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Old 06-28-2014, 08:57 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Centaur View Post
I'm sorry to interrupt all the childish name calling, but I'd like to interject a little topic into this discussion.

It seems to me that the question is whether it's indiscreet to apprise one provider of the showcase of another provider. And if so, whether it's indiscreet always or only sometimes. And if only sometimes, under what circumstances. I think it's pretty evident from the lack of face pics that the provider was interested in keeping her identity unknown. The question is whether and when it's the responsibility of hobbyists not to draw attention to a published showcase. What if it were her brother? What if a hobbyist is talking with another hobbyist, shows him a showcase of a provider he thinks he might be interested in, and it turns out to be his sister who's tattoos he recognizes? Is it any difference when the hobbyist is talking with a provider? If so, why?

I'd like to hear perspectives from more providers.

If nothing else, this should be a cautionary tale about the importance of photoshopping out tattoos from showcase pics.

@Bobave - Dude, grow up.
I must be missing something here? Show Cases are advertisements are they not? EVERYONE can see them... YES? Same thing with BP ads... RIGHT? I didn't publish the pictures the provider did! Lack of discretion? WTF?
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:02 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
Okay, the comment was funny, but the gif was hurtful. I do have feelings, you know.
Guess what I'm showing you in this picture? If you guessed that this beautiful young lady just got her nails done..... you guessed right!

Thank You AmyLuvBunny
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:04 PM   #48
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I'm sorry to interrupt all the childish name calling
@Bobave - Dude, grow up.
[oops, failed on that one, eh?]

It seems to me that the question is whether it's indiscreet to apprise one provider of the showcase of another provider. [nope, not just the showcase, their privacy]

I think it's pretty evident from the lack of face pics that the provider was interested in keeping her identity unknown.
[and that is the point]

Is it any difference when the hobbyist is talking with a provider? If so, why?
[why the hell would it matter who the hobbyist is talking to when he's transgressing provider privacy? SL keeps wanting to make jokes about his oopsie, but you don't seem to take it seriously, either]

I'd like to hear perspectives from more providers.
[yeah, I'm guessing that in your rush to slap around on me, you are just now realizing that providers might not find your attitude comforting, so now you're trying to sound more reasonable]
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:13 PM   #49
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I just read Shayla was coming back into town. Here is her show case. Gosh I hope I don't out her! Or her sister, or her mother or her brother....


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Old 06-28-2014, 09:32 PM   #50
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Christ, man, are you utterly incapable of debating without being an asshole?

Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
[nope, not just the showcase, their privacy]
Because she recognized her sister's tattoos? Despite your juvenile attitude, I'm trying to understand why you think showing one provider's showcase pics to another and saying they look alike is an encroachment of privacy. Ordinarily I'd ignore someone who manifestly refuses to argue with maturity and simply take you at your flounced promise not to participate, but this is an important topic of discussion and if I have to deal with your infantile insults and ad hominem tantrums then I will.

Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
[and that is the point]
Focus up. The point is whether SL did anything wrong. I'm open to the possibility that he did, but I want to know specifically why you seem to think it's not okay to show one provider's showcase to another.

Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
[why the hell would it matter who the hobbyist is talking to when he's transgressing provider privacy? SL keeps wanting to make jokes about his oopsie, but you don't seem to take it seriously, either]
So you don't think that a hobbyist should show a provider's showcase to anyone? Why? Is it because they looked alike? If so, then how is a hobbyist supposed to recognize the family resemblance between a provider and a hobbyist to whom she might be related?

The question here is quite straight forward. When is it a transgression of privacy to show a provider's showcase pictures to someone else? Fire off all the insults and rants you like, but please answer this question somewhere in there also. I'm not joking.

Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
[yeah, I'm guessing that in your rush to slap around on me, you are just now realizing that providers might not find your attitude comforting, so now you're trying to sound more reasonable]
I was unaware that asking you questions equated to slapping around on you. I want to hear from more providers because that's who it effects and their opinion on the matter carries rather more weight than yours or, for that matter, mine.
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:53 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
I just read Shayla was coming back into town. Here is her show case. Gosh I hope I don't out her! Or her sister, or her mother or her brother....


You're trying too hard, man. And by the way, it was never about showcases and you absolutely do know that.
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Old 06-28-2014, 10:04 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
You're trying too hard, man. And by the way, it was never about showcases and you absolutely do know that.
Is it because he thought they looked alike? I've reread the OP several times and all it says he did was see a resemblance and show her the pics (which we now know where from her showcase). If it's about something else, what is it? And don't just say transgression of privacy, tell me what is a transgression of privacy. Tell me exactly what you would have done differently and why. Dragging a straight answer out of you is like pulling teeth!
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Old 06-28-2014, 10:42 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
You're trying too hard, man. And by the way, it was never about showcases and you absolutely do know that.
Bohaven'tgotaclue you just go ahead and make it about what ever you want. I could have just as well been shopping show cases with a provider for a doubles match up and have had something like this happen. While I still think the chances are slim in theory it could happen. There was no malice on my part. But because I was honest and shared the truth you have decided you want to make a big deal out of it! Do you feel better about yourself?

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Old 06-28-2014, 10:49 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Centaur View Post
And don't just say transgression of privacy, tell me what is a transgression of privacy.
That's a joke, right? I guarantee you the largest majority of people on this board have a grasp on the matter of transgressions of privacy. The providers sure as hell do.

I've been trying to glean your motivation, because you aren't doing SL any favors by keeping this thread alive. While waiting for a crashed browser to reload, an insidious little thought occurred ... maybe that's the point. Nothing else makes sense. As Sherlock Holmes noted, "When all other possibilities have been removed, the result (no matter how unlikely) must be correct"
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Old 06-28-2014, 11:00 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Do you feel better about yourself?

I don't feel any any worse about myself. In the end, I think that's what this was about. You wanted to feel special and posted without thinking it through. You've gotten away with it before. My bullshit tolerance just happened to be low today. The irony is, you want to be thought of as one of the cool kids here and in the center of things. Your embedded image isn't really your sensitivity.

As for me, there are people in the real world whose positive regard I cherish. But I'm not overly concerned about people's opinion of me on a SHMB.
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Old 06-28-2014, 11:28 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
I don't feel any any worse about myself. In the end, I think that's what this was about. You wanted to feel special and posted without thinking it through. You've gotten away with it before. My bullshit tolerance just happened to be low today. The irony is, you want to be thought of as one of the cool kids here and in the center of things. Your embedded image isn't really your sensitivity.

As for me, there are people in the real world whose positive regard I cherish. But I'm not overly concerned about people's opinion of me on a SHMB.
No Bohaveachicken... I just honestly shared a hobby experience. Nobody was more surprised than me. The interesting thing was that when the UTR provider realized it was her sister her knee jerk reaction was she worried about being recognized or busted herself if she started an ECCIE account. Like her sister she has tons of tattoos and uses fake pictures (Similar body but NOT the same girl!)

And I don't frequent the TS & Chickens site so....I guess were good!?

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Old 06-28-2014, 11:34 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
I've been trying to glean your motivation, because you aren't doing SL any favors by keeping this thread alive. While waiting for a crashed browser to reload, an insidious little thought occurred ... maybe that's the point. Nothing else makes sense. As Sherlock Holmes noted, "When all other possibilities have been removed, the result (no matter how unlikely) must be correct"
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but it really is possible to care more about the subject at hand than the personalities of you or SL. As best I can glean, you care more about trading irrelevant insults with SL than discussing the topic.

Originally Posted by Bobave View Post
As for me, there are people in the real world whose positive regard I cherish. But I'm not overly concerned about people's opinion of me on a SHMB.
This isn't about you. Ignore SL's goading and engage the discussion (friendly advice).

We can infer that the provider valued her anonymity. I (and I'm assuming both you and SL and most people on this SHMB) wouldn't show her pics to her sister if we knew they were related, even though she herself published them. The odds that a hobbyist is talking to a family member of a provider he's seen are pretty long, but not impossible, obviously. The odds that a hobbyist is talking to someone who knows in RL a provider he's seen are not as long, but still pretty long. Clearly we should do our best to avoid outing a provider to anyone, however unintentionally. These are things I think we can all agree on.

So what are reasonable precautions to ensure this? Do they include not showing showcases to people that look alike? Do they include not showing showcases to other providers? Do they include not showing showcases to other hobbyists? Do they include not showing showcases to anyone? The showcase pics with tattoos outed her to her sister. The most SL or any hobbyist can do is not be the one that shows them to someone who might recognize them. Since we can't know who would because we don't know who a provider may know in RL, all we can do is not spread word about a showcase. Yet why have a showcase if not to advertise to new prospective clients? So maybe that outbalances the risk of inadvertently showing it to a brother or father or male co-worker and makes it fine to show it to other hobbyists. Since providers don't have the same vested interest in becoming known to other providers, perhaps there is nothing to outbalance showing a showcase to another provider and it should not be done.

As for inquiring about doubles, I always first ask both providers if they would be willing to consider doing a double with the other, and that requires that I tell them their respective handles which means they will probably go look at each other's showcases in the course of doing research.

I reiterate my stance that it should be put to the ladies, whom it actually effects:

Are you okay with a hobbyist showing your showcase to other providers?
Other hobbyists?
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Old 06-28-2014, 11:53 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Like her sister she has tons of tattoos and uses fake pictures (Similar body but NOT the same girl!)
Wait, I thought you said you showed her the showcase pics, and she recognized her sister's tattoos? If they both use stolen pictures of look-alikes, how did she recognize her?
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Old 06-29-2014, 12:17 AM   #59
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edit. things took an interesting turn
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Old 06-29-2014, 12:57 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Centaur View Post
Wait, I thought you said you showed her the showcase pics, and she recognized her sister's tattoos? If they both use stolen pictures of look-alikes, how did she recognize her?
Elementary Watson. She used fake pictures of someone who had the same taste in tattoos. Probably pilfered from the ink salon. Or something similar. Or something.
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