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Old 07-30-2014, 11:55 PM   #31
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My ECCIE Reviews

What!?! You mean slapping on makeup with a trowel isn't the way to go? Well what about clown eyebrows and heavy rouge?

Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that heavy perfume is annoying and body glitter is not just a fun reminder that sticks around on your clothes for hours.

On-topic....I think Ze nailed it.
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Old 08-02-2014, 09:47 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by rpimps View Post
Hey everyone, so I've been doing a lot more research on this forum after many people suggested it in my first thread: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1121506
and am starting to learn more about how this hobby/business works. I've at least learned that calling random girls on backpage isn't the best idea

I'll admit I'm not too keen on the extensive amount of research it seems to require. I'm a mathematician, I work on the computer 10+ hours a day, so when I'm sitting here researching girls and information and trying to make sure they're real etc it just feels like I'm still at work and it takes away the thrill of it.
You may want to try a good agency to save time. Otherwise get prepared to spend a LOT of time searching and a lot of dead ends and disappointments. There is no way around this. I speak from experience. I have met two providers so far and had a provider who flaked. The first was from a sugar daddy website, not sure that really counts. She was lying about her age by at least a decade and her weight by at least 50 lbs. I then had a very bad experience with a so called independent who was listed on a number of escort sites and was reviewed.

I have come to the conclusion: pay a little more and let an agency do some of the screening for you. It's cheaper in the long run and definitely quicker. I found this on the web:

"There are two kinds of independent escorts: those who possess entrepreneurial spirit and prefer to work independently and those who simply “didn't make the cut” during their interviews with the agencies, either because of their looks or personality. You won't know which category your prospective date falls into until she shows up at your door. Ultimately I believe that Indy's can't hold down a regular job even on the side, it's simply because they can't be reliable. I hear this all the time from the members. I hear and have noticed for myself the drug use and worn out aspect of many Indy's. Ultimately I personally believe the best set up is an escort who entertains on occasion, whom is enrolled in college or partaking in a professional career. Ladies of this caliber leave the most lasting impression."

I wished I had read that and got a pre-screening from an agency before wasting money on p411 screening. The provider I met on p411 was listed as an "independent." She and her "man" show up, she hadn't showered all day, had nasty hair, needed dental work, was wearing dirty clothes. May have had some psychological issues. There's a white SUV with dark tinted windows and gold rims parked in my upscale apartment complex. I spent $$$ on a situation where I was the one who should have been getting paid. Good Lord I hope I don't hear from them again. Always get a hotel room for "independent" outcalls.

This provider had a half dozen or so reviews, only one of which was somewhat negative. Reviews mean nothing. The only thing you can tell from reviews is if the provider is unlikely to be LE. Good reviews are traded for extra service or discounts. Good reviews are written by shills. Good reviews are fantasy enhancers for the men who write them. Good reviews are left because clients are reluctant to leave bad reviews for fear providers will link it to them and that that will be the end of their hobbying. Good reviews are left because clients want other providers to trust them.

Before finding eccie I had this Hollywood-inspired view of escorts where you would walk into an upscale building and there would be beautiful girls lined up who all look like models/pornstars, you choose who you want and that's it. Or you call up an agency and say something like "send me a blonde and a brunette!" and then 2 supermodels show up at your house. Does anything like this actually exist or is it just in movies?
I had this misconception too. And yes I'm still silly enough to believe that places like that exist. Not on the streets or online forums. Those "places" are upscale agencies. Think about it this way: when Charlie Sheen, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Rielly, Prince Phillip, etc. want to buy some company do they go online and spend hours combing ads and reviews? No. They make some calls to some people who's phone numbers we will never get. Well, Hugh Grant and Jerry Fallwell prefer streetwalkers. But watch the documentary called "Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer" to get a view into the escort world that you dream about. It is out there. It's just not advertised or reviewed.

I am sure if you are in Houston that there are some established agencies that have $2000 dollar-a-date providers. If you want an experience with a Playboy-esque playmate you're going to have to pay. They also will have more reasonable priced providers. You will pay more, but the providers will be pre-screened (to a certain extent) for social abilities, visible drug use, dependability, etc. In the long run for a newbie who is not wanting to become a career hoppyist and who is looking for a particular kind of experience it's cheaper and less time consuming. IMO. Although there are some added risks from LE.

This subject has come up before on this board (I've been a lurker). And in the Indy vs. Agency debate Indy always wins here. But this board is not representative of the society at large. I'm still a newbie, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I plan to try the agency route and am getting screened by a local agency. Just be careful it's a real agency and not some pimp with 2-3 girls.

It's going to take a lot of convincing to get me to try "independent" again.

My advice as a newbie to a newbie is: look at other things besides reviews. Look for an reputable agency listing in her profile. Look for tour dates. If she tours she's probably got her ducks mostly in a row. If her profile says she's in her early 20s and when you contact her she mentions anything about working her scheduling around taking care of her kids -- it's not a good sign.

If I've said anything that might be rude you'll have to forgive me, I'm still a newbie here and am not fully up to speed on all the do's and dont's yet. I'm just trying to find a faster, more efficient way to go about this, and the way they depict it in movies is so perfect that I'd like to know if there are similar services anywhere or if all of that is completely imaginary.
It's mostly imaginary. I visited a cat house in NV thinking it would be an upscale place. That's laughable if you've ever been there. It's a couple really old double wides pushed together in the desert.

Don't give up on your "dream."

IMO, don't give up on that 9 or 10 experience, whatever that is for you.
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Old 08-02-2014, 09:52 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
If I'm paying...I'm only paying for 9s and above...if I don't find one, I don't fuck...

Lowering your standards just disappoints you...
I'm with you. Different people are looking for different things in the hobby community. But I will not pay for 7 and 8s.
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Old 08-03-2014, 09:48 AM   #34
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i'd like to see what you guys consider 7, 8, and 9.

it's fascinating to look at how different people view beauty.
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Old 08-03-2014, 12:44 PM   #35
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There is hardly anything more foolish than a numerical scale for rating a lady's beauty. It is so completely subjective and so dependent upon the day/mood/expectation/lighting etc. as to be almost meaningless--or worse, counterproductive. Say whether the photos are accurate. Say if there are things not shown in the pictures. That's about it and then let a guy decide for himself.

I've done a number of quick statistical regressions when this comes up on TER at times. The results are always the same: "beauty" scores follow "performance" scores, i.e. if a guy thought a lady was skilled and enjoyed his time with her, she retroactively looked better. I have seen some guys insist there should be a checklist for "attractiveness", and not surprisingly it always comes back to "everyone else should like exactly what I like". How absurd. I know some people consider Angelina Jolie the epitome of physical beauty and the prototype of a "10", but for me I find her face distracting. I think a young Sophia Loren is as beautiful a woman as I have ever seen, but I have been told by some they would rate her no more than an 8 on a 10 point scale.

Then again, most the time I have seen posts put up on this board or others, the significant majority say that looks are secondary to attitude.
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Old 08-03-2014, 01:17 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by JayceeRivers View Post
... Generally super models only exist in the wonderful world of media...
Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport View Post
Most women that look like super models have no need to sell themselves this way. The world is their oyster, they get whatever they want without even having to give up the goods, so good luck finding an exceptionally beautiful woman outside of NY or LA premier agencies.

I think there's something to what hgritstoo said, as well. Beautiful people are very used to being catered to, both men and women. She probably won't be prepared to cater to you... she's never had to cater to anyone. IJS.

Pretty Woman is a make believe. In no universe would someone who looks like Julia Roberts have any reason to sell herself for a hundred dollars an hour. IJS.
Supermodel Chrissy Teigen would tell you otherwise...

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Old 08-03-2014, 01:45 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by The Eternal Bachelor View Post
Supermodel Chrissy Teigen would tell you otherwise...
Yes, there are. But when you are talking $25K+ per night you are in a different stratosphere than most on this board play in. I know a number of ladies--some very, very well--who have traveled in those circles (and no, that price range is beyond my means--how I know them is a long and winding road--and it is a very different world. To draw gereralizations between the world of even $1000/hour ladies and the $25K per night ladies (where there is frequently no BCD activity) would probably be wrong.
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Old 08-03-2014, 02:08 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
There is hardly anything more foolish than a numerical scale for rating a lady's beauty.
bravo, sir.....and hardly any guy more foolish than one who talks in such asinine terms.
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Old 08-03-2014, 02:32 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
There is hardly anything more foolish than a numerical scale for rating a lady's beauty. It is so completely subjective and so dependent upon the day/mood/expectation/lighting etc. as to be almost meaningless--or worse, counterproductive. Say whether the photos are accurate. Say if there are things not shown in the pictures. That's about it and then let a guy decide for himself.

I've done a number of quick statistical regressions when this comes up on TER at times. The results are always the same: "beauty" scores follow "performance" scores, i.e. if a guy thought a lady was skilled and enjoyed his time with her, she retroactively looked better. I have seen some guys insist there should be a checklist for "attractiveness", and not surprisingly it always comes back to "everyone else should like exactly what I like". How absurd. I know some people consider Angelina Jolie the epitome of physical beauty and the prototype of a "10", but for me I find her face distracting. I think a young Sophia Loren is as beautiful a woman as I have ever seen, but I have been told by some they would rate her no more than an 8 on a 10 point scale.

Then again, most the time I have seen posts put up on this board or others, the significant majority say that looks are secondary to attitude.
Thank you for bringing up these key points! It may sound cliche, but beauty really is subjective, particularly in the industry whether you are a provider, exotic dancer, or real life dating just to date. There are as many beauty standards as there are types of beauty, and the way you treat a client or any man for that matter trumps how traditionally beautiful a woman might be.
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Old 08-03-2014, 04:30 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Akira View Post
Thank you for bringing up these key points! It may sound cliche, but beauty really is subjective, particularly in the industry whether you are a provider, exotic dancer, or real life dating just to date. There are as many beauty standards as there are types of beauty, and the way you treat a client or any man for that matter trumps how traditionally beautiful a woman might be.
I agree with this. And of course a number system is absurd. But, we have to use some sort of linguistic device to make a point. In this case a simple number system is a lot quicker than pointing out every time the subject comes up that, yes, one man's 10 is another man's 7 and vice versa. And that personality might push a 7 into 10 category.

I prefer short, petite, dark-haired, dark-eyed girls with small breasts, nice little legs and butt and a sweet disposition. That is a 10 for me. For most men that would be a 7 at best. A skinny 6 foot blonde with an enhanced chest would be their 10.

IMO,Men purchase romance for different reasons. Some care a lot about looks, others, not so much. I suspect that most clients posting here are men who are not looking for dates for social events, dinner conversation, etc., plus of course the proverbial extras. But are men looking for the proverbial extras only, and prefer that great experience with an Indy who may not be a Barbie or know which came first, the Civil War or the Revolutionary War, but who knows how to cook the bacon.

And some men just want to cross banging that hot cheerleader from high school they always fantasied about off their bucket list.
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Old 08-04-2014, 10:01 AM   #41
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if that's the best linguistic device you can come up with, well.....
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Old 08-04-2014, 10:31 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Penniman View Post
I agree with this. And of course a number system is absurd. But, we have to use some sort of linguistic device to make a point. In this case a simple number system is a lot quicker than pointing out every time the subject comes up that, yes, one man's 10 is another man's 7 and vice versa. And that personality might push a 7 into 10 category.
But that is exactly the problem: it is quick, but unless I understand what the reviewer values and what they were in the mood for on that given day it is essentially meaningless.

Tell me she matches her photos, tell me that her description is accurate (or better yet, actually describe her in a few sentences). Then I am quite capable of translating whether she fits my desires or not.

Without a description a number is meaningless. With a description it is unnecessary.
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Old 08-04-2014, 03:53 PM   #43
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I don't know Caroline. I've never met you in person - but you like you have exceptional good looks. Guess I need to meet you and find out why "the world" isn't your "oyster". Maybe the blurred face and you're a real troll - kidding.
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