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Old 08-10-2014, 07:39 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Ginger Doll View Post
You did try to schedule, even submitted your info for screening and were verified through Trinity Kane... Albeit under one of your 5 or 6 previous handles.

Your off-topic and unnecessarily rude comments in the above post will be reported as soon as my reply is complete.

Back on topic, there is no excuse for NCNS. It's rude & irritating. I've been around for 6 years, and have NEVER done it. It's happened to me, and I hate it! It's one of my biggest pet peeves, especially since it can be avoided with almost no effort. It only takes about 3 seconds to text "Sorry, I can't make it today."

Common decency isn't so common, apparently.

I don't think you're talking to the person you think you're talking to...
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Old 08-10-2014, 07:59 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Ginger Doll View Post
I've been around for 6 years.
And you still havent learned to play well with others? Smh
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Old 08-10-2014, 09:31 PM   #33
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Posting taint photos usually make the NCNSs go away.
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Old 08-10-2014, 10:14 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Posting taint photos usually make the NCNSs go away.
Bring on the taint, then
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Old 08-10-2014, 10:34 PM   #35
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What's the problem? London Bridge admitted she NCNS Montaigne so he is no longer a NCNS virgin....welcome to the club sir. Montaigne said MAYBE he jumped the gun starting this thread, well maybe he did and maybe he didn't. The point still remains it was a no show for what ever reason. LB says she had a family situation come up she had to handle, maybe she did maybe she didn't. That doesn't change the fact there was a No Show. I can't blame her for putting family first, I would do the same thing, but it's still a No Show.
Was it a No Call? Well she said she was sorry the "TEXT" didn't go through, she didn't say sorry the call didn't go through. So again there was NOT even an attempt at a CALL, supposedly there was an attempt at a text but not a call. So by definition this was a NCNS, No Call No Show.
Are NCNSs disrespectful.....hell yes they are. Are NCNS inconsiderate.....damn right they are and they are time wasters also. Did LB waste Montaigne time......yes she did. If the shoe was on the other foot would LB be upset and feel like her time was wasted.....Damn right she would and the lose of funds would be aggravating as well.
In the end NCNSs suck shit no matter who is guilty of committing them. I have had some NCNSs myself and it's very frustrating and once I'm NCNSed I don't return for a shame on me. These two can kiss and make up or they can move on and not look back, it's up to them. But the fact is, it WAS a NCNS and a text IS NOT a call period. IMHO I agree with Scoot........bull shit.
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Old 08-10-2014, 10:39 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by saddletramp View Post
What's the problem? London Bridge admitted she NCNS Montaigne so he is no longer a NCNS virgin....welcome to the club sir. Montaigne said MAYBE he jumped the gun starting this thread, well maybe he did and maybe he didn't. The point still remains it was a no show for what ever reason. LB says she had a family situation come up she had to handle, maybe she did maybe she didn't. That doesn't change the fact there was a No Show. I can't blame her for putting family first, I would do the same thing, but it's still a No Show.
Was it a No Call? Well she said she was sorry the "TEXT" didn't go through, she didn't say sorry the call didn't go through. So again there was NOT even an attempt at a CALL, supposedly there was an attempt at a text but not a call. So by definition this was a NCNS, No Call No Show.
Are NCNSs disrespectful.....hell yes they are. Are NCNS inconsiderate.....damn right they are and they are time wasters also. Did LB waste Montaigne time......yes she did. If the shoe was on the other foot would LB be upset and feel like her time was wasted.....Damn right she would and the lose of funds would be aggravating as well.
In the end NCNSs suck shit no matter who is guilty of committing them. I have had some NCNSs myself and it's very frustrating and once I'm NCNSed I don't return for a shame on me. These two can kiss and make up or they can move on and not look back, it's up to them. But the fact is, it WAS a NCNS and a text IS NOT a call period. IMHO I agree with Scoot........bull shit.
LMAO...I am reading this post agreeing with everything stated then see my name at the end and go hell yea...lol...no wonder i agree..thanks saddletramp for being so much more eloquent than me...again BULLSHIT...scoot
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Old 08-10-2014, 10:52 PM   #37
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since pissing contests get stinky...i might as well jump in...montaigne..have some respect for yourself...has she texted you an apology at all because she has essentially said kiss my big white ass in public forum to you and all hobbiest's...she could be on fire and i wouldn't use your dick to piss on her and put the fire out...LB sounds like she has a 11th grade education so arguing with her is a no win situation...underconstruction already new he was a WK as he tried to disarm that by stating he wasn't what he obviously is...if you could only read what he posts in the mens lounge...and ginger who she and i have had our differences but the lady stays the course and stands for what she believes and doesnt waffle or suck up to be a WK...sucks only for dough...hehe...so where is Mr. Chan when we need him...scoot
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Old 08-10-2014, 11:09 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by scooter View Post
since pissing contests get stinky...i might as well jump in...montaigne..have some respect for yourself...has she texted you an apology at all because she has essentially said kiss my big white ass in public forum to you and all hobbiest's...she could be on fire and i wouldn't use your dick to piss on her and put the fire out...LB sounds like she has a 11th grade education so arguing with her is a no win situation...underconstruction already new he was a WK as he tried to disarm that by stating he wasn't what he obviously is...if you could only read what he posts in the mens lounge...and ginger who she and i have had our differences but the lady stays the course and stands for what she believes and doesnt waffle or suck up to be a WK...sucks only for dough...hehe...so where is Mr. Chan when we need him...scoot

You seem a little out of character in this thread. I am not choosing sides on this particular issue but you have always struck me as one of fewer words and more thought. IJS
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Old 08-10-2014, 11:28 PM   #39
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inquisitivone...my apologies..on asking what your handle means but i have some dyslexia and that handle is brutal for us trying to spell it that jumble our letters...probably the vodka tonic and waiting on a provider just got me a little wordy as i apparently am on this post...i just saw so much that seemed so basic on this thread...i dont really even see how the discussion got this far...she should have made sure at an apprpriate time to say hey sorry for the ncns...not my first probably wont be my last but at least say something to the guy...if she had done that this is mute....scoot
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Old 08-10-2014, 11:53 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by scooter View Post
since pissing contests get stinky...i might as well jump in...montaigne..have some respect for yourself...has she texted you an apology at all because she has essentially said kiss my big white ass in public forum to you and all hobbiest's...she could be on fire and i wouldn't use your dick to piss on her and put the fire out...LB sounds like she has a 11th grade education so arguing with her is a no win situation...underconstruction already new he was a WK as he tried to disarm that by stating he wasn't what he obviously is...if you could only read what he posts in the mens lounge...and ginger who she and i have had our differences but the lady stays the course and stands for what she believes and doesnt waffle or suck up to be a WK...sucks only for dough...hehe...so where is Mr. Chan when we need him...scoot
Well, thank you Scoot... I think. Lol

I just state the truth as I see it. I don't sugarcoat it, so it's bound to piss some people off – especially those that try to make excuses for their ineptitude.

Despite the accusations of harassment and drama, I was attacking the behavior – not the person.

The lesson here – no one likes to be treated like shit. Show some respect.

PS. Scoot... I miss MrChan, too! I'll bet he would've had an appropriately funny fortune cookie saying for this situation.
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Old 08-11-2014, 02:37 AM   #41
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Look there is obviously bad blood between LB, GW, and under construction. That crap doesn't change any of the facts that scooter or any of the others have said. I know I'm knew here but fact is if I got NCNS I would of posted within the hour to alert other hobbiest of this kind of behavior. If she will do it to one, she will do it to all of us.
LB, I know life happens but you can't expect to ditch out on your business agreement and not expect to catch flak for it. I'm sorry for whatever happened but it's the truth. Money is one thing, but time is something you can never earn. Either you apologize and make it right or you tell him to pound sand. Doesn't bother me any but I'll never call you because of this and I'm sure others are in the same boat.
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Old 08-11-2014, 06:26 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Jwonder View Post
Look there is obviously bad blood between LB, GW, and under construction. That crap doesn't change any of the facts that scooter or any of the others have said. I know I'm knew here but fact is if I got NCNS I would of posted within the hour to alert other hobbiest of this kind of behavior. If she will do it to one, she will do it to all of us.
LB, I know life happens but you can't expect to ditch out on your business agreement and not expect to catch flak for it. I'm sorry for whatever happened but it's the truth. Money is one thing, but time is something you can never earn. Either you apologize and make it right or you tell him to pound sand. Doesn't bother me any but I'll never call you because of this and I'm sure others are in the same boat.
My My. 93 yes reviews and 1 NCNS. There are those out there with as many NCNSs as positive reviews though i'm not naming names. Once again I have never seen LB and am not saying she don't owe dude an apology. But who in the fuck on this board has earned the right to demand it from her as if she hurt everyones feelings. Get over it. I am sure one or two may never call her because of this. But her phone will ring again. Trust me!
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Old 08-11-2014, 06:30 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by scooter View Post
inquisitivone...my apologies..on asking what your handle means but i have some dyslexia and that handle is brutal for us trying to spell it that jumble our letters...probably the vodka tonic and waiting on a provider just got me a little wordy as i apparently am on this post...i just saw so much that seemed so basic on this thread...i dont really even see how the discussion got this far...she should have made sure at an apprpriate time to say hey sorry for the ncns...not my first probably wont be my last but at least say something to the guy...if she had done that this is mute....scoot
The handle was a byproduct of vodka or whiskey as well LOL. I was curious about the hobby and wanted to Inquire as to what it was all about therefore I was an "inquisitive one" Inquiring minds want to know!
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:45 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by inquisitivone View Post
My My. 93 yes reviews and 1 NCNS. There are those out there with as many NCNSs as positive reviews though i'm not naming names. Once again I have never seen LB and am not saying she don't owe dude an apology. But who in the fuck on this board has earned the right to demand it from her as if she hurt everyones feelings. Get over it. I am sure one or two may never call her because of this. But her phone will ring again. Trust me!
Exactly. She's not Coco. People are burning her at the stake for something she hasn't made a habit of. We got some real high and mighty motherfuckers on here, though.
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:47 AM   #45
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Cool. Name. choice..scoot
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