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Old 06-09-2014, 01:02 PM   #1
Jackie S
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Default The Student Loan Thing......

So The President is going to sign a executive order stating that the most a person can be made to pay back on a yearly basis is 10 percent of their income.

Then, after 10 years, if the debt is not paid, all is forgiven.

In the mean time, absolutly nothing is being done to curb the ever increasing cost of a College Degree. It is business as usual at the Universities.

By the way. The lending institutions will get their money, courtesy of the US Taxpayer.

Isn't this a lot like what we did with the mortage crisis when the government insisted on allowing people who could not afford houses to get loans that they could never pay back?
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Old 06-09-2014, 02:48 PM   #2
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Back when America was a great country, motherfuckers had to pay back their student loans.....
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Old 06-09-2014, 03:05 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Back when America was a great country, motherfuckers had to pay back their student loans.....
You do understand that under the GOP....students got loans from private lenders that the government just backed. So the private lenders had no risk and pushed student loans on poor students that basically could not afford them. I know a girl that had 90k in student loans with a Biology major. It ia a complete ripoff between the school the lending institution. I still do not like wtf they have now but it 8s better than wtf the GOP led congress had before.
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Old 06-09-2014, 03:16 PM   #4
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The cost of a 4 year college degree has sky-rocketed in the past decade. It's ridiculous. A person that wants a higher education shouldn't be placed in the position of having to take on a $100k in debt in order to get a college degree.
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Old 06-09-2014, 03:28 PM   #5
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The cost of a degree is beyond absurd, and beyond what it costs in any rational way. The "tuition" is supplementing many other things justified as "necessary".

We also need to modernize our thoughts about college education and get out of the middle ages.

As to loans, there should be a relationship between loan amount and anticipated earnings, and between loan amount and a student's "expectation to graduate". To keep giving a poor student (poor in the academic sense) years and years of loans just to spin their wheels towards community college associates degree is criminal--or it should be.
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Old 06-09-2014, 03:39 PM   #6
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The cost of a degree is beyond absurd, and beyond what it costs in any rational way. The "tuition" is supplementing many other things justified as "necessary".

We also need to modernize our thoughts about college education and get out of the middle ages.

As to loans, there should be a relationship between loan amount and anticipated earnings, and between loan amount and a student's "expectation to graduate". To keep giving a poor student (poor in the academic sense) years and years of loans just to spin their wheels towards community college associates degree is criminal--or it should be.
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Old 06-09-2014, 03:50 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
The cost of a degree is beyond absurd, and beyond what it costs in any rational way. The "tuition" is supplementing many other things justified as "necessary".

We also need to modernize our thoughts about college education and get out of the middle ages.

As to loans, there should be a relationship between loan amount and anticipated earnings, and between loan amount and a student's "expectation to graduate". To keep giving a poor student (poor in the academic sense) years and years of loans just to spin their wheels towards community college associates degree is criminal--or it should be.
I agree - the college costs are completely out of line. Plus, the underwriting is pathetic - but the lenders don't get into any trouble for their bad practices, because the government cleans it up. It gets to a situation where someone who actually pays back their loan must feel like a chump!!
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Old 06-09-2014, 03:59 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
I agree - the college costs are completely out of line. Plus, the underwriting is pathetic - but the lenders don't get into any trouble for their bad practices, because the government cleans it up. It gets to a situation where someone who actually pays back their loan must feel like a chump!!
Or worse yet, some dumbass parent who actually paid for his own kid's college.
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Old 06-09-2014, 05:18 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Back when America was a great country, motherfuckers had to pay back their student loans.....
That's right, If you want to dance you have to pay the band, if you want a loan you have to pay the man.

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Old 06-09-2014, 08:00 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
That's right, If you want to dance you have to pay the band, if you want a loan you have to pay the man.

Not if you are a potential Democrat Voter.

That's probably what this is all about. Obama's liberal academia friends keep feeding at the trough, he tells the young people that they can run up all the loans they want, because they only have to pay back a fraction of it.

He fucked all of the under 30 crowd when he said they now had to buy health insurance, even though they didn't need it. What better way than to entice them, give them something for nothing, in typical a democrat fashion.
And remember who gave you something for nothing, and vote Democrat.

It will be interesting to see how many young people, the future of the Nation, will sell their souls to the Demagogue for what amounts to the cost of a automobile.

Of course, you and I will have to foot the bill sooner, or later. But then, we don't vote Democrat.
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Old 06-09-2014, 08:08 PM   #11
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It's just more of the same old shit...

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Old 06-09-2014, 08:35 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Not if you are a potential Democrat Voter.

That's probably what this is all about. Obama's liberal academia friends keep feeding at the trough, he tells the young people that they can run up all the loans they want, because they only have to pay back a fraction of it.

He fucked all of the under 30 crowd when he said they now had to buy health insurance, even though they didn't need it. What better way than to entice them, give them something for nothing, in typical a democrat fashion.
And remember who gave you something for nothing, and vote Democrat.

It will be interesting to see how many young people, the future of the Nation, will sell their souls to the Demagogue for what amounts to the cost of a automobile.

Of course, you and I will have to foot the bill sooner, or later. But then, we don't vote Democrat.
There is a large number of good students out there. Programs are available to assist them with expenses and many take advantage of them and do very well in school they graduate on time with good GPA's and they deserve the help that is available, but then there's some that don't qualify for assistance and don't even deserve it. They have very low GPA's they don't have marketable skills and most don't even graduate. The decision to attend College is an individual decision and the money invested for a higher education is really between the School the loan co. and the parents of the student. Cause lets face it kids just getting into college generally don't have a credit history they are high risk. The Bill might sound good on paper but somehow the remaining balance of these loans needs to be paid, and it does get paid but not by the individual that created it.

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Old 06-09-2014, 09:02 PM   #13
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If you are spending $100K and 4-5 years for a job that pays $35K you are getting a bad education. #wearethe99percent

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Old 06-09-2014, 09:11 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
If you are spending $100K and 4-5 years for a job that pays $35K you are getting a bad education. #wearethe99percent

#focusingonjobslikealaserinbet weengolfgamesandreleasingterro rists

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Old 06-09-2014, 10:24 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
The cost of a 4 year college degree has sky-rocketed in the past decade.
And what changed in that decade that coincided with that sky-rocketing cost increase? Have you looked at the amount of money put out in GOVERNMENT BACKED LOANS for education? Because the availability of "free government money" wouldn't have any influence on colleges raising their tuitions would it?
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