Originally Posted by Reese Foster
One of the best times I have is with a gentlemen who does exactly that. He walks in, we chat and catch up and then he goes to licking and doesn't stop for a good 30 mins. He loves doing it and I love letting him do it..(he is a pro at it) so for us it is a win-win situation.
Exactly a win-win situation for the Lady hell no!!!!!!!! I am not
paying her to see her get off I am paying her to get me off.
I never understood why A guy would even care that he
gets her off or not sorry, But I can care less if she cums or not.
if I am paying for her time and services then it is all about me.
If I pop one or two and she don't who cares she got paid for
doing what she was suppose to do let her real boyfriend
get her off because that is his job not mine.
Look at it like this how many providers would pay us to let
them suck us off, GO AHEAD I GOT TIME I WILL WAIT!!!!
Not a dam one of them, exactly so that is what a guy is doing
when he do this. No can do my friend I am here to be service
not give service. DATY for me will cost you that is a service
I give only to my girl friends, The big O's is for me and the
money is for her and that is what I call a service.