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Old 08-11-2014, 10:35 PM   #1
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Default SugarBaby Meets SugarDaddy.. Could this be YOU?!♡♥

Hello gentlemen.. Although I loveeeee the hobby, im looking for a more stable relationship!
College and everyday life leave me little time to deal with the cons of a relationship and pros of the hobby.. A sugardaddy/sugarbaby relationship seems to be the in between of the two.. (based on what i know)
So here is kind of what I am looking for. If the following arrangements seem to interest you, check out my profile and give me a shout! (;
Sweet upscale, educated gentleman with an upbeat personality
About 2 visits a week (potentially more)
An understood financial agreement (monthly)
More than just sex!!! Ocassional dinners and outtings
A BOND! I want you to feel comfortable with me, as well as I with you!

I enjoy sports, outdoors activities, shopping, traveling, reading, and more! I am a registered dental assistant as well as attending school full time! Im looking for fun, support, and of course wild crazy sex!! :P
This is just a few of the "qualities" i prefer.. PM me if interested! (;
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Old 08-11-2014, 11:45 PM   #2
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I may be interested...
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Old 08-12-2014, 06:04 AM   #3
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OP - Very well written!
I am glad to see that you put yourself out there like that. It is a great post and I 'think' more girls feel the same way but don't post it for whatever reason.
This type of arrangement looks great to me...but I'm in Texas.
I wish you all the best and I'm sure someone will come along...
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Old 08-12-2014, 05:45 PM   #4
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If I may ask what would the monthly fee be for
this "BOND" that you propose?
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Old 08-12-2014, 09:51 PM   #5
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That would be idealistic for me as well as others I know.
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:16 PM   #6
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I have been looking for a Sugarbaby, I sent you a PM.
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Old 08-12-2014, 11:02 PM   #7
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Good luck.

Feel free to update the gents with progress reports, in the appropriate forum.
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Old 08-13-2014, 06:45 AM   #8
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I'm interested in a SB. Perdido Key, near Pensacola, Fl.

PM me for more information.

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Old 08-15-2014, 07:15 AM   #9
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A hooker that wants to be a sugar baby with set amounts of visits and an allowance.


Here we go again.

And we get to take you to dinner too.

Is that included in the two visits a week or do you mean sex by two visits AND dinner visits.

Do I have to pay you by the hour in order to have dinner with you and if not does it cost extra other than your allowance?

I will bet a million dollars that you will still have a bunch of side clients (By clients I mean uh, sugar daddies)

I love how the sugar baby dictates the how many visits etc....

Good lick, I mean luck. I am sure you will find a mark, I mean man.

This is what happens when a hooker wants to be a sugar baby....

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Old 08-15-2014, 12:56 PM   #10
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Did someone Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Since we are such "hookers".. what does that make you?? You seem to be quite the active hobbiest.. what is the difference between spending thousands of dollars on SEVERAL "hookers" as you prefer, and spending thousands on just one?

For the men that ARE interested... the monthly donation would be that, THE MONTHLY DONATION. Dinner and outings are part of the relationship I said I was looking for. That doesnt mean an extra few hundred just because we go out. What activities that do take place, will be discussed at the discretion of the gentleman that likes this offer and myself.

Now, back to Mr. Jackass.. its an agreement made between two individuals.. If you take as much time to read the post as you do replying to it, youd see it says AT LEAST one or two times a week, which really doesnt concern you since your interest seems slim to none. Looks to me as if someon just felt like putting there 2 cents in...? Past incidents between other providers/hobbyists doesnt concern me or my offer.. and is also none of my business! But thank you so much for your input!

XOXOXOX... Sugar ♡♥♡
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Old 08-15-2014, 01:22 PM   #11
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It makes me someone that fucks hooker from time to time.

What does that have to do with it?

Are you offended by the word?

Should i call you a prostitute? Does provider make you feel better about what you do?

You can call me a John, lick, mark or what ever term you wish. So it makes me one of those.

So now that we established that you are a hooker and i am a john...

You want to be a hooker on retainer that wants dinners and nights out.

What benefit would I (Or anyone else) get buy renting you per month and not per hour.

These things need to be worked out before anyone can address you being a Hahahahahaha and I have to laugh when I say this... a sugar baby lol.

How many sugar daddys are you looking for? two, three?

Or are you looking for just one guy that can support you 100%

You put it out there and are looking. These are the questions that need to be asked.

So sugar baby lets hear your pitch to get a guy to give you money on a monthly basis and you "promise" to see them twice a week.

I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.

I know, you all want the pretty woman life. I am sure you will find your mark.
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Old 08-17-2014, 05:28 PM   #12
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Gotyour6 You're kind of just being mean. I understand that everyone has their different point of view on things but is it really necessary for you to provoke the situation just so you can argue and be ugly?

If you don't like or agree with what she is proposing then just move on. Don't waste you're time and energy being hateful and trying to make people feel bad about themselves. Life is short and each of us has the right to do what we like with the life we were given.

Its fine if you don't agree, but there is absolutely no reason for you to lash out because you don't agree with her choices. Just close the thread and move on to the next. …. Life is too short to be so negative…. just saying.
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Old 08-17-2014, 06:02 PM   #13
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This is actually a very diverse corner of the world with different people looking for different things--and lots of words that have very subjective meanings based upon who is using the term.

Unfortunately a lot of folks also believe their subjectivity and their beliefs should apply to everyone.

I did chuckle at the "Gotyour6 sort of equals Wakeup" poke. There are some similarities.
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Old 08-19-2014, 11:25 PM   #14
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Provider-Client/Prostitute-John/Whore-Trick.....It doesn't really matter what you call it.
What it really boils down to is people trying to get what they want. Unfortunately with
there being so much out there these days it, can be very difficult to be certain if an offer
such as Sugar's is legitimate. And it would be just as difficult for her to know if the person
accepting that offer is, truly on the level. I was a party to such an arrangement that lasted
for nearly six years and, it suited both our needs perfectly. Unfortunately my base of
operations changed and, brought it to an end.The ultimate key to its success was lots of
good old fashioned honest communication on the front end.Thats the only way it can work.
That being said I replied to Sugar's proposal and we have discussed quite a bit. I doubt if we
will be able to secure this arrangement between us but, that doesn't really matter. I have been
a regular client of hers for some time now and, I'm fine with things the way they are. While
I enjoy her company and, services very much our differences are just too much for this type
of arrangement to work. Nevertheless I look forward to many more encounters with little
sweetheart for as long as she's available. In closing a word to Mr. Gotyour6...Even though
you may have touched on some legitimate concerns regarding Sugar's proposal. You rendered
you point irrelevant by, expressing yourself like an ASSHOLE. I don't know why I bothered but, I
took the time read the reviews you've posted about your sessions. Trust me DICK HEAD this one's
way out of your league anyway. Why a STUPID FUCKER like you would even weigh in on this
subject is beyond me...
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Old 08-20-2014, 04:17 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by sugar.marie View Post
Hello gentlemen.. Although I loveeeee the hobby, im looking for a more stable relationship!
College and everyday life leave me little time to deal with the cons of a relationship and pros of the hobby.. A sugardaddy/sugarbaby relationship seems to be the in between of the two.. (based on what i know)
So here is kind of what I am looking for. If the following arrangements seem to interest you, check out my profile and give me a shout! (;
Sweet upscale, educated gentleman with an upbeat personality
About 2 visits a week (potentially more)
An understood financial agreement (monthly)
More than just sex!!! Ocassional dinners and outtings
A BOND! I want you to feel comfortable with me, as well as I with you!

I enjoy sports, outdoors activities, shopping, traveling, reading, and more! I am a registered dental assistant as well as attending school full time! Im looking for fun, support, and of course wild crazy sex!! :P
This is just a few of the "qualities" i prefer.. PM me if interested! (;
Great Idea
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