Originally Posted by sexy.princess
Yes I have gotten that before. One guy told me I shouldn't even be asking for anything because I am too ugly and fat. I have changed my rates and it hasn't been going well. It may be because I'm not what a lot of guys are looking for which is skinny and curvy girls. Hobby has been very slow so far
Ok, Now I'm confused. I went to your showcase expecting to see fat, ugly girls. Instead, there was a curvy lady with nice tatas.
Definitions of curvy vs voluptuos vs BBW vs fat vs obese are mostly in the eye of the beholder. And, there are assholes out there who either get off on making other people feel bad, or are cheap sons-of-bitches who think they can get laid for less by playing on some lady's insecurities.
So, Princess. It boils down to what it is worth to YOU to stay in this business. There are several business models you can follow: high volume low cost, high cost low volume, etc. If you are serious about this, you need to develop your strategy and stick with it. Like any business, the serious money is not gonna just fall in your lap. You have to WORK for it.
In my experience, there are very few "Supermodels" in this business who can charge high rates based solely on their looks. Yes, there are going to be ladies younger/thinner/prettier than you. If you stick with the business a long time, the competition will only get worse. So, what are you going to do to overcome this?
For the record, there are lots of guys out there like me who like their ladies with a little "back", and "big un's." If I were in Houston, you would definitely get a call from me. So there's one appointment. What are YOU going to do to make sure I would come back? What sets YOUR service apart?
Plan your work. Work your plan. Develop a thick skin 'cause the world is full of assholes. When you've achieved your goal......quit. You're an attractive lady who is obviously smart enough to know things are not going the way you want, and smart enough to ask for help. If you work hard, I have no doubt you'll succeed.
Good luck.