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Old 08-18-2014, 12:27 PM   #46
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Default The fox said those grape must be sour, he didn't want them anyway.

Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker View Post
I think he's doing things right, he's following the "rules" of the game to get what he wants as a goal,
the issue is, he's following the right rules for a different game
he needs to get the right rules for this game, or find a new game
Not understanding the conditions, or game, that you are in at the present time is one definition of crazy.

1. You may love your tattoos, and they mean a lot to you. We all respect your personal choice.

2. Much of society holds tattoos, especially exposed tattoos, in low taste. They judge those harshly when they see people with these tattoos.

3. You love your tattoos and those people mention in #2 can just go fuck themselves.

4. You don't understand why some jobs are just not available to you. You think is wrong for the US Army not to allow you to enlist with tattoos covering your arms.

5. Conclusion: you don't understand this game society is playing. In your defense you say you don't give a fuck, you didn't want that job anyway. Duh.
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Old 08-18-2014, 08:59 PM   #47
Urban Dahlia
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Originally Posted by JS42 View Post
He was being sarcastic Dahlia, nothing more. It brought your sexy ass to this thread though, so I approve. Respectfully speaking of course.
Thank you JS42! You are very Sweet.

Okay everyone this is the man I was referring to in my previous post. He text me shortly after I posted that.

Will you all please (pretty please with a cherry on top lol) do me a solid, and try to stop being unkind/sarcastic towards this poster?

He takes everything very literal as well as directly to the heart. He is very sensitive, and is easily hurt emotionally. Don't let that fool you. He is still all man.

Please do not continue to beat down a man that is already beat down. What purpose does this serve that is beneficial to either of you?

He's a nice guy. He's just very, very lonely. Geez I hate talking about other people's issues openly on here, but I just thought I would insert my two cents worth. He's the kind of guy that would be making the same plea no matter what social situation it be.

I am just asking nicely for you all to have a little compassion for this man.

I was the first, and may still be the only escort he has seen. The only other woman he has been with in his life was with his wife. She died of cancer a few years back. She was his whole life. It has been extremely hard for him to process and move forward.

I know it's hard as a man not to jump on another man who appears to be weak, but at the end we all exit this Earth the same way... with nothing but our birthday suit lol. So that must mean we are all Equal.

Be Kind, Rewind :-D
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Old 08-18-2014, 10:48 PM   #48
El Hombre de la Mancha
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Some should just download porn ... its not a bad thing ...ijs.
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Old 08-19-2014, 07:38 PM   #49
Dr. Vanity
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Now, imma keep my comments to myself regarding some bs I read on this thread.. But please know.. I like you jayhawker!! I hope u sense that when we first interacted!

I am a very authentic woman... I'm not saying this to kiss ass or pull you under my spell for a donation (like I read other chicks do smh haha). I reached out to you by Inbox telling you how cool I thought of you! Despite others, You make me laugh all the time so how can I NOT like you?! And that's very appreciative if I had a bad day... You seem to speak from the heart... That I admire and respect in you because I am the same way. Because So many people (in general) like to use intelligent words... Make themselves sound intelligent... Just to sound good smh! And it's solely my opinion how it freaking grind my nerves... How folks believe what others say JUST BECAUSE they used big/intelligent words smh!! Listen, when one speaks from emotions... That's speaks from the heart... And the heart is real l deal. U can't fake it! People need to appreciate it! I do! Because that's PASSION! Thank you! Now back to the realness please... Because eventually people will respect it... Or not! Doesn't matter babe! That's their issue. Never urs!

Oh, and u seem very opinionated... YASSSSSSS just likeI am! OWN THAT BABE! don't ever not be who you are... And what you are for nooooooo one! Stand up for something or fall for anything (wisdom)! Real talk!
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Old 08-20-2014, 12:36 AM   #50
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So much for discretion
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