Originally Posted by NubianPrince
That aint no damn pawg..thats a fat chick
straight up
She's definitely danger close. A month from now and a few McDonald's meals later, she'll definitely be over that line.
These ladies that live at their incall aren't known for eating healthy. Gotta get 'em while the hotness factor is high.
Is it sad when you can literally see a chick pack on pounds from bad eating/lack of exercise? I mean, you see a girl in say, March of a given year. You like her, so you go see her again in...April. Just a hair bigger than before, but still hot. You go back yet again in, say, June, and she's clearly bigger to the naked eye.

A couple more months pass, and you want to see her just one more time before moving on to new territory, and now she's 30 or so lbs bigger than that hot chick you were craving back in March.

On a couple of those visits, you did notice McD's bags in the trash can. Part of you want to turn and leave, but you endure because you're a nice guy. That last encounter is nowhere near as good as the first couple, and it's clearly time to move on.
Aren't there as many Subways as there are McD's nowadays? Then again, I'm not perfect either, and could stand to shed a few pounds (and will).