Originally Posted by MargeauxMe
I rarely speak on the phone with potential clients..probably stupid, but that's just what I do.
I happened to take a phone call, and it was someone's voice that is quite distinct that I recognized...I did not say anything, I hung up the phone and texted and said I had an emergency and could not take the appt.
This person is not an eccie member...
So I'm just curious, has this ever happened to anyone? How did you handle it? It is someone I know socially, not a friend.
I called a provider, and set up a first time session a few years ago. She goes by a name that is in common with a co-worker of mine. The co -worker is always complaining about money issues.
When I got to the providers apartment complex, it dawned on me that it was where my co-worker lived....and not only that, the same area of the darn project! Coupled with her often discussed money issues, the thought occurred that providing was her answer to get through tough times..... Talk about getting a bad feeling, about meeting a co-worker this way!
The only reason I went through with the session was that I was sure that the voice on the phone was not the person from work.....but I can say that I was extremely relieved when the door opened to the provider, not my co-worker!!!!!
I think that this is the scariest part of the hobby for me.....that I may well meet someone I know in "real life"........
I think you handled your situation as well as you could have.....good thing you answered the call! Imagine if you had set the appointment without hearing his voice!
Glad it worked OK for you!