Originally Posted by shayla84
Personally I say see all that you want, if you wanted manogamy youd stay at home or find a girlfriend or just have an affair, this is a hooker site, point blank. This is not a dating site. I have heard this before and its because there insecure on them selves, and if your that insecure this is not the site for you.
Were whores, nicely priced whores but thats what we are, you can sugar coat it anyway you want but at the end of the day, thats what we are and do... So that being said they have no rights and this is like a big candy store, so pick your flavor of the day, week, or month and have fun. You really think she would listen if you told her or any of the other girls to not see anyone besides you, lol I think not...
Have fun....
I find what you write very insightfull correct and you pull no punches. What a breath of fresh air. Thank you