Originally Posted by R0b3rt Smith
Yeah, I don't like Ekky either. Sounds like icky/yucky. Guess I'll just be saying "I saw your ad on the Escort Client Community Information Exchange." And after she falls asleep halfway through that sentence, you can cop a free-of-charge feel.
None my business bro but how are you meeting as in speaking
"I saw your ad on the Escort Client Community Information Exchange." ?
If you set up the meet through PM's then it kind of sounds redundant and awkward to talk about the ad. If it is someone you bumped in to in real world land then the mention of perving on an ad would red flag me.
If at one on those mythical m&g's it may not be the best icebreaker...but that's just me. I usually just start with "hi" regardless of method but again that's me.
maybe try "I saw your ad online.", it could flow better?