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Old 06-04-2014, 11:47 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
The war is still going on.........and will continue for at least 2 more years, based on Obama's own timeline............a phony argument......

So why the rush to a deal ?

Even uber liberal Matthews thinks the timeline is a phony excuse.........admit it, Obama is a Taliban sympathizer !

Listen to yourself you non-serving piece of shit.
It's only been 5 years and we have at least 2 more to go?
Your concern for our veterans is based on your hatred of Obama.

You're a cowardly, 2 faced bastard.
Help the veterans but fuck the POWs?
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Old 06-04-2014, 11:53 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
What is your excuse for Obama releasing terrorists whom he admitted may return to the business of killing Americans ?
This has nothing to do with Obama.

This is all you motherfucker. You wouldn't last a year and you calmly add 2 years of hell to the 5 he has been through.

You outed yourself. Every "Save America" out of your mouth taints us.

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Old 06-04-2014, 12:11 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
EVA, you have made it very plain that you are a leftist and as such you are part of the sad legacy of the "welcome" that veterans recieved during the Vietnam era. Don't even try to point the finger at someone else! This is your shit pile, stay in it, enjoy it with your friends. Why do you think you can pick and choose which wars you like and which veterans you want to support. Those are Vietnam veterans at the VA right now being abused and you choose to back the White House. You are a sad, dispicable piece of shit. Go back to sniffing Munchie's ass.
More bullshit from the telepath. Who has said the White House has no responsibility? Who said Obama has no personal responsibility for this?
Pointing out that the US has been breaking promises and fucking over veterans for 200+ years isn't giving Obama a pass.
You just aren't too smart.

There weren't 2 crowds waiting on the returning Viet Nam soldiers.
If the crowds were all leftist, that means the right was too cowardly to confront the candy ass liberals, too Canadian or deferred to show up to thank the troops,

too much like you.
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Old 06-04-2014, 12:24 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Try to get your facts straight. The White House has admitted that they knew where Bergdahl was but were reluctant to do a rescue. So ask your masters why they held back.
Get your facts straight, douche-bag.

Normal people don't have to ask why they held back.
Just because they knew where he was doesn't mean they could get him out. Duh!

Try not to be stupid.
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Old 06-04-2014, 12:26 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
EVA, you have made it very plain that you are a leftist and as such you are part of the sad legacy of the "welcome" that veterans recieved during the Vietnam era. Don't even try to point the finger at someone else! This is your shit pile, stay in it, enjoy it with your friends. Why do you think you can pick and choose which wars you like and which veterans you want to support. Those are Vietnam veterans at the VA right now being abused and you choose to back the White House. You are a sad, dispicable piece of shit. Go back to sniffing Munchie's ass.
Keep talking Jane Fonda you wouldn't know a leftest if you saw one. You are a pitiful excuse for a American.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Try to get your facts straight. The White House has admitted that they knew where Bergdahl was but were reluctant to do a rescue. So ask your masters why they held back.
The military said they knew where he was, but a attempt to rescue him would result in his being shot. Get your lies straight . Fucking bitches suffering from PMS.
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Old 06-04-2014, 02:26 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
Ain't gonna happen with today's toady, lapdog, DNC leg-humping press. Thank god for the Internet so the actual facts can get out that the main stream media don't want to report.
Really, It's uncanny how Obama can walk in-between the rain drops.

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Old 06-04-2014, 03:33 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
Really, It's uncanny how Obama can walk in-between the rain drops.
The Messiah's ability to survive several simultaneous scandals is really no more mysterious than Mr. Burns' extreme longevity, once you understand the principle:


But seriously: in today's culture, there ain't no Teflon like black Teflon.
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Old 06-04-2014, 03:46 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Like it or not the president did make a statement to out military that regardless of circumstances we will make every effort not to leave you behind .
Unless you are an ambassador or civilians working security for him.

In that case .... you are on your own buddy.
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Old 06-04-2014, 03:48 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
What is your excuse for not bringing a American prisoner home?
Simple. He wasn't a prisoner. Bergdahl was exactly where he wanted to be. He abandoned his post, left behind his gear, and went looking for the Taliban. Well, he found them. It is not our problem if he didn't like the way his new friends treated him once he found them.

He should have been declared a deserter, tried in absentia, and sentenced for his crime. When or if he was ever recovered, then he could begin serving the prison sentence he richly deserved.

Furthermore, even if we accept the premise that we should secure his release in spite of his treason, there is still NO excusing the blatant whitewash this Administration is engaged in. Just tell the goddamned truth about Bergdahl! Don't go on TV with talking points about what an honorable soldier he is when they knew damned good and well he wasn't. If you are the President, don't throw your arms around his parents and talk about how wonderful it is to be bringing him home and what a great guy he is. And sure as fuck don't throw a ticker tape parade and give him a hero's welcome.

There was NEVER any intention to investigate Bergdahl's actions, or hold him accountable for deserting his post, or accountable for the lives of the good men who died searching for him. If there had been, he would never have continued to receive promotions during the previous five years. He couldn't have been promoted if his status had been listed as deserter, as it should have been.

There will never be an inquiry, and no charges will ever be brought against him. To do so now, after all the whitewashing, would be too embarrassing to the Administration. Instead, he will be quietly discharged. At best, MAYBE he will receive an Other Than Honorable Discharge, but I think even that is highly unlikely. Meanwhile, 5 terrorists, who good men fought and died to detain, are again free to attack us, and 6 good soldiers, who served their country with honor and distinction are dead because of this useless sack of shit who the Administration cloaked in the banner of a hero.
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Old 06-04-2014, 03:49 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Get your facts straight, douche-bag.

Normal people don't have to ask why they held back.
Just because they knew where he was doesn't mean they could get him out. Duh!

Try not to be stupid.
"Duuuuhhhhhh" ...

Does that apply to OBL in Eastern Afghanistan during Bush's administration?

You don't have to try to be stupid. It just comes natural for you.

Not to mention being the "gift" that just keeps on "giving"!!!!
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Old 06-04-2014, 06:04 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh View Post
Simple. He wasn't a prisoner. Bergdahl was exactly where he wanted to be. He abandoned his post, left behind his gear, and went looking for the Taliban. Well, he found them. It is not our problem if he didn't like the way his new friends treated him once he found them.

He should have been declared a deserter, tried in absentia, and sentenced for his crime. When or if he was ever recovered, then he could begin serving the prison sentence he richly deserved.

Furthermore, even if we accept the premise that we should secure his release in spite of his treason, there is still NO excusing the blatant whitewash this Administration is engaged in. Just tell the goddamned truth about Bergdahl! Don't go on TV with talking points about what an honorable soldier he is when they knew damned good and well he wasn't. If you are the President, don't throw your arms around his parents and talk about how wonderful it is to be bringing him home and what a great guy he is. And sure as fuck don't throw a ticker tape parade and give him a hero's welcome.

There was NEVER any intention to investigate Bergdahl's actions, or hold him accountable for deserting his post, or accountable for the lives of the good men who died searching for him. If there had been, he would never have continued to receive promotions during the previous five years. He couldn't have been promoted if his status had been listed as deserter, as it should have been.

There will never be an inquiry, and no charges will ever be brought against him. To do so now, after all the whitewashing, would be too embarrassing to the Administration. Instead, he will be quietly discharged. At best, MAYBE he will receive an Other Than Honorable Discharge, but I think even that is highly unlikely. Meanwhile, 5 terrorists, who good men fought and died to detain, are again free to attack us, and 6 good soldiers, who served their country with honor and distinction are dead because of this useless sack of shit who the Administration cloaked in the banner of a hero.

If that was true he would have been given the same treatment as other Americans serving as terrorists like the one blowing shit up in Syria. Would have been trained and be serving somewhere. There will be a military investigation will be determined if he is AWOL or a deserter, and punished.
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Old 06-04-2014, 06:04 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Listen to yourself you non-serving piece of shit.
It's only been 5 years and we have at least 2 more to go?
Your concern for our veterans is based on your hatred of Obama.

You're a cowardly, 2 faced bastard.
Help the veterans but fuck the POWs?
Yes, when we "leave" Afghanistan the US will leave 10K troops as a security force there for at least 2 years. During that time, these guys, who are high level Taliban leaders can plan for the capture and/or killing of American troops. Given that, there was no urgency to make a deal. Even Chris Matthews recognizes this.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
This has nothing to do with Obama.

This is all you motherfucker. You wouldn't last a year and you calmly add 2 years of hell to the 5 he has been through.

You outed yourself. Every "Save America" out of your mouth taints us.

This has everything to do with Obama.

You do realize (again I have to educate a member of the ARC) that the Pentagon pushed back on this deal in 2011? So Obama added 3 more years to this guys "hell."

You are unhinged.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
More bullshit from the telepath. Who has said the White House has no responsibility? Who said Obama has no personal responsibility for this?
Pointing out that the US has been breaking promises and fucking over veterans for 200+ years isn't giving Obama a pass.
You just aren't too smart.

There weren't 2 crowds waiting on the returning Viet Nam soldiers.
If the crowds were all leftist, that means the right was too cowardly to confront the candy ass liberals, too Canadian or deferred to show up to thank the troops,

too much like you.
More irrelevant, disinformed ramblings of a lunatic. Are you trying to compete with Assup for most psycho poster?

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Get your facts straight, douche-bag.

Normal people don't have to ask why they held back.
Just because they knew where he was doesn't mean they could get him out. Duh!

Try not to be stupid.
Again, the Pentagon pushed back on this deal 3 years ago. Obama has let 5 Taliban commanders return to the battlefield instead of trying them for War Crimes or Crimes Against Humanity and executing them. Obama and Susan Rice tried to make Bergdahl out to be a hero. I don't believe they thought his squadmates were going to break their NDAs and blackball him.

More bad calculus on their part. Don't blame Obama's "enemies". Even the Dems are pissed.
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Old 06-04-2014, 06:05 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Unless you are an ambassador or civilians working security for him.

In that case .... you are on your own buddy.
I can tell you never served ...fuck off.
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Old 06-04-2014, 06:38 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post

Why do you try so hard to defend the indefensible ?

You should just admit that Obama fucked up on this and move along.......

Evaturd has no cred... He will always defend Odumbo whatever he does... Odumbo could trade nukes to the Taliban in exchange for Bergdahl, and Evaturd would just shrug and say you right-wing crybabies are always finding something to whine about...

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Old 06-04-2014, 07:09 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Evaturd has no cred... He will always defend Odumbo whatever he does... Odumbo could trade nukes to the Taliban in exchange for Bergdahl, and Evaturd would just shrug and say you right-wing crybabies are always finding something to whine about...

Another little bitch having her period. PMS lusty lass?
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