Originally Posted by IAUSARSOLDIER69
Maybe again I am naive,
But can we ever get honest and accurate reviews without the hobbyist to hobbyist cat fights?
I'm asking because I really only want to save myself time and money by not seeing after a lousy provider or knowing bait and switch pics off backpage.
Yes, I understand YMMV.
Yes, I understand WK syndrome.
Yes, I understand that the pics are wrong or really old pics but the service was decent enough to warrant a yes.
Also, why do mods allow hobbyists to hobbyists cat fights, insults, cheap shots, etc?
I read the reviews and subsequent comments to see if others have had different experiences, not to read hobbyist A call hobbyist B a dumb ass...
can't the mods delete the comments, or at least PM hobbyists who do fight and tell them to knock it off or face consequences?
Mods moderate. They use the guidelines, not their own idea of what they like or don't like. They don't censor or babysit. If one member writes a no review, and a wk replies "you're a dumbass" and the reviewer replies, "no, you're a dumbass" a good moderator will ignore that.
You have more control over that kinda stupid shit than a moderator does. Ignore the wk or argue with them. That's up to you.
My experience has been the true dumb asses hang themselves. I've seen where a "dumbass" starts posting dumbass shit and if he is left alone to continue to post stupid shit, within days he blows out his reputation. Ladies, men... They know who the dumbasses are. You don't need a mod to do that.
Mods can't control the quality of a review. Pa can be denied per guidelines. A mod can't say "your review appears insincere. It should have been no. I will delete your review and if you do it again I will ban you." You don't want mods doing that , and that's not what the guidelines say.
There is a huge amount of info on this board. You know that is true. Folks complain about reviews, wk's, member fights, but the complainers keep coming back, because you cannot find another source for this information and opinion exchange.
If a mod tried to stop or delete all hobbyist arguments, he'd last about 3 days.