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Old 06-11-2014, 03:59 PM   #16
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Here is my take on it. The guy that beat Cantor done it on the Republican ticket right? So why is he touted as winning it for the Tea party? He is just another radical that will make it harder for the GOP to get anything done. Plus so far he has only won the primary. He may may lose the general election running against a colleague. One thing he did do was remove one of Obama's biggest obstacles(Cantor) I think he has a good chance of winning the seat but what makes anyone think he is going to be so effective? He has a habit of changing his mind and relies on his looks and charm. Sounds like Boehner's understudy to me.
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Old 06-11-2014, 07:55 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
You keep jabbering about national elections; the Tea Party isn't focused on winning a national election - that is right there is only one national election in the USA. They are focused on influencing politics in House and Senate races, state houses, and local elections.

Again, you show your ignorance on what is going on.
My ignorance? You do realize who appoints SC Justices don't you? That is why national elections are so important...they (the Supreme Court) can strike down many of these voters suppression laws the red states have enacted.
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Old 06-11-2014, 09:20 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
And if he GOP is realigned in the November elections; then Hillary may not want to be President - facing a very conservative House and Senate controlled by the Tea Party.

Why would Hillary want to be President under that situation ?
Because then all she has to do when things go more to shit is say "well, those TP guys are working against me, so I can't do anything."

Oldest political con in the book. Keep the masses entertained with the parlor games while you go through their pockets.
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Old 06-11-2014, 11:38 PM   #19
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Hillary can just follow Obama's example, and just do what she wants, regardless of what the law is or what Congress wants. Clowns on here want a woman dictator. Fine. You'll probably get one.
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Old 06-11-2014, 11:45 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
It is dead as far as a national party dickhead.

You think this bodes well for the 2016 Presidential election .... then you been trending on Whirly's pole to long! Gerrymander some more districts redder and you might continue to get these results locally. You do understand the difference between a local movement and one that can carry a national voting majority? Fuck, this is like talking to Elmer Fudd....
Funny, the only person stuttering is you.

First the newly found statement of qualification, then the strawman! Classic WTF deferral. As I have stated many times, I'm focused on the 2014 election.

BTW, did I miss the 2012 TEA Party National Convention? You still backing Rand Paul? He's a TEA Party guy ya' know?
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Old 06-12-2014, 05:42 AM   #21
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Yeah, your ignorance.

Ever hear of the Advise and Consent standard.....you over estimate the constitutional powers of the President and under estimate the powers of the Congress. Right now the GOP is letting Obama have his way; trampling the constitution, end runs around Congress, and ignoring laws. The GOP, as it is, is useless.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
My ignorance? You do realize who appoints SC Justices don't you? That is why national elections are so important...they (the Supreme Court) can strike down many of these voters suppression laws the red states have enacted.
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Old 06-12-2014, 06:55 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
First the newly found statement of qualification, then the strawman! Classic WTF deferral. As I have stated many times, I'm focused on the 2014 election.
I have stated time after time that the Tea Party is a local movement that will never grow national legs. So focus all you want on 2014 because the Dems will win 2016 if you Tea Nuts push the GOP candidate to far right. Jeb Bush is your only winner and you Tea Turds hate him.Just like you did Mitt.

Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
BTW, did I miss the 2012 TEA Party National Convention? You still backing Rand Paul? He's a TEA Party guy ya' know?
It was Ron Paul and I knew he did not stand a snowball's chance in hell just like Rand and Teddy Cruz do not stand a Chinamans chance there.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
You keep jabbering about national elections; .
Tell this to gonad....he thinks I'm stuttering....
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Old 06-12-2014, 06:32 PM   #23
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No you're stuttering and crawfishing. You said the TEA party was dead. It's not. Now you're saying it has no national legs.

You backed Rand Paul for President in 2016 (or at least thought about it) until board members told you he was a TEA wipe. You denied it until several people pointed out easy to find evidence.

Yeah, I don't know why you bother, you just keep looking like an idiot.

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Old 06-12-2014, 06:43 PM   #24
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Was it true the democrats could vote in the republican election? If so I can see why the weaker candidate won.
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Old 06-12-2014, 09:40 PM   #25
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Can't say this is exactly a MAJOR victory. Yes, he won with a majority of the VOTES CAST.
However, that amounts to roughly 36,000 out of approx. 500,000 eligible voters A very small minority of those eligible.. Cantor received roughly 220,000 votes last election. Seems to me more of a general voter apathy or perhaps boredom of the way over extended campaign season (read from day after election till next voting day). The TP is very motivated and therefore manages to get a large number of their sheeple to the polls on primary election day.

Oh, btw voting figures from above are here:

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Old 06-13-2014, 08:10 AM   #26
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40% more voters in the 2014 primary than the 2012 primary..........turnout is everything in an election (that is how Obama won in both 2008 and 2012)...........so there is good reason for the Tea Party and conservative element of the GOP to be optimistic......

The motivated voters are going to be anti-Obama, ant-establishment. What happened Tuesday night might be a lot of things - but voter apathy it is NOT !

Even Democratic pollster Bob Beckel agrees. What happened in Virginia's 7th was an earthquake and it wasn't voter apathy.

But feel free to ignore the facts and whistle away. Read the numbers and weep; and keep in mind 2012 was a presidential election year, when turnout is typically high.

Not a single reputable political analyst is saying what occurred in Virginia's 7th primary is voter apathy. Do you know the Tampa Bay Times is one of the most discredit political reporting rags in the country ? They are in for Obama and the Democrats hook, line and sinker. As your story indicates, they use phony data to prove a phony point - i.e. comparing election day turnout to primary day turnout. But if you have a similar political analysis from a more reputable news outlet (NYT, AP) then please post the link for us to see.


Originally Posted by chefnerd View Post
Can't say this is exactly a MAJOR victory. Yes, he won with a majority of the VOTES CAST.
However, that amounts to roughly 36,000 out of approx. 500,000 eligible voters A very small minority of those eligible.. Cantor received roughly 220,000 votes last election. Seems to me more of a general voter apathy or perhaps boredom of the way over extended campaign season (read from day after election till next voting day). The TP is very motivated and therefore manages to get a large number of their sheeple to the polls on primary election day.

The above comments are comparing apples to oranges, primary turnout to election day turnout.....thinking people know primary turnout is always lower, significantly lower.

Oh, btw voting figures from above are here:

But you might be right that Democrats have voter apathy....it certainly is showing in Obama's right track-wrong track numbers and his approval ratings!
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Old 06-13-2014, 12:33 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
No you're stuttering and crawfishing. You said the TEA party was dead. It's not. Now you're saying it has no national legs.
It will not win a national election...read Presidential.

Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post

You backed Rand Paul for President in 2016 (or at least thought about it) until board members told you he was a TEA wipe. You denied it until several people pointed out easy to find evidence.

Yeah, I don't know why you bother, you just keep looking like an idiot.

I hate to tell your dumbass but it is 2014....kinda hard for me to back anybody as of right now. Has anyone even declared in either party.

You been watching "Back to the Future"?
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Old 06-13-2014, 01:42 PM   #28
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65,000 out of 270,000 = 24% of registered Republican voters turning out to vote. Ranks as apathy in my book. The only motivated ones were the TP'ers. That's why do so much better in the primaries.

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Old 06-13-2014, 02:53 PM   #29
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Well, compared to other primary vote turnout it ISN'T voter apathy. Just the opposite. Voter turn out is up by 40%...

Even you'r WP article doesn't call it apathy. You seem to be the only one trying to spin the higher turnout as "apathy."

Would you say the same about Wendy Davis's vote count in her primary?

She won her primary by less than 2% of the population of Texas. In comparison, Brat beat Cantor with 8% of the residents of the district ! By your own measurement (The WP article), Wendy Davis is a complete utter failure in getting voters to the poll....talk about apathetic voters over their candidate.
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Old 06-13-2014, 04:14 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Well, compared to other primary vote turnout it ISN'T voter apathy. Just the opposite. Voter turn out is up by 40%...

Even you'r WP article doesn't call it apathy. You seem to be the only one trying to spin the higher turnout as "apathy."

Would you say the same about Wendy Davis's vote count in her primary?

She won her primary by less than 2% of the population of Texas. In comparison, Brat beat Cantor with 8% of the residents of the district ! By your own measurement (The WP article), Wendy Davis is a complete utter failure in getting voters to the poll....talk about apathetic voters over their candidate.
WOW! Talk about classic Whirlyturd redirection. Before anybody called him on his numbers he shifted it to a Pee Wee-esque "I know you are but what am I?"

Well played Whirlyturd.


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