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Old 05-29-2014, 10:24 PM   #1
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Default Why the GOP is ultimately fucked

From the Dallas Morning News. Recognition that troglodyte Dan Patrick's victory in the GOP primary probably represents a turning point in Texas politics.

>>>>The tea party wing of the state GOP may be celebrating its near sweep of Tuesday’s primary runoff. But it sure feels like a win for Democrats.

Not in November. Not yet. But eventually. And then Democrats will rule in Texas for a long, long time.

It’s hard to say exactly when the change will come, but Tuesday’s results may have moved it up by an election cycle.

Science tells us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It’s not quite so precise in politics, but the effect is there.

The Texas GOP’s swerve to the right can’t help but stir reaction in the opposite direction. And Democrats are rejoicing today.

Dan Patrick, the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor, tried to bluster past it in his victory speech Tuesday night. “Some Democrats have said they wanted me to be the nominee. Well, they’ve got me, and I’m coming,” he said.

Big applause followed, of course. But surely some in the room were smart enough to feel a shiver of things to come. Bravado will only take you so far.
Demographics will soon call the tune in Texas.

Every Texas schoolchild learns with pride that our far-flung state comprises 254 counties. But did you know that most Texans live in just 10 of them?
In 2012, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney evenly split the vote in those top 10. Obama won in the biggest five.

The Republican base gets whiter, older and more male, while the big urban counties get more and more not.

And the state GOP put itself even more out of step with that demographic reality in Tuesday’s vote. As my colleague Christy Hoppe noted, voters will find just one lone woman among the Texas Republicans’ entire slate for Congress, statewide offices and top judicial positions.

That’s 50 races. And the one woman is U.S. Rep. Kay Granger of Fort Worth.
The Democratic slate is headed by two women, of course — Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte. Count on that difference being noted repeatedly.

This is not to suggest that women or ethnic minorities will vote only for candidates who look like them. But Republicans sure aren’t giving them reason to do otherwise.
Many women aren’t likely to forget that Patrick and other top Republican nominees led the charge to restrict access to abortions. In the privacy of the voting booth, even Republican-leaning women might well think of daughters and granddaughters with diminished freedom to make choices for themselves.

African-American voters won’t forget how Republican nominees demonized and disrespected President Obama at every turn. It was far easier to kick the president than discuss actual Texas issues.

Latino voters will remember for a long time how Patrick and other GOP candidates exploited the immigration issue with talk of an “invasion” across our borders. Hard-working people resent being portrayed as enemy invaders, no matter how many generations they have been here.

Texas Republicans can’t keep appealing only to angry, fearful whites. It may be a winning short-term strategy, but it’s long-term suicide. Texas Republicans have to find a platform that is more hopeful and inclusive.

This potential for Texas to morph into a blue state has big ramifications for the whole country.

Who says so? Dan Patrick himself.

Battleground Texas is the political operation already working hard in the state to organize and motivate the Democratic vote. Featured prominently on its website is a quote from Patrick:

“If we lose Texas, we never elect a Republican to the White House ever again because the electoral votes of New York, California and Texas make it mathematically impossible.”

“Ever again” may be a bit of hyperbole. But I’m sure Democrats would settle for the foreseeable future.

Republicans voters moved us a step closer on Tuesday.
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Old 05-29-2014, 10:38 PM   #2
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He (Steve Blow) is a good columnist, and demographics will eventually lock the Democrats in, if the current situation holds that only angry old white guys vote Republican. I bet we will still have to hear about white male privilege even as the guillotine comes down on our old, weathered necks. Minorities will get their revenge, and I hope they kill all white people equally, whether they are liberal or not, for their skin color alone, just like they do in South Africa - the fucking racists.
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Old 05-29-2014, 10:39 PM   #3
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angry white men like YOU?
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Old 05-29-2014, 10:42 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
angry white men like YOU?
Yes, I'm one of them, as are you.
Used the N word lately, racist asshole?

P.S. How's the under working out - you have 18 minutes to try and get me banned.....
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Old 05-29-2014, 10:49 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
angry white men like YOU?
You're either a happy white guy or a vindictive black guy. Which is it?

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Old 05-29-2014, 11:20 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Yes, I'm one of them, as are you.
Used the N word lately, racist asshole?

P.S. How's the under working out - you have 18 minutes to try and get me banned.....
Who's asking? Uncle Hand? Hating Kayla? Jewish Jagoff? Don't be Daft?

Anyone ever notice how NONE of these people post from the same place at the same time?

Tread carefully, Sybill. Your days are numbered.
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Old 05-30-2014, 01:39 AM   #7
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I wonder what Timmie's opinion (about anything) is?
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Old 05-30-2014, 03:04 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I wonder what Timmie's opinion (about anything) is?
Another pretty post! We'll put this up on the refrigerator with a magnet.

And yes, you won another trophy!
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Old 05-30-2014, 06:04 AM   #9
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Interesting article. IMHO I think it will be a number of years before a Democrat becomes a U.S. Senator or Governor/Lt. Governor. The Republican advantage is just too great to overcome in a short time. But I would certainly agree that the demographics of Texas are changing. Texas cities are leading the nation in growth and these aren't good-old-boys moving here.
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Old 05-30-2014, 06:50 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Who's asking? Uncle Hand? Hating Kayla? Jewish Jagoff? Don't be Daft?

Anyone ever notice how NONE of these people post from the same place at the same time?

Tread carefully, Sybill. Your days are numbered. (only if I piss off the people benefiting from the Dallas AMP scene, not you) BTW, I maintain they are indentured servants, not slaves
If Don't Be Daft! were not working in an oilfield somewhere, crossing his liberal devil fingers that BP doesn't fuck up again, he would assure you he is a free and independent soul, and not me. Hopefully, he would also recognize that you are a fucking jackass, and tell you that.
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Old 05-30-2014, 07:25 AM   #11
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TrannyTim's lengthy re-post of the DMN story by Steve Blow is a statement (no screed) of the obvious; what the writer failed to point out...........

Every year, Texas gets more brown....and the hispanics are reliable Democrats. They want bigger government, more services paid for by others, and liberal immigration and citizenship! As they grow in numbers, they will grow in political clout. They will eventually take over Texas politics...and the political dynamics of Texas will look more like California = high taxes, poor services, more regulation, and business fleeing...........
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Old 05-30-2014, 07:35 AM   #12
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"Not in November. Not yet. But eventually. And then Democrats will rule in Texas for a long, long time."

That's a pretty open ended prediction. So after the democrats rule for "a long time" and drive the state to bankruptcy the republicans will rule forever. This prediction has just has much credibility as his. I think this is just an attempt to make the dems feel better about getting their ass handed to them in the latest election. They are looking for the silver lining.
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Old 05-30-2014, 08:27 AM   #13
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I agree, sooner or later, Texas will turn blue, as more liberal and "progressives" turn it into a shithole.

But then, the entire Country is headed in the same direction, as we elect Demagogues who will promise those that vote for a living more and more. All at the expense of those that choose to work and be productive.

You can only rob from Peter to pay Paul for so long. When Peter runs out of money, or just quits, it's over.

Since I am almost 68 years old, I doubt I will live to see the whole Country get flushed, but history tells us it will happen, just as other great Republics have fallen in century's past.
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Old 05-30-2014, 08:54 AM   #14
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What an amusing set of responses from the "fearful, angry white men" referenced in the article.
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Old 05-30-2014, 09:17 AM   #15
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HAHAH..........someone agrees with TrannyTim and he trumps the race card ...

Funny and pathetic..........
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