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Old 07-03-2014, 01:24 AM   #1
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Default The race card... no Blacks allowed.

I have friends that come to me and ask why do 90% (totally arbitrary number they give but sometimes seems true) of providers (in Vegas they're called by their real name) but why do they say no AA or no Blacks. In turn I've asked some females and have gotten vague answers.

After looking at some ads I do find it hard to believe that only black guys have mistreated these females but yet most of them exclude black guys as if white guys have never mistreated them. I draw a couple of conclusions...either black guys are just totally horrible people, the females have some racial bias or the females feel it's easier to take advantage of an old white guy easier than it is to take advantage of anyone else.

I think it's a horrible business practice but then again this is a horrible business of low repute...so only the lowest of the low participate so maybe that means black guys have too good of character to be involved.

I debated on writing this because I knew people would draw inferences but screw it...I like debate and it sickened me seeing people do something that in the real society would be frowned upon and cause a person to be an outcast, a parasite and ostracized but in this low world it's SOP and that's sickening to me.
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:55 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Jayhawker View Post
I have friends that come to me and ask why do 90% (totally arbitrary number they give but sometimes seems true) of providers (in Vegas they're called by their real name) but why do they say no AA or no Blacks. In turn I've asked some females and have gotten vague answers.

After looking at some ads I do find it hard to believe that only black guys have mistreated these females but yet most of them exclude black guys as if white guys have never mistreated them. I draw a couple of conclusions...either black guys are just totally horrible people, the females have some racial bias or the females feel it's easier to take advantage of an old white guy easier than it is to take advantage of anyone else.

I think it's a horrible business practice but then again this is a horrible business of low repute...so only the lowest of the low participate so maybe that means black guys have too good of character to be involved.

I debated on writing this because I knew people would draw inferences but screw it...I like debate and it sickened me seeing people do something that in the real society would be frowned upon and cause a person to be an outcast, a parasite and ostracized but in this low world it's SOP and that's sickening to me.
You miss the 9886 threads the subject has been discussed.
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Old 07-03-2014, 03:03 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by big country View Post
You miss the 9886 threads the subject has been discussed.
I must have...my apologies.
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Old 07-03-2014, 07:17 AM   #4
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Default Oh no.....not again

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Old 07-03-2014, 08:05 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jayhawker View Post
I have friends that come to me and ask why do 90% (totally arbitrary number they give but sometimes seems true) of providers (in Vegas they're called by their real name) but why do they say no AA or no Blacks. In turn I've asked some females and have gotten vague answers.

After looking at some ads I do find it hard to believe that only black guys have mistreated these females but yet most of them exclude black guys as if white guys have never mistreated them. I draw a couple of conclusions...either black guys are just totally horrible people, the females have some racial bias or the females feel it's easier to take advantage of an old white guy easier than it is to take advantage of anyone else.

I think it's a horrible business practice but then again this is a horrible business of low repute...so only the lowest of the low participate so maybe that means black guys have too good of character to be involved.

I debated on writing this because I knew people would draw inferences but screw it...I like debate and it sickened me seeing people do something that in the real society would be frowned upon and cause a person to be an outcast, a parasite and ostracized but in this low world it's SOP and that's sickening to me.
Sorry have to chime in on this one. No Mexicans? WTF I guess it's ok if your your Cuban, Puerto Rican, Guatemalan, etc..

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Old 07-03-2014, 08:17 AM   #6
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It's a matter of personal choice for the provider, but if you ask whether some of those who make that personal choice are motivated by racist thinking, I'm afraid you'll find that the answer is probably "Yes." Sadly, it's not just in the hobby. Racism still exists in the real world--it's just gone underground because it's not politically correct.

BTW, before all the bullets start flying, I'm not saying that all those who have this restriction are racists. I'm sure many have other reasons which are, again, their personal choice.
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Old 07-03-2014, 08:48 AM   #7
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As a provider, I do not need to explain my reasons for not seeing a guy from a certain race, whether it be white, black, Mexican, Asian, etc.

Just as you the hobbyist do not need to explain your reasons for not seeing certain ladies who could be short, tall, blonde, brunette, skinny, fat, white, black, Mexican, Asian, tats, no tats, young, older, etc.

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Old 07-03-2014, 09:40 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Just as you the hobbyist do not need to explain your reasons for not seeing certain ladies who could be short, tall, blonde, brunette, skinny, fat, white, black, Mexican, Asian, tats, no tats, young, older, ticking, non-ticking, etc.

Fixed it for you, Elena. Have a bang on the 4th!
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Old 07-03-2014, 09:53 AM   #9
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Default Exactly!!

MsElena, you nailed it as you so often do! The OP is a newbie in every sense of the word and "likes debate" so I suspect we will see many more threads and posts such as this from him going forward. We have the opportunity to teach yet another one the ways of this endeavor!

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Old 07-03-2014, 09:54 AM   #10
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Default Some girls couldn't give it away for free, just weird!

Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Just as you the hobbyist do not need to explain your reasons for not seeing certain ladies who could be short, tall, blonde, brunette, skinny, fat, white, black, Mexican, Asian, tats, no tats, young, older, etc.

Furthermore, we better not tell a lady why we don't want to see her.

Just walk away and keep our mouth shut, unless it is your intent to really offend her and receive her wrath.

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Old 07-03-2014, 10:00 AM   #11
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This happens a lot in Texas many providers do not see AA guys some women say it's because they just feel uncomfortable around them, and had bad experiences in the past. I don't mind seeing an AA but I'm very selective with them no young guys lol..
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Old 07-03-2014, 10:07 AM   #12
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I agree that it must suck for AA guys to have so many doors closed but that subject came up with a provider one time and I asked her why that was, and she explained it as being at least for her a safety thing, she had had a bad experience with more than one AA guy in the past.

And coming from that perspective I am not sure anybody could make a rational argument against this practice. Not because I think AA dudes are more likely to be violent or unsafe but safety has to be a provider's paramount concern and I don't know how to tell them to feel ok with something they aren't. There is of course the attraction thing if a woman doesn't want to see a particular type of guy because she just can't be attracted enough to even get through the session then that is also a valid thing in my opinion. Does that mean it sucks to be AA in this hobby yes... and i'm sorry that's true but it is what it is.
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Old 07-03-2014, 11:16 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Furthermore, we better not tell a lady why we don't want to see her.

Just walk away and keep our mouth shut, unless it is your intent to really offend her and receive her wrath.


Good point. There's no reason whatsoever to tell a lady you have no intentions of ever seeing her. You come across as a dick when you do that.

If you haven't contacted a lady, there's a reason for it.
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Old 07-03-2014, 11:33 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Jayhawker View Post
I have friends that come to me and ask why do 90% (totally arbitrary number they give but sometimes seems true) of providers (in Vegas they're called by their real name) but why do they say no AA or no Blacks.
You talk about escorts' screening practices with your friends? They come to you for advice about this?
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Old 07-03-2014, 11:47 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh View Post
You'll be surprised I thought of you when I posted this. I thought you'd get a kick outta me again.
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