strange, I've seen some cheese nut bear horror movie but it wasn't this one. I read the wiki and I don't recognize it and surprised I've never heard of it. the ending though, if that was the ending I read, sounds like one of those endings that would just piss me off.
like this movie
now that is a cheese movie but one I enjoy and the main girl is gorgeous!
not sure if it is a Syfy original, appears to have nudity in it but Syfy blurs it. the ENDING THOUGH! OMG! I just want to yell at whoever made it! the way it ends it just makes you want to scream, uh, WTF??!! seriously? lol
just in case anyone cares. do not read this. the ending, the characters still alive look up down the street, points if I remember correctly, and I think one of them even says to look, and then BAM! it ends and we never know wtf they were looking at!
before I forget, the first one, *smh* lol it might be a little better since I don't think they were aiming for the cheese factor they aimed for in the second. but if you found it entertaining at the end where Ian surfed the shark down on top of the hotel and skewered it on the antenna/lightening rod then you will find an equally entertaining scene in the first movie.
it's almost like who wasn't in the second one? even that Kelly Ripa was in it *smh* the mayor dude was someone and the guy talking to the mayor, was that the wrestler dude? the olympian one? Kurt Angle? whoever he was he looked familar.