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Old 06-02-2014, 11:20 AM   #586
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One thing I will go on record for saying...

I would be floored...completely floored...if someone offered me proof that Whispers has EVER threatened a lady. It's just not his nature.

I understand that it is hard to judge character online, but some things are just obvious to those of us who deal with people daily.

Additionally, whoever thinks Dearhunter is an idiot who trolls, babbles and makes up words, is so off base...it's seriously comical...
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Old 06-02-2014, 04:47 PM   #587
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Should be no problems for bcharisma's wife or S/O or ATF determining what he was doing on the 28th the if they are looking. I do hope he doesn't have any issues with your having posted that information.
1. slave g stated she had vouched for him on the 28th. how does that have any bearing on what he was doing?

2. how is what she posted any more of a clue for his atf, wife, or whatever than any of...oh, i don't know....his 17 reviews?

3. how is slave's age, her looks, health, or frequency of client visits of ANY relevance to your accusations?
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Old 06-02-2014, 05:04 PM   #588
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
I have sent 1 PM to slave in the last few months. I have not emailed her, called or text-ed her with the exception of the texts to check on her screening security

That PM was a suggestion that she own her problems, apologize and move on. It included the offer for me to drop all this and do so as well. That letter was read by at least 1 MOD and at least 1 ADMIN.... I would imagine many more after. Had it entailed anything rising to the level of a "THREAT" I would not still be posting.

That was the only offer I have ever made to Slave Guinevere.

Does she need a buck to go with that?
So if she doesn't do what YOU want, you'll keep at it? Sounds like blackmail to me. Why don't you share this magnanimous offer with the rest of us instead of paraphrasing it?

Does it have things in it you'd not like public?
Does it have your usual taunts about the reach of your voice?
Does it have claims of more unnamed supporters who've told you things that support your views?

Seems to me, if that was all you wanted... You could have offered BEFORE starting this thread. I suggested a week ago that I wouldn't (if I were her) respond to you/skf/etc given how you chose to go about "exposing" her. You could have pm-d her individually and suggested she not mention bch*risma and acknowledge that. Instead, you wanted views and drama to further your agenda - just look at the title of this thread? Your offer now rings hollow because of your initial actions. It seems to me you just want to demonstrate your power and some semblance of relevance by "getting her to do" something.

No one has answered why prs even asked for a vouch from someone she's seen clearly more than once. You don't buy that she was responding to an accusation of a bad reference that was made openly. Seems to me, she's entitled to answer that. Instead, you wanted another 40+ page thread full of controversy. I can understand why someone wouldn't take your benevolent offer seriously.
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Old 06-02-2014, 05:12 PM   #589
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unreal mods allow this thread To stay Off topic

and who allows this bs to continue SATX is crazy!
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Old 06-02-2014, 05:23 PM   #590
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
1. slave g stated she had vouched for him on the 28th. how does that have any bearing on what he was doing?

2. how is what she posted any more of a clue for his atf, wife, or whatever than any of...oh, i don't know....his 17 reviews?

3. how is slave's age, her looks, health, or frequency of client visits of ANY relevance to your accusations?
Asked and Answered,
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Old 06-02-2014, 05:27 PM   #591
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Originally Posted by Netx9 View Post
No one has answered why prs even asked for a vouch from someone she's seen clearly more than once. You don't buy that she was responding to an accusation of a bad reference that was made openly.

It is totally irrelevant.
She had no business using her interactions with a member to make a point. The information she provided had never been posted by him. It was information only he and her were privy to.

Seems to me, she's entitled to answer that. Not by using others information that should be kept between them. Instead, you wanted another 40+ page thread full of controversy. I can understand why someone wouldn't take your benevolent offer seriously.
Once again sir.... I thought this was done long ago... You woke it up after 6 days of zero activity and Mr. Dear took the thread National.... I will always respond when addressed in a thread.....

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Old 06-02-2014, 05:41 PM   #592
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Default For all those that wonder why this continues.

For all those that wonder why this continues.

Go back in the thread to the 15th of May

At that time this thread had sat dormant for 6 days and dropped off the front page of the San Antonio Forums.

Next9 felt the need to jump in and post and of course others joined in.

A10Bomb popped in and then Ms. Guinevere attacked SofaKingFun by dragging yet another party into her world of shit..... a party that has since guested her account. There is no end to the collateral damage this woman creates

It went 4 more pages and was around 6000 views at that time.

Mr. Deere has catapulted it with his vulgarity and insistence that he has stepped in, said what he had to say and of course.... that the thread was over....because he put an end to it.... Yeah... Right......

So a thread dead 6 days is brought back to life and pushed since and given National Exposure not by me... not by SFK..... Not by Beagle .... Not by Savak......Not by Dirk.....

No... The last 10,000 views and 17 days and 300+ posts are the result of Slave and her supporters that could not let this sit........

I will always address and respond to a comment made to me. I think SFK, Savak, Beagle, Dirk and others do as well...

The life this thread has is generated by a Provider suffering death throes and her fans that mourn her passing..... (figuratively)
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Old 06-02-2014, 09:45 PM   #593
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Asked and Answered,
no, you haven't.

why so many words to say nothing? if you're so sure of your answers, surely you can briefly recap them here?

an as for your delusion about who "took this national"...you continuing to say it was me doesn't make it true, and everybody knows that.

you just didn't expect me to call your bluff.

two things you've grossly overestimated, sherlock....my level of give a fuck and your level of cleverness.
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Old 06-02-2014, 10:32 PM   #594
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
no, you haven't.

why so many words to say nothing? if you're so sure of your answers, surely you can briefly recap them here?

It was addressed earlier in the thread.... GO read it if you care to

an as for your delusion about who "took this national"...you continuing to say it was me doesn't make it true, and everybody knows that.

Seems that every other person posting in the National Thread recognized and called you on exactly what you did.... The fact that you refuse to see it does not make what you choose to believe. You took SLave's dirty laundry in front of a national audience.

you just didn't expect me to call your bluff. What bluff? I can usually tell where someone has drifted off and why but your a real piece of work.....

two things you've grossly overestimated, sherlock....my level of give a fuck and your level of cleverness.
Why do you think I care if you give a fuck?

You've been a pretty willing puppet.... As much as you have done for this side of the attempts to see to it she does not see this simply fade away I'm sure people probably think you are one of us working in concert....
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Old 06-02-2014, 10:43 PM   #595
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I have a magical ability to end a thread, I'm thinking of changing my handle to TheLastWord.

What ever Slave did, and I don't give a flying rats behind, you just got to remember these words:

You are an oak tree. You will not be manipulated by crying, yelling, lying, head games, sexual withdrawal, jealousy ploys, pity plays, shit tests, hot/cold/hot/cold, disappearing acts, or guilt trips. She will rain and thunder all around you and you will shelter her until her storm passes. She will not drag you into her chaos or uproot you. When you have mastery over yourself, you will have mastery over her.

Obviously you need to work on your mastery!

If this response makes no sense at all then it fits right in with the rest of the thread.

Now where is that sweet Slave's number. After all this tough work posting I need to have a release!
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Old 06-02-2014, 10:52 PM   #596
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
listen you simple fucks….carefully….

not everyone is motivated by a little ass. just because you sad cunts are so easily swayed by a whiff of fresh pussy, don't assume that everyone else is as hard up.

is slave g my friend? absolutely, but this isn't about her. that's what you basic motherfuckers don't get.

whimpers and his ass clown toadies want to run shit because they somehow view themselves as some kind of players in the hooker world.

when you step out in the yard like that, there's a good chance somebody is going to say "not so fast.", especially when the wannabe pimp rat is trying to crush a friend who did nothing to deserve that level of hate.

we could have had a rational debate about what slave g did if whimpers had just said, hey…i have issues with this one specific thing and left it at that. i would have said….meh…lots of bitching about nothing.

but he didn't do that.

he had to go kicking her around just to gratify his own ego and his limp-dicked lackies joined in so they could feel cool, too.

i'm about bored with using whimpers as my ball of yarn. i accomplished what i came here to do. i personally don't give two thin fucks what you people do in your market. if it's a cesspool you want, have at it. for all of you who stand quietly by and let people like this shit on your playground, just remember….you have only yourselves to blame.
listen simple fuck, I don't know what you accomplished but I'm glad you feel a sense of accomplishment. Quit contradicting yourself if you don't give a fuck about what you claim is a cesspool then leave and don't give a fuck or stop posting you don't give a fuck!

Be a man make a decision and stick with it!
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Old 06-02-2014, 10:58 PM   #597
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Originally Posted by colt View Post
I have a magical ability to end a thread, I'm thinking of changing my handle to TheLastWord.
awww snap son!

Originally Posted by colt View Post
What ever Slave did, and I don't give a flying rats behind, you just got to remember these words:

You are an oak tree. You will not be manipulated by crying, yelling, lying, head games, sexual withdrawal, jealousy ploys, pity plays, shit tests, hot/cold/hot/cold, disappearing acts, or guilt trips. She will rain and thunder all around you and you will shelter her until her storm passes. She will not drag you into her chaos or uproot you. When you have mastery over yourself, you will have mastery over her.
that was pathetically beautiful old man. a real Hemingway we got ourselves here.

Originally Posted by colt View Post
Now where is that sweet Slave's number. After all this tough work posting I need to have a release!
I can only imagine how over the top you still are when you're going easy on us.

threads a fucking riot man.
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Old 06-02-2014, 11:00 PM   #598
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Originally Posted by Netx9 View Post
Why don't you share this magnanimous offer with the rest of us instead of paraphrasing it?

Does it have things in it you'd not like public?
Does it have your usual taunts about the reach of your voice?
Does it have claims of more unnamed supporters who've told you things that support your views?
Paraphrasing is the only allowable way on this board....

Actually... I would if I could. I asked for clarification on posting the exact PM and was told that Guideline #9 would apply to my posting it even though it is my own words being sent to someone else.

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

Same principle by which a member can earn an infraction or a ban even by sending a copy of his review to a Provider....

I'm sure your mistress has already sent it your way....
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Old 06-03-2014, 05:38 AM   #599
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Whispers you must be the incarnate of my Ex-Wife, about every month for 13 years I got to hear about the time I said I bought her a new car, which was a miss quote, actually I said she got a new car, but to her it insulted her lack of financial ability. The compulsive OCD never let it go syndrome.

If I posted it is going to Rain, well that information could have come from another member or an im, or pm what ever, it could even be false or true. But nope it is the reality eventually it will rain, and to that Mr Millineal every storm runs out of rain, and I can see your storm drying up. A little bird told me.
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Old 06-03-2014, 06:54 AM   #600
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You talk to birds, colt?



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