Originally Posted by dames4u
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.........
I really don't have the inclination, time, or energy for this pointless internet trench warfare...it's just that every once in a while someone has to call some of the trolls on here for the ridiculous horseshit that they post and post and post. It always comes with a cost (harassment and more slander) but fresh air is priceless.
Originally Posted by dames4u
Ok with the exception of what Bambino posted, there is zero factual information in this thread. The only thing you can learn from reading it is that, other than Bambino, everyone who posted anything is a clueless hater. Only Bambino is actually a client. Devo *used* to be a client. It's been 7 years since he's been here. He's barred from returning and he's obviously bitter about it...even though he's medically unable to hobby. Shrug.
So this thread says nada about d4u. It does, however, tell you a LOT about the people who post disinformation because they're bitter about this or that.
ECCIE is supposed to be about sharing info about the hobby. Ya know, actual facual information. The sort of stuff you share when, and only when, you actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Just sayin'

Actually Dames, its just fun at this point to see someone create the amount of vitriol that you do, just to keep yourself in business as a parasite.
parasite; plural noun:
an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.
Now Joe, go take a hard look in the mirror and this is what you should see, sans, the hairy arm.
how do you print screen
Now I am photoshop savvy enough to put a text balloon on the above pic, with some stupid comment, like "Time to feed on Karissa" but, I ain't bothering because its readily apparent what you do.
And, if you want to find
"Ridiculous Horseshit" you don't have to look farther than the crap you have been spewing.
I'd say do better, but, its obvious, you are doing the best you can do.
I hear the zoo is looking for Lampreys for the shark tank, its not that far a walk from Shadyside, perhaps you should apply for a job there........