And you wonder why you are unloved?

Why is it that providers are constantly thrown under the bus and possibly incurring lots of damage to their business because a John may or may not be telling the truth (or full truth) about a private business matter?

Define constantly? And good god girl, looked up what E C C I E stands for...quit trying to modify the purpose of these forums to fit your personal agenda.
Its NOT a private business matter. Its an internet sales site. YOU advertise your wares, and even show your service rates. The consumer is entitled to respond to good (reviews) or poor (reviews and comments) service. Don't want to have people talk about a NCNS? DON'T NCNS. Move over to BP if that's going to be your continuing basic business model...but it will still be talked about...why? BECAUSE ITS A HOOGAR/JOHN CHAT BOARD. You act like a little kid tattling to the teacher and asking for protection from the "bullies" who are going after you. Grow the fuck up, take care of your business, and you won't be defending your indefensible record.

I mean, Thread Titles literally have terms like "Burn Notice" in them making it very clear the purpose of these posts is to ruin reputations and businesses. Why is this allowed and entertained in a thread that is meant to be fun? Are they really trying to suggest that it is entertaining to watch Johns try and ruin a Provider's reputation, business and self worth?

Did you take the time to notice that the "Burn Notice" thread was written by a Hoogar & not a John? No of course not, didn't fit the agenda.

I understand that both Johns and Providers need a space to vent about those super frustrating "Almost Appointments" that don't work out for whatever reason, this is common on both sides of the profession, but why is that place here?

Honestly I don't feel you do understand. But just in case, its because its a Hoogar Chat Board. The ONLY recourse we "Johns" have to poor service, theft, waste of our time is to come here and vent it. The HOPE is that it DOES run the bad business women out of the business. Its MEANT to impact their service, but if it doesn't improve it, then they need to LEAVE. Don't want NCNS's mentioned? Don't do 'em. Its sooooo simple. Or at least explain to the John WHY it happened...

For example....Here are the last 3 NCNS on me...and what the girl did. Some names I will mention, some I won't.

Janele-we had gone back and forth all morning-meet at my house, meet at her IC...trying to tack down a time. She THOUGHT she had sent a text giving me time & place...I didn't get it. I didn't blow her up here. But the next day I asked "Hey sweetie, what happened"? She said she thought I had just changed my mind....then later she texted back saying that her text giving me time/place didn't send...and sent me the copy of the text to prove it. To me, that was more than enough...it was one of those situations that couldn't be helped...No hard feelings and we are still pals

Another...this was last week...I drove 30 mins...waited in lot for 15 more....left and texted "hey one way to get a bad rep is to leave us hanging in the parking lot...hope you are ok". A bit later she responded that her ride had bailed and she WALKED to the hotel but phone was dead...texted me as soon as it charged...gave me a nice discount and we had a make up date....profusely apologized and we have no issue...I will see her again.

Another...about a year ago? I was in lot texting...she was in room sleeping...I was pissed, but didn't blow her up on the board...she gave me a FREE session to make up for it...FREE. Now, I didn't ask for this and sure didn't expect it...but she wanted to make it right. This was Lindsey Page who just moved away a couple of weeks ago.

All 3 of these girls knew how to take care of their business...

Now, as I said no one has much issue with your service. I didn't either. BUT my NCNS from you (and its been 2 years ago-but it seems little has changed) was completely opposite. You verified 40 mins before meeting...I drove 30....texted...texted...cricke ts...I knew that I could verbally poke you in certain ways to finally get a response, and did. Your response? "SNOOZE YOU LOSE". Meaning? That between the time you told me to come (at an agreed discount) someone else closer than 30 mins hit you up with a better offer....so I was left to sit...

After that, I got another hobby phone, contacted you again...we met & had several nice visits...but I never forgot "Snooze you lose"....

Your past is coming back to haunt you.

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Old 08-23-2014, 07:43 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow View Post
Why is it that the Co-Ed Forum is the place to drag other members through the mud
Based on the title of being a bully and harassment aren't you the pot calling the kettle black....
Not just a few weeks ago you took it upon yourself to be a bully and not only question others who reached out when a grieving mother needed help burying her child....I cant think of a bigger bully then the person who not only posted negatively in a thread about reaching out for a call of kindness but also took it upon herself to start a whole other thread with the intention of adding further heartache by belittling the mother and those who reached out... so I say this is all coming back at you in a not so bright light..its called karma ..suck it up cupcake...you get back what you put out....
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Old 08-23-2014, 07:58 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
There needs to be some taint photos in her very hard to read diatribe.
Ah likes tha way yew thinck, ol' 3-sides!
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Old 08-23-2014, 08:02 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn View Post
Based on the title of being a bully and harassment aren't you the pot calling the kettle black.....
Sumptimes, tha very ones thet don't like bein' toldt whut ta do, don't like it cuz they thincks tellin' uther folks whuts ta do is THAR job.
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Old 08-23-2014, 08:33 PM   #20
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Not sure why I want to step back into this especially after I became the subject of a poll.

Stepping back from this specific situation which I know nothing. Thinking generally, there is an imbalance that gives the guys the upper hand. Reviews are written - providers cannot comment nor read the ROS. Then co-ed, a lot of he said, she said. Soap Opera.

The only way any of this works is trust. We have to trust that guys write helpful honest reviews that help others determine if someone is a possible match for fun. No need to slander anyone to enable others to make that determination. If a provider cancels or NCNS then I trust that something came up. I don't want to know the reason. She has a real life. Lots can happen that is none of my business. I trust that something happened and she did not intentionally leave me hanging in the parking lot. For some that trust is not there which leads to this hostility and slander. Step back, if someone is not fun for you then move on.
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Old 08-23-2014, 09:23 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by purpletree View Post
Not sure why I want to step back into this especially after I became the subject of a poll.

Stepping back from this specific situation which I know nothing. Thinking generally, there is an imbalance that gives the guys the upper hand. Reviews are written - providers cannot comment nor read the ROS. Then co-ed, a lot of he said, she said. Soap Opera.

The only way any of this works is trust. We have to trust that guys write helpful honest reviews that help others determine if someone is a possible match for fun. No need to slander anyone to enable others to make that determination. If a provider cancels or NCNS then I trust that something came up. I don't want to know the reason. She has a real life. Lots can happen that is none of my business. I trust that something happened and she did not intentionally leave me hanging in the parking lot. For some that trust is not there which leads to this hostility and slander. Step back, if someone is not fun for you then move on.
Purple, how often do you allow continued failure at work before you recognize it, call it what it is, and fix the problem?

Do you somehow think this is a one time issue that has guys so worked up? Honestly?

How many board members (many multi year respected guys) have chimed in on this? Do you think they (we) are just making things up?

The PURPOSE of this board is to share information. If everyone did as you suggest and move on without calling out poor performance (however that manifests) how long do you think it would take the performers to realize there is no consequence for failure and no reward for superior performance?

Please consider what I just said...then if you still feel the way you do, you are entitled to your opinion...but I bet a free session in a year or two you will change your tune after you're the victim a few times.
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Old 08-23-2014, 09:30 PM   #22
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I thought I could help you out with that less/typing more sucking business plan, but I see u missed the boat on that one...
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Old 08-23-2014, 09:49 PM   #23
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I can feel your pain - you must feel badly hurt. Probably you think that as a young girl, you made some small innocent mistakes longtime ago, why these mature hobbyists (a lot of them are more than double your age) cannot forgive you (like parents always forgiving their children). Probably you apologized thousands of times in your heart but you are just too shy to do it publicly, why these mature hobbyists want you to lose face by apologizing in public.

I just want to say some people might actually understand you and love you unconditionally, but there are always people out there who may not be as tolerant as you expect. I think it is OK.
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Old 08-23-2014, 10:01 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by nothingtolose View Post

I can feel your pain - you must feel badly hurt. Probably you think that as a young girl, you made some small innocent mistakes longtime ago, why these mature hobbyists (a lot of them are more than double your age) cannot forgive you (like parents always forgiving their children). Probably you apologized thousands of times in your heart but you are just too shy to do it publicly, why these mature hobbyists want you to lose face by apologizing in public.

I just want to say some people might actually understand you and love you unconditionally, but there are always people out there who may not be as tolerant as you expect. I think it is OK.

wtf are you talking about. She has never apologized for jack but instead she creates posts such as this ranting about how its unfair that someone can post negarive things about her.
Her attitude is piss poor.
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Old 08-23-2014, 10:01 PM   #25
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If'n thars one thang this l'il hiefer ain't, it's shy. Hell, she done toldt e'erybody h'yar thet she done outed herself ta her comical buddies an' went all public tellin' tha werld thet she's a sex werker an' now thet she's an activimatist fer legalamitization o' prostimuhtooshun. This l'il gal daffynitally ain't shy, no way, no how.
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Old 08-23-2014, 10:44 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by nothingtolose View Post

I can feel your pain - you must feel badly hurt. Probably you think that as a young girl, you made some small innocent mistakes longtime ago, why these mature hobbyists (a lot of them are more than double your age) cannot forgive you (like parents always forgiving their children). Probably you apologized thousands of times in your heart but you are just too shy to do it publicly, why these mature hobbyists want you to lose face by apologizing in public.

I just want to say some people might actually understand you and love you unconditionally, but there are always people out there who may not be as tolerant as you expect. I think it is OK.
Or she could have contacted PM and made things right and none of this happens but instead the lady who has no time plays her cards this way. Damn how long did it take for her to pencil whip her long ass responses? Including edits?
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Old 08-23-2014, 11:44 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow View Post

I understand that.....I understand that ......... I understand that

Sorry Darlin...... Stating it does not make it so.....

Why is that place the Co-Ed Forum?

And why is there ......

I started a point by point response to your diatribe but as childish as it is you really can be answered in a single word Darlin.....


Let us know when the death throes start to subside....

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Old 08-24-2014, 04:53 AM   #28
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Old 08-24-2014, 11:22 AM   #29
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You know, the more I think about it, the more I like EFN's suggestion for a separate NCNS thread, along the lines of the Alerts thread.
Allow original posting by either side, require link to other party's handle, and only allow further posting by the two parties involved for the he said / she said and/or mea culpas.
It would certainly help a lot with research, only one place to look for flakiness. And it would cleanup the coed section a bit.
Note: that is as much as I agree with her posts so far.
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Old 08-24-2014, 11:28 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by FoulRon View Post
You know, the more I think about it, the more I like EFN's suggestion for a separate NCNS thread, along the lines of the Alerts thread.
Allow original posting by either side, require link to other party's handle, and only allow further posting by the two parties involved for the he said / she said and/or mea culpas.
It would certainly help a lot with research, only one place to look for flakiness. And it would cleanup the coed section a bit.
Note: that is as much as I agree with her posts so far.
I'll go you one better. I think they (NCNS) should be a part of their record like "YES" and "NO". If a provider has a frequent history of NCNS it will be very obvious. If she has 1-2, everyone can realize those are exceptions & not the norm. Also, a girl would be allowed to say "It was a NCNS and heres why"...or ignore it...and if she continually ignores responding, but continues to accrue a lot of NCNS, its obvious to the community she is a flake.

I also feel reviews should have a "MAYBE" vote...for those times when you think "Meh, not for me again, but you might want to hit it".
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