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Old 05-23-2014, 06:48 PM   #271
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One item that has made itself very apparent is provider sees older gents that are somewhat passive.

If a gent has a ragging hard on, looks sharp, clean and is muscular he doesn't get seen.
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Old 05-23-2014, 07:11 PM   #272
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Ass plowing business a little slow?
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Old 05-23-2014, 07:37 PM   #273
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Old 05-23-2014, 07:44 PM   #274
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks View Post
So, as usual, you got nothing.

Except much blather, little substance.
Well.... For now.... It's effective and more keeps coming... The board has guidelines that I try to stay within.... but you know that... there is nothing I could post that you would not simply disqualify as you are not remotely interested in anything accept trying to do just that. It's been a few years now at least and it still doesn't work for you.....

On the other hand... I seem to have the affect I am looking for.

For those that pause and read what has been shared and what she has posted many seem to make the right decision in how they proceed....

and her support base shrinks.....

others simply think to themselves...."Well... If they were not afraid of her or her supporters why would they feel the need to come running back here to post something about what they already posted?

It's the "Court of Public Opinion" not a court of law sir....

I lay out my side... others lay out theirs.... people decide for themselves....
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Old 05-23-2014, 07:55 PM   #275
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I do think there is an air of I'm to good for you I have to many gents wanting to see me.

Karma has a way of equaling things out though.
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Old 05-23-2014, 08:06 PM   #276
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Originally Posted by bonn11 View Post
I do think there is an air of I'm to good for you I have to many gents wanting to see me.

Karma has a way of equaling things out though.
Hmm... You saying guys on here wanta see you to get their ass plowed! Or that the ladies have an attitude about receiving one of your ass plowing?

I can't believe guys on here are willing to
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Old 05-23-2014, 08:09 PM   #277
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It's clear what I meant.

I do Greek I do NOT take it.
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Old 05-23-2014, 08:24 PM   #278
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
... there is nothing I could post that you would not simply disqualify ...
You could post the support for what you would have us believe is fact.

Or, stop making such claims and just keep it to yourself. Simple enough. Stop being a rumor monger.
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Old 05-23-2014, 09:02 PM   #279
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Originally Posted by bonn11 View Post
It's clear what I meant.

I do Greek I do NOT take it.
Understood, it kind of sounds like you have guys contacting YOU to plow THEIR asses! Not you getting plowed.
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Old 05-23-2014, 09:28 PM   #280
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Originally Posted by bonn11 View Post
One item that has made itself very apparent is provider sees older gents that are somewhat passive.

If a gent has a ragging hard on, looks sharp, clean and is muscular he doesn't get seen.
Originally Posted by bonn11 View Post
I do think there is an air of I'm to good for you I have to many gents wanting to see me.

Karma has a way of equaling things out though.
I am actually younger than her I usually have a raging hard on I look sharp when I see her I am very clean which I am sure all ladies can atest to and I have no problem seeing her. Maybe it is because I don't post after post of splitting ass pipes or talk about my raging robodick hardon that has to be injected with some miracle drug so that it has to be tied to my leg so as not to attract attention as I show up to her incall

Bonn Don't you think you have freaked her out enough already:

Get a clue already!!
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Old 05-23-2014, 10:06 PM   #281
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
I am actually old nger than her I usually have a raging hard on I look sharp when I see her I am very clean which I am sure all ladies can atest to and I have no problem seeing her. Maybe it is because I don't post after post of splitting ass pipes or talk about my raging robodick hardon that has to be injected with some miracle drug so that it has to be tied to my leg so as not to attract attention as I show up to her incall

Bonn Don't you think you have freaked her out enough already:

Get a clue already!!
OMG - that is so fuckng hilarious! Bonn should use that for his avatar.
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Old 05-23-2014, 10:18 PM   #282
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Originally Posted by Hiker78 View Post
Hmm... You saying guys on here wanta see you to get their ass plowed! Or that the ladies have an attitude about receiving one of your ass plowing?

I can't believe guys on here are willing to
Originally Posted by bonn11 View Post
It's clear what I meant.

I do Greek I do NOT take it.
Originally Posted by Hiker78 View Post
Understood, it kind of sounds like you have guys contacting YOU to plow THEIR asses! Not you getting plowed.
Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
I am actually younger than her I usually have a raging hard on I look sharp when I see her I am very clean which I am sure all ladies can atest to and I have no problem seeing her. Maybe it is because I don't post after post of splitting ass pipes or talk about my raging robodick hardon that has to be injected with some miracle drug so that it has to be tied to my leg so as not to attract attention as I show up to her incall

Bonn Don't you think you have freaked her out enough already:

Get a clue already!!
Originally Posted by Louigi View Post
OMG - that is so fuckng hilarious! Bonn should use that for his avatar.
This is NOT a Bonn thread. Please stick to the subject.
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Old 05-24-2014, 05:33 AM   #283
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Originally Posted by sandy
Only a select few, not including me, really know the whole story behind this actually not just several month, but several year issue.

Several year Issue? I certainly have not been a part of any several year issue where anyone in San Antonio is concerned. Search my names and threads started in San Antonio. I made a decision towards the end of last year that i was going to become much more active in San Antonio. I started reading the San Antonio forums regularly back in Sept 2013 and decided in October I was going to give a lot of attention to the forums after the holidays and verbalized that at a little get together where owners and Mods were present. Why? I did not care for Mokoa and I told them to get ready to hear from him as I intended to become a thorn in his side. There were also a couple of San Antonio Members that irritated me following me around to other forums and threads and if they were so interested I would play in their sandbox.

The more I post and visit the city the more people I meet and more I talk to people behind the scenes. I became aware of SG late last year and met her three times. The first time at a GC Party I hosted. My date was a 19yo stripper and at a Christmas Fundraiser and the after party where my 20yo SB was with me. The idea that I would seriously want a session with her is ridiculous but I guess it feeds what some of you need in order to not doubt her. The idea that I would trade by SB for her at the time was just as ludicrous.

I have been around these boards and communities for 14 to 15 years and met hundreds of folks as well as shared ladies with the community that I've met. People that actually know me know two things are definite.

1) I see young ladies.... 18-22yo makes up 90% of my sessions 23 to 25yo another 9.5%. I have spent money on ONE girl that was 26 and there was a young lady from San Antonio that I knew from her entrance as a 18yo stripper until her retirement after her last child and she was 30 right about that time. I was married to the only woman I was ever with over the age of 40 but she was gone at 41.

None of this is about SG rejecting me because I've never remotely wanted to spend any time with her.

It won't all come out ever and doesn't need to. Call me a White Knight, it would be a promotion at this point.

Things come out..... There is a lot behind the scenes and more building and there will be more that comes out. What IS true is that some of you with blinders on will refuse to see it... and others seeing will refuse to believe it...

My involvement in this began with communication from Slave Guinevere requesting my assistance in dealing with the dog picture issue. She felt I would jump to her defense and she wanted me to crucify the San Antonio Mods and the guy involved.... My recommendation to her at the time was that it would not serve her well to do anything other than to drop it and that in my opinion it was something that could hurt her more to push and it has. This has been stated before....

Whispers did raise a question, that I believe could have been a general one but wasn't, about all of us being careful for all of us. We are all in this ship together and it ain't sinking. Yet.

And the idea that it will sink is ludicrous...... Do you you guys realize the effect you are having on other ladies in San Antonio? How some of them wonder if you even know they exist? All the support for SG has taken a toll on them. She as well as many of you have alienated ladies to the point that some of them are feeding information, providing copies of emails, PMS and texts because they are sick and tired of reading about Slave Guiniviere and see SG's pictures posted over and over.....

Some of you think I hurt a ladies feelings with what I say?... Damn man.... you are so clueless of what y'all do with the way you support her.

Eccie has certainly served me well as I'm certain it has others. I sure hope that aspect never goes away. But, (you knew that was coming. I know. I know.) does the warning have to get personal and does it have to continue on a personal line? MHO-no.

We discuss generalities all the time.... Sometimes though points are best made with specifics and when it comes to discussions of our personal information as clients and how it is used as well as the physical risks of seeing providers that engage in certain kinds of activities while having certain medical conditions.... well... Slave Guinevere makes for a perfect example of a lot of things that we risk every day.

I appreciate your opinion and you have taken the rare approach as well as the proper one.. IMO... of attacking the material..... not the poster.... I can appreciate that

Now, as long as people respond, from either side, it WILL continue.


Also, I don't claim to know all the rules, my fault, and absolutely don't know ALL the mods responsibility. Nor do I want that job you'll be happy to know, whispers. But, it appears a lot of this has been too vindictive and dragged on for far longer than it needed to.

It was not being drug out though.... This thread was done and over with.... too soon in my opinion...... For threads to have life they have to have participants..... This thread was kick started after days of inactivity by Next9 and then Slave Guinevere herself when she launched her attack at SofaKingFun.....

You seem logical and well spoken.

Please..... Take a look at the activity ... Go to Page 9 Post 121 and read from there.....

This thread WAS for all intents and purposes done on 05-15

Then on 05-21 Next9 comes in to save the fair maiden and away it goes....

Before the end of the day.... you had posted and then Slave G picked it to be her first comments with an attack on SofaKingFun

Yes I've read it all. No not real carefully. Has been somewhat entertaining at times.
Can we desist from the long enough for now negative and move on!
My 2 cents.

I appreciate your response Whispers and again your response to my pm.
I don't believe I communicated well enough to get some of my points across and that is why they may have been misunderstood.
Several year was not pertaining to you or your individual threads. Something else that does not need to be aired out here. IE, not directed at you sir.
I am sure you have more info behind the scenes, as does she.
I get that you had no interest in seeing her as to your preferences for younger ladies. Ok! I don't prefer the younger ladies myself. I also don't go on about how many ladies I see/have or want. Don't need anyone to know that personally.
You have your side to initiation of this and she has hers. They obviously don't agree. Ok again. So what.
She is also having a positive effect on several providers on here. Not just negative as you state.
You have stated your specifics, as you make the point it needed to be in your opinion. Why does it have to continue is my primary question/concern.
I did not mean to imply that this ship would sink either. My bad for not getting that across well.
My perspective was that it had gone on longer than necessary. But it may not be yours. That's sure ok with me as well.
Last, and certainly not least, thank you for recognizing my intent. I was not directing this toward you, simply asking about the nature of the reason the specifics and the negative had to continue.
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Old 05-24-2014, 09:00 AM   #284
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Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks View Post
You could post the support for what you would have us believe is fact.

Or, stop making such claims and just keep it to yourself. Simple enough. Stop being a rumor monger.

Not possible... It's an MO. See sig.
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Old 05-24-2014, 09:47 AM   #285
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My one or two general comments without naming a provider has brought out the attackers.

I'm receiving threatening PMs for sharing my thoughts.

Those threatening PMs have been forwarded to the appropriate levels.
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