Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
Im just curious if anyone has rules on writing reviews? or Opinions.
I no longer write reviews, but my self-imposed rules for writing reviews were to be entertaining and informative (sometimes there was more emphasis in entertainment).
If a member writes a review, there needs to be admission to having carnal knowledge of the provider. Something that says, We Had Sex. It cannot be as generic as stating, "She is real, and we did what adults do, I had a great time, etc., etc."
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
What do you think about reviews posted really late? Is there an expiration date? lol. Is posting a review months later frowned upon?
Reviews that are posted later than 30 days from the day that the activity took place, are not accepted for Premium Access credit... Then again, who is to say when the review actually took place. Just make sure that both the writer and the provider agree that a review will be written so that she doesn't freak out and contact the moderators complaining, "I don't know what he is talking about. I saw him months ago."
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
What would u think if someone just put "ya i saw her" and not details, cause i respect that lol.
The writer can write whatever he wants, but ultimately, he will not receive (shouldn't receive) credit for the review.
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
Are there reasons u wouldnt write a review? besides being asked not too, or getting super kinky.
Back when I was writing reviews, I would not write a review if the lady asked me not to. I wouldn't visit that lady again because of this, now I have a better understanding of why they would prefer to do this.
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
Im mostly wondering about the lateness. Do you think its bad to post a review, say two months later?
To the reader, well... he is none the wiser unless the lady chimes or he writes the accurate date on his review.
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
And how many guys DONT read reviews and just look for yesses?
Personally, I only read reviews of the ladies I am interested in seeing. There was a time when I read every single review that was out there. I know enough ladies in the community at this time that I don't really read reviews. If something fucked-up happens during one of my dates, then I simply contact my friends on the site and make sure they know to be careful. If it is a serious safety issue, I will write an alert.
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
How many GUYS are newbie friendly?
I am very newbie friendly. I will even coach a new lady in safety, screening, site operation, take pics for her to advertise with (and not hold it over her head), if she so wishes (otherwise, I'll just STFU)... and yes, I do enjoy discounts... ijs...
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
(id assume alot)
Well, now you are asking questions, which means that you know more now than you did when you first started.