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Old 08-12-2014, 07:50 PM   #31
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It is a tragedy that someone so full of life and humor could have felt so alone and with so much despair to end his life. Bless his soul he will be greatly missed he has been one of my favorite actors and if anyone has watched what dreams may come will find it slightly ironic and comforting. Hope he finds his happiness in his heaven. RIP
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Old 08-12-2014, 09:55 PM   #32
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Patch Adams was one that really touched me, but there were so many great movies. I remember reading how he researched for his role in that one and Good morning, Vietnam so that he could do justice to his roles. Lost track of how many times I heard him in Aladdin.
He was an amazing & talented actor and he will be missed.
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:29 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
It is true that he took his own life according to the partial corner's report that was released today

My cousin that I was close to also committed suicide just over a year ago it was a total shock to us as well we had no idea he was going to do that he always seemed to be the happy go lucky type as well. Which just goes to show that we have no idea what people are thinking and going through. I do feel sorry for him that he was in so much pain that he felt he couldn't go to anyone to help him ease his pain. I also feel sorry for his family as they did not get to say goodbye just as my family did not get to say goodbye to my cousin nor do we know the reason for it since he left no note.

And to say that money can buy you happiness is a naive and classless statement IMO. Especially when made in an RIP thread for someone who is so well beloved. We may not have known him personally but he made us feel like we did. He made us laugh he made us cry he truly was one of the best entertainers of his generation.

said Barack Obama lol

And Nova yes you do have the right to express your views but there are sometimes you should learn to hold your tongue. ...IJS
Blah blah blah

You take this board too serious. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar - Freud
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:30 PM   #34
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Hey what did you mean by IJS? Dies that mean "I'm just stupid"?
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:38 PM   #35
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Yes for the record it's a very sad thing. I admired his gift and talent. But I still feel more bad for the people he left confused than I do for him
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:59 PM   #36
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The eternal Peter Pan, he brought out the child in all of us. Made us laugh and cry and took us away from our troubles for a little while.

Such a shame, he couldn't bring that same happiness to himself.

Depression and suicidal thoughts can either be a daily fight or come and go, either way it's a struggle to keep at bay. You never truly beat it.
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Old 08-12-2014, 11:02 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Novatx View Post
Blah blah blah

You take this board too serious. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar - Freud
Wow I have met you a couple of times at socials and stuff and I have always thought that you were kind of stuck up and several of the guys have always told me no she is just kind of shy at first. But actually you are a stuck up bitch who has no conscious this was suppose to be a thread to wish RIP for someone that we all admired and you have turned it into a bunch of bile you immature little ho you don't know shit about what that man has been through in his life, who the fuck do you think you are to judge that man on the life he has lead and what lead him to make that decision to end his life So I say to you nova FUCK YOU!!

Originally Posted by Novatx View Post
Hey what did you mean by IJS? Dies that mean "I'm just stupid"?
And for the record IJS means "I'm just saying" and I'm just saying you are a BITCH if you don't know what that means then I suggest you google it

Mods if you want to give me a point or two for that I will gladly take them because this bitch just pissed me the fuck off and I had to get that of my chest!!
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Old 08-13-2014, 01:03 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
Wow I have met you a couple of times at socials and stuff and I have always thought that you were kind of stuck up and several of the guys have always told me no she is just kind of shy at first. But actually you are a stuck up bitch who has no conscious this was suppose to be a thread to wish RIP for someone that we all admired and you have turned it into a bunch of bile you immature little ho you don't know shit about what that man has been through in his life, who the fuck do you think you are to judge that man on the life he has lead and what lead him to make that decision to end his life So I say to you nova FUCK YOU!!

And for the record IJS means "I'm just saying" and I'm just saying you are a BITCH if you don't know what that means then I suggest you google it

Mods if you want to give me a point or two for that I will gladly take them because this bitch just pissed me the fuck off and I had to get that of my chest!!
I don't care about your opinion you short fat piece of caca lol. Yeah get it off your fat little titties I mean "chest". I don't care . I still got my views! By the way I can see your big triangle vagina through your jeans panochudo! lol where'd you get that mommy tummy when you can't even bare children??
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Old 08-13-2014, 09:44 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Novatx View Post
I don't care about your opinion you short fat piece of caca lol. Yeah get it off your fat little titties I mean "chest". I don't care . I still got my views! By the way I can see your big triangle vagina through your jeans panochudo! lol where'd you get that mommy tummy when you can't even bare children??

now that is how you put some stank on an insult. And just for the record I have much more than a mommy tummy

bonn11 you should take some lessons here on how to do a proper insult!!!

Nova I am much calmer now after a good night's sleep and I thought about it maybe you are not a bitch maybe just a young misguided lady who has never had to go thorough the death of a loved one and I hope you never do. So I offer this article I found this morning I hope you read it but if not then it is your loss and hope you have a nice life and good luck to you and your loved ones.

I was just going to post the link but for the people who don't want to click it to read the article I think I will post the whole article it is written by a woman named Elizabeth Hawksworth


I was coming home from a long day of working when I saw the news on Twitter. Today, probably sometime this morning, Robin Williams, beloved American actor, passed away in his California home. The coroner suspects that he committed suicide, probably from asphyxiation.
In the short hour since his death broke to the world, I have seen a number of reactions. I’ve seen people saddened and shocked. I’ve seen them skeptical and decreeing how suicide is a “waste.” I’ve seen countless photos, videos, and quotations from the many characters Williams played, each one meaning so much to all of us who watched him in all of his films. In fact, I will be watching my favourite Robin Williams film, Dead Poets’ Society tonight, in memoriam.

Robin Williams as John Keating in Dead Poets Society. Image: © Touchstone Pictures/Entertainment Pictures/ZUMAPRESS.com But I felt compelled to write this article because like any mental illness-related accident or death, there by the grace of God go I. And it’s not only in poor taste to deride a man who by all accounts, was going though severe depression at the time of his death, it’s also just plain wrong. Suicide isn’t “giving up” or “giving in.” Suicide is a terrible decision made by someone whose pain is so great that they can no longer hold it, and feel they have no other option in life but to end it. It’s a decision you can’t take back, and a decision that will affect your friends and family forever. It is not taken lightly.
Losing a person to suicide may feel like a waste. And I think it’s fair to react to it that way, especially in the first hard days of grief. For someone looking in, it does seem like a waste—especially in the case of Williams, who was a brilliantly funny man and a talented actor. But imagine, if you will, feeling so desperate, so desolate, so incredibly sad and hurt that you honestly cannot see a way out. The feelings leading to suicide are the darkest a human mind can fathom. It’s like being shut into a dark tunnel with no point of light to guide your way. You can hear voices on the outside, but the walls are too thick to get in. And feeling like it’s closing in, like there’s no way out—well, suicide, for that person, is a blessed release. Life, however, is never wasted. Williams did things in his life that touched people to their core. It is a sad, sad loss, but it is not a waste.
Suicide is not a weak decision. It is a decision that takes an incredible amount of strength to make, actually. Someone isn’t weak if they end their life. They are desperate. There is a difference. It’s okay to feel angry at the person for dying. It’s okay to question, to rail against the forces that caused this. But it isn’t weakness. Mental illness isn’t weakness. It’s a disease, a pervasive, sometimes awful disease. The person doesn’t deserve anger and skepticism forever. They deserve compassion. Their family deserves compassion.
Ending a life is incredibly, incredibly tragic. It represents a lost battle with mental illness. In that, it is no different than cancer, or diabetes, or a heart attack. Where it is different is that suicide is a choice. Whether it is the right or wrong choice for that person is solely the business of that person who commits suicide. But for the family left behind, it is devastating.
Don’t rail against Robin Williams, or anyone else, for committing suicide (if indeed, that is the cause of his death). Instead, reach out. Let people know you’re there for them. Find a crisis line in your area to call if you are feeling desperate and like you want to do something you can’t take back. Support the family and friends left behind in the best way you can. Let the people you love know that you love them and that you are thinking about them. Let them know that they are not alone.
Robin Williams taught me innumerable things about how to reach out to people and bring out the best in them. Through his characters, he taught me to seize the day, to make them laugh, to find everyone’s sense of humour, to be a friend. I will miss his work and his bright light in the world. I am so sorry that he felt like there was no other option. I send my love and my compassion to his family.
Oh captain, my captain, I hope you find peace on the other side.
To everyone who may be reading this, if you need to talk at all—I am available to listen, whoever you are. You are not alone.
RIP, Robin Williams.
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Old 08-13-2014, 11:06 AM   #40
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^ what are you talking about? "misguided lady who has never had to go thorough the death of a loved one" ?? everyone is gonna die one day. In fact I have lost people very dear to me; more than one! And again, I still have my views!
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Old 08-13-2014, 11:31 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Novatx View Post
^ what are you talking about? "misguided lady who has never had to go thorough the death of a loved one" ?? everyone is gonna die one day. In fact I have lost people very dear to me; more than one! And again, I still have my views!
I meant in the context of a suicide... but then again maybe you have and this is your way of venting if you have I am sorry for your loss

And again you do have your views and you have the right to express those views but just because you have that right doesn't always mean you should and like I said before there is a time and a place for snide comments and IMHO this was not one of them.
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Old 08-13-2014, 12:04 PM   #42
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Old 08-13-2014, 11:42 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Novatx View Post
^ what are you talking about? "misguided lady who has never had to go thorough the death of a loved one" ?? everyone is gonna die one day. In fact I have lost people very dear to me; more than one! And again, I still have my views!
I've been trying to stay out of things however, Novatx, you may not know severe depression. My reply is not meant to be judgmental but informative from someone who's been there and survived.
I've personally dealt with it in my past. I've been hospitalized for attempting suicide at 17. And suicidal for a year after my third miscarriage. And went on Antidepressants a few times when I was married.
When I was in those states, nothing mattered. Nobody could bring me out of it.
Being depressed is part of everyday life, but clinical depression is completely different. There really is no real way to cope sometimes. There's tunnel vision, where all you can see is the bad. It's not selfish to want to end things, you honestly think people will be better off without you. Or you're just so numb that you're not thinking straight. Not everyone realizes how bad they are, some can function or appear to be fine to others but in honesty die inside each day. Sometimes the symptoms don't even appear to ourselves until it's too late. Some can notice signs that they're going under and get help, but not always.
Robin Williams has not been the first, nor will he be the last VICTIM of this disease. Yes, severe or clinical depression is a disease not a choice.
He was an amazing and talented actor that will be missed by family, friends and fans. But it was a disease that took him, too young. Would you still blame him if that disease was cancer or some other illness? What if he was a paranoid schizophrenic or multiple personalities? What if he was hearing voices in his own mind? You don't know what he was truly going through. Right now, instead of judging a dead man, feel for those he left behind.
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Old 08-14-2014, 12:57 AM   #44
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Sorry for the interruption...just wanted to post my fav Robin Williams scenes...

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Old 08-14-2014, 02:52 PM   #45
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I love Dead Poets Society ...
One of my many favorite quotes :

“So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women - and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do.”
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