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Old 06-25-2014, 09:47 AM   #16
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Two shocking observations from this post 1) how a guilty conscience works and 2) sweater puppies is a female provider

Omg in both cases
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Old 06-25-2014, 10:25 AM   #17
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You people still amaze me how you can read what boils down to gossip and run with it drawing conclusions that are laughable. Every word written in this gospel is done in the way of drawing a crowd but have zero value. Paragraphs of scuttlebutt and hearsay covered in a thin veil of "i am the heroine you need and can not afford not to have so message me now".
Sadly the masses are morons these days and those that pander bullshit are hoisted on mock pedestals by these idiots.
Those that did message and received a response, do you now deem it as truth? I mean how can it not be true right? You heard it directly from the source who semi promoted the whole thing, who heard it from a message from someone else...seems legit.
The solution has already been provided to turn it over to the mods. I am doubtful our savior of eccie it ready to relinquish the spotlight so I ask those 4th, 5th, maybe 6th down the line in this Internet version of telephone to speak up.
Name names or sit idle huddled with your kind.
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Old 06-25-2014, 10:29 AM   #18
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Sheesh, is "I gotta secret and I ain't telling" the latest Eccie board game now?

Report it, post it, or its all just drama generation.

And OBTW, this is NEWS somehow?
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Old 06-25-2014, 10:31 AM   #19
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The difference between can and should... You shouldn't trust anyone, whether than can be or not.
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Old 06-25-2014, 04:35 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by macbeth1000 View Post
Two shocking observations from this post 1) how a guilty conscience works and 2) sweater puppies is a female provider

Omg in both cases
Put it this way. You can't trust anyone. I tried and tried to be THM's friend. I was in her private forum. One day, I no longer had access. I tried to contact her and ask her why. She didn't answer me for days. Finally her reasoning was "I MUST be sharing pictures and info from her private forum with Jarvis & Tara Evans, because I am Jarvis's only non AMP review" like WTF? I told her I had only met Jarvis twice and never talked to Tara and I was just trying to be her friend. She let me back in the forum and then two days later kicked me out with no other explanation and NO response to any PMs I sent. First of all why would I send people pics of other girls?! How would that benefit me? It wouldn't. It would benefit the other girl. Second, I hardly went into her forum. After that happened she began attacking me in the ladies section desperately trying to prove me wrong on a hypothetical situation I expressed. She still has not given me a reason on why she all of a sudden hates me for something I never did. All I tried to do was be her friend and she shit on me. She talks to me like she's better than me. If it's her trying to out people I wouldn't be surprised. She's vindictive and a drama setter. If there's no real drama, she makes it up like in my case. But hey now me and Tara are friends so something good did come from it.
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Old 06-25-2014, 04:50 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by davidfree986 View Post

Only one provider that I can recall wants to get as much info on both providers and hobbyists so they can get a pass to go to her private forum, and will use it against them later, not to mention has an agenda of wanting to out others if she could whom she does not like or do not agree with her opinions.
This is very unfair and its getting old. I have never asked for anyone's private info to get into my forum and never will. The screening is two reputable references and i do not hold on to that info. I also do not extort favoritism via the forum or any other means. My forum is respectable and mature and I have occasionally had to remove members who have shown to have questionable motives for being in there.

If anyone from my secret squirel society can plz come out and tell the hungry hater squad what a tyrant I am that would be awesome. If anyone has ever been asked for private info or felt their privacy was compromised here is the chance to speak up!

Jillian, I suspended your access so i could ask you a few questions. I do not grant and revoke access in real time. It is up to the moderators. I had cleared you to cone back in and during the time I was waiting for admin to do their part a shit storm ensued surronding some of the people close to you who were upset that I supposedly kicked you out. After the fall out over simply suspending your access for a few days, it confirmed my concerns about your membership in the forum. Had you waited for your access to be reinstated instead of sending out your friends to attack me you would still be in the from and I would be none the wiser. Chica Chaser can confirm that I need to go through admin and access is not something I have real time control over. I have to wait - just like you. As far as coming after you...well I guess you can say anything you want and the ladies can read for themselves. Edit: and you are twisting why I suspended your access. I said I had to suspend it while I asked you some questions to protect others privacy - such people's pictures. I wasn't accusing you of that I was explaining why I suspended it in the interim. What happened during the time lapse is what confirmed my suspicions. Let it go. There are plenty of other forums on ECCIE.

There is a small group of you people that accuse me of so many things just to try and smear me and it is getting old. Let's get a few things straight:

Davidfree986: banned for life under a former handle for posting multiple fake reviews for a studio a few years back. Came back as another handle among others who have also been banned. I found out by accident when I tried to set him up for a free session with another provider after I got tired of his incessant whining as NHR. When he text me to say thanks, I didn't recognize the number so I searched it and it turned out he was one of the people who harassed me when I first started providing. He gave himself up and I went to the mods and Gina with it. Now he takes every shot he can get.

Tara Evans: banned multiple times (once for over a year for outting someone). Rather than coming back under a different name she keeps coming back and starting shit with everyone because she thinks all press is good press. Whatever.

And Sweaterpuppies...former provider and now super troll on here who outted her best friend and had to "retire". Has been banned and returned under multiple fake handles just to try and hurt another lady's business and damage my reputation through name calling, a poll and now this. No clue why she hooked her claws in me but she has.

If anyone has ever been asked personal information by me or if I have ever overstepped in regard to your privacy or security can you please validate these accusations by posting here or tell the mods privately so they can handle it from there end. I am more than confident that I have never ever tried to overstep my bounds or invade anyone's privacy. I am a very private person and expect the same from others. I have been sent private information voluntarily by others in the past and have advised them not to do so. Anyone even remotely familiar with the risks of the hobby should know not to do this.

Some people on here joke that I have imaginary enemies and made up conspiracies about others trying to damage my credibility and reputation. Take a good look. I'm not imagining. And no, it doesn't take much to figure it out. A handful of people on this board seems like they have made it their hobby goal. Its not the first time and won't be the last. http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...&postcount=136

I have been providing for two years and on this board just as long. I have an honest and credible reputation despite the repeated attempts to smear me but a small group of overzealous haters. The only thing I have ever been guilty of is sharing my opinion on this board. I say what i mean and i mean what i say. I do not lie, play the pm game to build my fan base or harbor an army of white knights.

I play fair because like most everyone else I have a life beyond this that is priceless to me. I cherish it and protect the people i love just like anyone would. When you out someone, you aren't damaging that person, you are only damaging and hurting the innocent people around them. If we couldn't take a beating from life then we wouldn't be here - plain and simple. Some of you need to really think about the innocent people that will get caught in the line of fire should you choose to really out someone. I find it almost impossible to believe that people who have already been banned for outting haven't learned anything from the collateral damage they caused before, but then again it could just be lack of conscience so there is nothing that will stop them. Hopefully some of you consider that before you continue on this crusade because it is getting out of hand.

I have always respected boundaries and privacy and security because I treat others how I would like to be treated: if someone harasses others via text and pm then its their own fault if one of their recipients finally have enough and posted it to twitter. If someone wrote multiple fake reviews and got banned for life then they should expect the other members to call them out if they tried to come back under other handles. That is how it goes. You don't get a free pass for lying to and cheating the members of the community. Maybe the mods will give you a pass but not the members here who make an effort to stay reputable and maintain their integrity. Don't try to drag others down because you went and pissed all over your own parade.

I will say again that I am confident I have never even come close to outting anyone and have heard who I have been accused of outting. This person and I were in contact as early as last week and I have notified the mods and admin of the accusations. To my knowledge this person said something entirely different as to why they chose to leave but then again you can't trust anyone can you? Im not even sure if thos person knows they are being brought into this but for all i know they could be neck deep in it. All I know is I have had very little to do with anything or anyone outside of their paid time with me. I keep to myself and have always maintained that stance. I can count on one hand the people I have hung out with outside of the hobby. I do not care about what people do in their real lives. Its none of my business.
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Old 06-25-2014, 04:58 PM   #22
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Look I am going to tell you one more time to keep my name out of your mother fucken mouth!!! It's getting old and I am sick of it! Nobody likes you so ya whatever! I keep your name out of my mouth and off the board. I expect you to do the same and grow up. I don't like you and you don't like me. Leave it at that please! You have no clue why I have been been banned. And it sure as hell wasent for outing someone that's your department. Lets ask Lillyminx?
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Old 06-25-2014, 05:05 PM   #23
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That was way too long, didn't read.

As I said before, I received a private message from a gentleman (from your forum) who is concerned for his own privacy now. He said you were exposing LilMynx69's personal information, he even sent me the link to her Facebook profile. I have not sent the link to anyone, not even to my future husband Surfindick, because I think it is wrong on many levels.

But yeah, we are all out to get you. Keep telling yourself that.
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Old 06-25-2014, 05:12 PM   #24
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THN: You were on my ass since day one and you have absolutely no proof of what you say about me other then you sneaky suspicions and second hand info at best, nor do you have my hobby cell phone number, which has been the same for years. I am not going to look up the numerous posts of yours, but you have called me and every one else names who do not adhere to your opinions, not to mention every male handle who has a differing opinion from you is a multiple handle of one individual, you thought you were so bad ass about getting my p411 account revoked, which you did not do. Obviously, the mods here did/do not believe your fabrication and neither did Gina at p411. I am quite sure you and your posse of 1 have been on a crusade to get me banned from here since day one of my account opening, and I am also sure that I am not the only one you have a problem with and trying to get banned, so yes, when an opening comes available to take a shot at you, I do it as they are plentiful since you are hateful to most everyone.

But, actually what you and I need to do is agree to disagree and move on from the bullshit, I am willing if you are. I will have nothing to do with or mention you and you do the same with me.
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Old 06-25-2014, 05:26 PM   #25
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THM, you let me back in and then kicked me out again. You couldn't prove I had any motives for being in your forum because you are making all this shit up! I didn't send anyone to "attack" you! And as far as your "concerns" for me being in the forum, I still don't know what they are! That I am going to steal pictures of other girls and send them to people?! Why would I do that? That benefits me in no way. So let's hear your concerns girl... I'd still love to know what they are!

I am the nicest person and I never tried to be anything other than your friend. Have you ever wondered why I have no issues with anyone but you have so many with so many people???
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Old 06-25-2014, 05:38 PM   #26
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I know why JP, you have too much CLASS
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Old 06-25-2014, 05:44 PM   #27
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JP I think I love you...., I wanna know for sure! Come on ... Hug me up.,.. I love you.
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Old 06-25-2014, 05:49 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies View Post
That was way too long, didn't read.

As I said before, I received a private message from a gentleman (from your forum) who is concerned for his own privacy now. He said you were exposing LilMynx69's personal information, he even sent me the link to her Facebook profile. I have not sent the link to anyone, not even to my future husband Surfindick, because I think it is wrong on many levels.

But yeah, we are all out to get you. Keep telling yourself that.
He was so concerned about privacy that he sent you another provider's personal info via her facebook? He is just as guilty as the original party where he got that info then.
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Old 06-25-2014, 06:09 PM   #29
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[QUOTE=Jillian Price;1055483818]Put it this way. You can't trust anyone. I tried and tried to be THM's friend. I was in her private forum. One day, I no longer had access. I tried to contact her and ask her why. She didn't answer me for days. Finally her reasoning was "I MUST be sharing pictures and info from her private forum with Jarvis & Tara Evans, because I am Jarvis's only non AMP review" like WTF? I told her I had only met Jarvis twice and never talked to Tara and I was just trying to be her friend. She let me back in the forum and then two days later kicked me out with no other explanation and NO response to any PMs I sent. First of all why would I send people pics of other girls?! How would that benefit me? It wouldn't. It would benefit the other girl. Second, I hardly went into her forum. After that happened she began attacking me in the ladies section desperately trying to prove me wrong on a hypothetical situation I expressed. She still has not given me a reason on why she all of a sudden hates me for something I never did. All I tried to do was be her friend and she shit on me. She talks to me like she's better than me. If it's her trying to out people I wouldn't be surprised. She's vindictive and a drama setter. If there's no real drama, she makes it up like in my case. But hey now me and Tara are friends so something good did come from it.[/QUOTE
Thanks Jillan I'm glad that that you and I have become friends out of all of this. Your one call chicka. Love ya Babe
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Old 06-25-2014, 06:15 PM   #30
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Some individuals can be very vindictive towards others in life...
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