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Old 07-29-2014, 09:28 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Roger.Smith View Post
The reality is that people are responsible fof themselves. Despite whatever AS could have done, the whole thing could have been avoided if the OP had his shit together. Too much liquor, too little brain.
I agree completely. Bad decision after bad decision here turned this into a trainwreck. Unfortunately, this isn't the provider's first trainwreck.
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Old 07-29-2014, 09:42 AM   #47
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Andrea Swallows has had many problems in the past, no denying that, even by her, but this entire thread would not even be here if the OP had his proper donation with him before he met with her and all the other bullshit would have been avoided. So, actually, the fault is mainly his in this instance.
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Old 07-29-2014, 10:42 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Tara Evans View Post
Plus 1. I always get my donation first.
I always lay the money out before I expect any action. The OP fucked up - if he were a pledge at our old fraternity house, we would have forced him to get the money and pay the girl for her time, which he totally wasted.
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Old 07-30-2014, 12:09 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by corona View Post
I can't believe how many of you are letting her slide on this bullshit.
-She agreed to go with him to the ATM.
-She invited him back up while she changed.
-She then changed her mind (totally her right to do so), but not before telling him to bring back more beer and to remember the room number.

Now, OP clearly fucked up by not having exact $$.

She should've had the lady balls to cancel him when she was told in the bar he was short on $$.

She probably shouldn't have had 5 shots on his tab at the bar.
She shouldn't have brought him up to the room while she changed.
She shouldn't have told him to bring back more beer.

IMO, they both fucked up this situation. Had OP had the right $$ there probably wouldn't have been an issue.

I don't even want to comment on jakejake25's big brother save-a-ho pimp guidance school. Between this and the other thread, it's downright creepy.
Look, at first I wasn't going to even look at the replies to this thread, but now that I have, I'm glad I did. As much as I hate to agree with all you jokers, I will agree that I am to blame for thinking with my dick and plenty of lessons well learned from just about everyone's comments on the situation. That said it's not fucking Watergate!! My god, I am not a crook!!! and I did not have sexual relations with this woman!! lol, lighten up guy's, Here's the points I want to make after reading the second half of you guy's comments:

1st. I should have had the cash, that was my fault fuck me for that. I should have told her when I text her right away when I hit the dead atm.

2nd. I was not smashed drunk, I had one drink and two shots - albeit that they were $10 and she had three shots at $10 each. That plus a couple of tips is where the $50 or $60 number came from so don't take it like I had 5 shots and asked her to go for a ride. Neither of us were drunk and or out of hand here. There was no rudeness or disrespect going on here by either of us. Maybe some perceived by both parties but any by me is not without regrets at this point, I promise you.

3rd She told me she was 21, I made my way to a couple of chairs away from the bar after I bought her the first shot and she commented that I didn't have to be scared to sit at the bar like she was under 21. I wasn't trying to get her drunk, I asked if she would like to join me for a drink. She was steering the party once she arrived at the bar. She wasn't shy about what she wanted to drink nor how much she wanted to drink. She asked me to order 4 shots so we could each have two before we went back to her room for her to change. The girls just young and pretty much a lush that's in a rough business and she's doing the best she can although at my dick's expense or at least it thought that was the case.

4th. After being on the other side of a thread like this, one thing I have learned from that alone is that you have to consider that you're never getting the whole story from neither parties on these debacles. So take them for what their worth and try to keep the comments constructive but try to keep them light where possible. We're all here for the same reasons. The chicks are more dependent on the situation and this needs to be considered into the situation, but when there's no grossly dangerous behavior involved then I'm going to consider the sources of information before I stone either party for bad behavior...

lessons learned
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Old 07-30-2014, 03:35 AM   #50
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This statement applies to a lot of situations in the hobby, not just this one

"I wish I had enough money that I could blow off a couple of hundred dollars for and hour of my time as well as repeat and referral business."

Yeah he made a mistake by not having the full donation and the misfortune of having a broken ATM at the hotel, but there was communication about it as well as the increase in the session length as well as the increase in the size of her donation coming with contractual agreements made. He honored the new agreement. She proceeded to pass out otherwise she would have answered the door or the phone.

You take the money in hand, not bank on the next one. You call the next one and tell them you are running behind schedule and need time to recharge and freshen up.

She'll learn.
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Old 07-30-2014, 07:30 AM   #51
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I think AS and BB ought to just kiss and make up.
We've all had a good time with this, let's go find other's to rag on for a while.
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Old 07-30-2014, 07:46 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
This statement applies to a lot of situations in the hobby, not just this one

"I wish I had enough money that I could blow off a couple of hundred dollars for and hour of my time as well as repeat and referral business."

Yeah he made a mistake by not having the full donation and the misfortune of having a broken ATM at the hotel, but there was communication about it as well as the increase in the session length as well as the increase in the size of her donation coming with contractual agreements made. He honored the new agreement. She proceeded to pass out otherwise she would have answered the door or the phone.

You take the money in hand, not bank on the next one. You call the next one and tell them you are running behind schedule and need time to recharge and freshen up.

She'll learn.
Not true......if you read the review, you will see that no such contract was made for that increase, it was in his mind, he never communicated that with her before he left for the ATM. He should have paid her for an hour as he spend at least 30 minutes with her chatting at the bar. But, from what I can tell, she was thinking he was going to get the rest of the 30 minute donation at a nearby ATM, which by the time he got back and all the other bullshit time of back and forth to the room, conversation at the bar, getting her drink after drink after drink, which, by the way he initially offered to do, she did not ask him to join her at the bar. By the time he got back from the ATM even though he supposedly told her he got enough money out for an hour of BCD time, he wasted more than an hour of her time already by that point. He really should have paid her the money he had for the time he was with her anyway and if he did and she did not answer her door when he returned, she could not be blamed and would totally be justified doing so. Bright spot is for the OP he saved that money!

Maybe she did have another appointment session soon and due to all the time wasting, she backed out on him. She did not answer the door knock but did tell him via text she had other appointments, how does she do that if she is passed out? This girl, even tho she has had her problems, and even then, was very popular and now that she is back, she will be just as popular, probably more so, but many guys will not review, (hint hint) mostly due to the backlash and back and forth drama others will comment under the review.

As I said, both parties are at fault, but the majority of the blame is on the shoulders of the OP, lesson learned to go to an ATM before you even get to the hotel and if you want to buy her drinks, bring enough cash to do that as well.
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Old 07-30-2014, 08:10 AM   #53
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you should have just gone to IHOP
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Old 07-30-2014, 08:25 AM   #54
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And ordered the Tbone
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Old 07-30-2014, 09:38 AM   #55
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boys and girls, I can't believe we are talking about implied contracts.
who's taking who to court

i see nothing from as or bb that indicates they discussed additional money for additional time.

they each had a commitment to the other that got messed up.
happens from time to time.
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Old 07-30-2014, 09:48 AM   #56
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correction, the additional money for additional tome only came up when bb got back from the beer run.
little late in the game.

in addition, in the context of the review, i belive it was for an hour session startin then.
i doubt it included time at the bar,
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Old 07-30-2014, 05:30 PM   #57
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Did the OP have the donation when he met with Andrea? Isn't that the custom in the hobby? Time is valuable. She may not have had time to waste while he went and tried to find an ATM. She may have had another date scheduled later in the evening.

Why not meet he at her room instead of a bar, and have the donation with you?
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Old 07-31-2014, 01:12 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by davidfree986 View Post
Not true...... blah blah, blah....
They were talking the whole time, she was getting dressed for the ride. Communication was going on the whole time. His original plan changed and I doubt he did not communicate that at the time, either.

You have to ask yourself, WHY did she not answer the door or the phone after requesting purchases on her behalf? Your answer lies right there.

If she wanted to cancel on that point she should have said so if she had the ability.
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