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Old 05-24-2014, 09:49 PM   #301
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Default Calamine Lotion. When the itching from the butthurt just won't go away

That's a very mature approach to handling the situation, Slave Guinevere.
It speaks volumes towards your professionalism, and your lack thereof.

Stalking? Lmmfao! It's not stalking. It's your continual posting your clients information, and my me asking/your refusing to address it, that's the issue here.
Not cyberstalking. It's called denial, Slave Guinevere. You're up to your bolt-ons living in it.

Slave Guinevere. Please! I'm begging you to hit that little triangle and report me for cyberstalking. PLEASE?

Address the issue! Stop posting your clients information and quit fucking up and watch how quickly this will all go away.

All I'm doing is trying to do is to show you that what you are doing is wrong as well as protect your clients and their personal and trusted information that you can't help yourself from posting

I have addressed this, directly and without hesitation.

Why can't you do the same?

That little envelope that your clients leave behind comes with an expectation for you to exercise discretion. yet you continue to break that trust.

This is a problem and a very big problem.

Yet your answer to all of this is to try to deflect attention away from your transgressions by posting and re-posting conjecture and speculation in my regard.

I have already addressed these matters directly and immediately in reply to your last deflection attempt. Why can't you do the same?

We can go back and forth all you'd like but I can assure you that this is not going to end well for one of us and our respective reputation..

If you honestly believe that the approach you're taking is the best way to deal with this, then by all means, feel free to do as you please.

The matter at hand is not going to change until you make changes.

** on a slightly different but possibly very pointed note,

I found this to be quite interesting. It's about people who continually play the victim and how they manipulate others

Martyr Syndrome
A condition in which a person uses their suffering, self-sacrifice, and role as a victim to manipulate others into psychologically rewarding them for their ongoing misery

One of the most destructive behaviors in any relationship is the existence of someone with a martyr complex. As the definition from Wikipedia explains, a “person who has a ‘martyr complex’ desires the feeling of being a martyr for its own sake, seeking out suffering or persecution because it feeds a psychological need.” The characteristics of such persons include
  • They have the need to be a victim and complain always and relentlessly.
  • They take little initiative in trying to fixing any complaint.
  • If any problem is solved, but in a different way than what they proposed, the problem still exists, as far as they are concerned.
  • If any problem is solved according to their solution, they will find another problem to complain about.
  • If any problem is solved, it is because they complained about it.
  • They complain about problems that do not concern them in the least.
  • They do not appreciate any good things being done.
  • They lie and twist facts to prove their point.
  • They selectively forget, ignore or avoid any facts that may conflict with their point.
  • They resort to name-calling when everything else fails.

I just thought it was interesting...

It rubs Calamine Lotion on its skin,
because it's got the hives again...



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Old 05-24-2014, 10:09 PM   #302
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
So first how come we never got an awnser to this question?


How come SKF was never banned for revealing Infoshare/Ladies powder room or whatever you call it information I mean SG got banned for just knowing about ML info shouldn't the mods be moding fairly as we just saw in another thread just recently??

Or do the mods only reopen threads after getting threatened by the hobby savior to start up more shit for them like our hobby savior did here
So first..heh..

Why is it any of your concern why I asked for it to be closed and a moderator closing it? What possible interest could you have in having that thread opened or re-opened?

It was a statement directed to the providers, so why is this any of your concern or interest?

What would you like to know that you're making such a huge fucking deal about it?

Do you feel entitled to any answers I may have?

Let me let you in on a little secret here whiner,
You may want an answer,
but you're not entitled to a god damned thing.

So feel free to want in one hand and shit in the other
and see which one fills up fastest

"How come SKF wasn't banned...?

wahh, wahh, wahhhh!

Do you ever not whine? Jeez, it's like baby-sitting my brothers snotty-nosed kids or something...damn.

The answer lies in the "whatever you call it information" phrase.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you, Checkers

I'd be careful pressing the matter though...
Slave Guinevere has already been banned once


And therein lies your answer. Happy?



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Old 05-24-2014, 10:49 PM   #303
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Before this fiasco, my impression of SG's board persona was a classy, meticulous and perfectionist lady.

This fiasco revealed the egoism behind the handle....a lady too high to fall because she used to have the backing from so many guys, the mods, providers and even Whispers.

SG, your "good fight" is not going to lead to any positive outcome for you. You already know Whispers has the stamina to keep the issue alive. You've tried ignoring these threads, and got your supporters to do the same......how long did that last?

Every time you start a new thread in CoEd to increase your board presence, someone will have the opportunity to dredge up the issue. As I see it, you really just have 2 options for a positive outcome:

1) You cease from posting anything on the boards, thereby giving dissenters nothing to work with.

2) You admit your mistakes, apologize and move forward. Dissenters trying to revisit the issue will be seen as petty.


Or good luck finding a way to shut SKF, Savak, Dirk, Whispers, Hiker, MayorCastro, and myself up......among others.....
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Old 05-24-2014, 11:14 PM   #304
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Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
Or good luck finding a way to shut SKF, Savak, Dirk, Whispers, Hiker, MayorCastro, and myself up......among others.....
and the list grows......

It was a different CoEd back then......

SG was certainly the dominate presence and yes... There was a time that even I felt she had the grace and intelligence to be like no other......

But power corrupts.... Absolute Power corrupts absolutely....

I'm not sure if it was a defect in her personality or the worshiping fan base that led to her believing she could do no wrong and was above all others but is spiraling her downwards....Yes.. She should acknowledge her lies and issue apologies.....

Because this is going to go in a variety of directions until she does....

very few people talk about or remember the good things.... lots of people discuss and keep the bad alive.....
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Old 05-25-2014, 08:10 AM   #305
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ahah!!! I always suspected you were a creepy cyber stalker SFK, and now I got the proof.
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Old 05-25-2014, 09:34 AM   #306
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
So first how come we never got an awnser to this question?


How come SKF was never banned for revealing Infoshare/Ladies powder room or whatever you call it information I mean SG got banned for just knowing about ML info shouldn't the mods be moding fairly as we just saw in another thread just recently??

Or do the mods only reopen threads after getting threatened by the hobby savior to start up more shit for them like our hobby savior did here
Those are very interesting questions that may or may not get answered. Which brings us back to the root of "why" both Whispers & I have decided to adopt San Antonio as our home away from home. "MOD Favoritism" Where does it say MODS are required to answer questions? Or even respond? One would think that it's their job but truth be told they are NOT required to explain anything only enforce the rules. Now me, I do things NOT because I have to do them, I do them because it's the right thing to do. And that is what will make this a better place. Treat EVERYONE fairly and with respect. See a board member shouldn't have to cover the entire front page of COED with threADs like what's your favorite carpet color at an incall just to get a question answered. But see the "rules" don't stop a board member from doing that either. Yeah pretty stupid and childish I know but so is not answering simple questions.

Here is a fresh dead horse for all to beat. I need to get busy getting my thought provoking threADs together.

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Old 05-25-2014, 10:33 AM   #307
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Originally Posted by flinde View Post
ahah!!! I always suspected you were a creepy cyber stalker SFK, and now I got the proof.
Haha! No, flinde, creepy-peeps wear yellow. It's a Scientological fact.

SL, see post #302.



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Old 05-25-2014, 10:50 AM   #308
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
Haha! No, flinde, creepy-peeps wear yellow. It's a Scientological fact.

SL, see post #302.



I read that post but it doesn't answer the question asked of the "MODS" does it? Unless your answering for them? The fact is if a thread is opened then board members should be able to comment. Otherwise all we have are speeches.

Truth be told I think it took a lot of balls to post that thread. I would have said so if it weren't closed... LOL and had I known about it.

Well back to my thread creations for SA COED... Ball Shaving.... who can you really trust with that? (Sounds like a good one to me!)

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Old 05-25-2014, 11:18 AM   #309
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No, I'm not answering for a mod, just answering your question.

The fact is, if an OP asks for their thread to be closed, it's at a mods discretion whether to close it or leave it open. In this instance they opted to close it.

The real question is why closing that thread this such an issue for you?

What's your agenda and sudden interest in this thread, in particular?

I see you working...but you're playing checkers here.

...just saying.



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Old 05-25-2014, 12:14 PM   #310
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Now me, I do things NOT because I have to do them, I do them because it's the right thing to do. And that is what will make this a better place. Treat EVERYONE fairly and with respect.
I feel the same way and do things for similar reasons.

In this case I believe we differ in opinion.

I believe that Slave Guinevere is beyond careless..... I believe she is reckless and dangerous with the information she has and I believe that the on board incidents over the last few months where she has carelessly posted information about a member is a pattern that, gone unchecked, can lead to someone eventually having something in their personal life blow up.

I think she is a provider more at risk of outing herself than any other I am aware of as a result of her posts regarding her health issues, workout schedules, children, etc.... If she continued to publicly post on a regular basis I believe she will eventually out a client.

You and I are similar in that neither of us wants to see someone in this community harmed by the actions of another.

In most cases the person that is intent on doing damage is a villain that is pretty easy to be negative towards. Their intentions are self serving and harmful.

In many cases you believe someone is more a victim though than I think I do.

I don't think most of what Slave G has screwed up on has been vindictive in nature. I believe her actions have been impulsive and emotional in nature.

I told you a couple of months ago that there was a lot more to come out that hasn't yet. That was at the start of digging into just how easily Slave G would share information.

You know that there have been discussions regarding her incessant, nonstop need for attention that manifests in texting.... That need for attention and to be relevant to others led to her sharing client information with pretty much anyone that asked. Far more information than should have been shared.

You are perceived as supporting her. In that regard you probably receive PMs, texts emails from her supporters. It is part of a picture.

You have been, in the past, perceived as being against someone and you have probably received PMs, texts emails from that persons haters as well. It provides a different picture of a person.

When you are back we can grab that lunch or dinner and talk and I will let you see that other side.... as well as the GV Text logs with information on multiple clients that was gathered all too easily.....She simply wants to talk about things so much, to HAVE someone to talk to so badly, that she talks to anyone that wishes to get her to.

Does she deserve a chance to put this behind her? Certainly. She does.

But if she is allowed to simply do it over and over than she will become more callous.

I remember when you were a much more private member. I think the information Slave posted yesterday in another thread was off topic and overly personal in nature in regards to you. I know others would be put off by it. It's rather innocent by itself. When put in the same light as other information she has provided though others see it differently.

This thread will be crossing 10,000 views and contains 100+ references to her indiscretions and will be seen by anyone searching her name out.

Tuesday Morning I will start a new thread in response to Karla's questions and we will get another 10,000 views as well as a complete recap of the other dangers she presents.

You can put the energy into starting 20-30 new threads a day to try to reopen a thread from a year ago so that she and her supporters can continue to attach SFK if you like.

All it will take to keep this and a new thread on health issues on the font page is a couple of responses a day. And the impacts it will have on her image in search results will continue to grow.

A lot of dangerous people have been very likeable.
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Old 05-25-2014, 12:39 PM   #311
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
No, I'm not answering for a mod, just answering your question.

The question was asked of a MOD not you. But thank you.

The fact is, if an OP asks for their thread to be closed, it's at a mods discretion whether to close it or leave it open. In this instance they opted to close it.

Show me where in the rules MODS are to close threADS if the OP requests it closed? You're off the reservation with that one! I know it and you know it!

The real question is why closing that thread this such an issue for you?

I don't want to make this personal SKF. I'm NOT interested in your "speech" (thread). I'm interested in ANY thread that is closed because the OP requests it closed. Do I need to get DH to come here to ESPLAIN it to you? LMFAO.

What's your agenda and sudden interest in this thread, in particular?

Once again... not interested and could care less. But that was some bad ass MOD shit. Rockerick can post for countless hours and crickets yet your thread got the attention you requested in THREE MINUTES!

I see you working...but you're playing checkers here.

Not a fan of checkers but LOVE both Chess & Chests!

...just saying.



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Old 05-25-2014, 12:56 PM   #312
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
I feel the same way and do things for similar reasons.

In this case I believe we differ in opinion.

I believe that Slave Guinevere is beyond careless..... I believe she is reckless and dangerous with the information she has and I believe that the on board incidents over the last few months where she has carelessly posted information about a member is a pattern that, gone unchecked, can lead to someone eventually having something in their personal life blow up.

I think she is a provider more at risk of outing herself than any other I am aware of as a result of her posts regarding her health issues, workout schedules, children, etc.... If she continued to publicly post on a regular basis I believe she will eventually out a client.

You and I are similar in that neither of us wants to see someone in this community harmed by the actions of another.

In most cases the person that is intent on doing damage is a villain that is pretty easy to be negative towards. Their intentions are self serving and harmful.

In many cases you believe someone is more a victim though than I think I do.

I don't think most of what Slave G has screwed up on has been vindictive in nature. I believe her actions have been impulsive and emotional in nature.

I told you a couple of months ago that there was a lot more to come out that hasn't yet. That was at the start of digging into just how easily Slave G would share information.

You know that there have been discussions regarding her incessant, nonstop need for attention that manifests in texting.... That need for attention and to be relevant to others led to her sharing client information with pretty much anyone that asked. Far more information than should have been shared.

You are perceived as supporting her. In that regard you probably receive PMs, texts emails from her supporters. It is part of a picture.

You have been, in the past, perceived as being against someone and you have probably received PMs, texts emails from that persons haters as well. It provides a different picture of a person.

When you are back we can grab that lunch or dinner and talk and I will let you see that other side.... as well as the GV Text logs with information on multiple clients that was gathered all too easily.....She simply wants to talk about things so much, to HAVE someone to talk to so badly, that she talks to anyone that wishes to get her to.

Does she deserve a chance to put this behind her? Certainly. She does.

But if she is allowed to simply do it over and over than she will become more callous.

I remember when you were a much more private member. I think the information Slave posted yesterday in another thread was off topic and overly personal in nature in regards to you. I know others would be put off by it. It's rather innocent by itself. When put in the same light as other information she has provided though others see it differently.

This thread will be crossing 10,000 views and contains 100+ references to her indiscretions and will be seen by anyone searching her name out.

Tuesday Morning I will start a new thread in response to Karla's questions and we will get another 10,000 views as well as a complete recap of the other dangers she presents.

You can put the energy into starting 20-30 new threads a day to try to reopen a thread from a year ago so that she and her supporters can continue to attach SFK if you like.

All it will take to keep this and a new thread on health issues on the font page is a couple of responses a day. And the impacts it will have on her image in search results will continue to grow.

A lot of dangerous people have been very likeable.
It's interesting how others can misinterpret a question. My question is NOT about SKF'S thread. It is directed to the MOD that closed it. See a pattern here in SA? Use to be Mokoa now its JJ. WTF? Just answer the fucking question is that so fucking hard? Maybe he thought it was the right thing to do? Perhaps he felt nothing good could come from leaving it open? Maybe he just wanted SKF just to shut the fuck up? But until JJ answers the question we just won't know will we? Take SKF'S thread and pull it into the back room and leave it in the junk pile for all I care. What I do care about is fairness in MOD standards and selective enforcement of the rules!
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Old 05-25-2014, 01:50 PM   #313
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Yes I know its going to be Memorial day
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Old 05-25-2014, 05:54 PM   #314
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
It's interesting how others can misinterpret a question. My question is NOT about SKF'S thread. It is directed to the MOD that closed it. See a pattern here in SA? Use to be Mokoa now its JJ. WTF? Just answer the fucking question is that so fucking hard? Maybe he thought it was the right thing to do? Perhaps he felt nothing good could come from leaving it open? Maybe he just wanted SKF just to shut the fuck up? But until JJ answers the question we just won't know will we? Take SKF'S thread and pull it into the back room and leave it in the junk pile for all I care. What I do care about is fairness in MOD standards and selective enforcement of the rules!
That thread is a bout a year old and no one cared about it till recently.

As much as I love flaming MODs ya can't crucify JJ MOD 3.1 over his actions during JJ Beta Release.

He's learned a lot.

you were a part of that education
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Old 05-25-2014, 08:05 PM   #315
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
That thread is a bout a year old and no one cared about it till recently.

As much as I love flaming MODs ya can't crucify JJ MOD 3.1 over his actions during JJ Beta Release.

He's learned a lot.

you were a part of that education
Interesting perspective..... here is what I get out of that thread...

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Bare Back, Cream Pie, Fight Argue, Make Up Sex, Divorce, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah...

Reminds me to much of my last couple of marriages!

Asking for marriage advise from flinde / SL is like asking Nadya Suleman (Octomom) about birth control...

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